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Wedding More Wedding Photos More 1900s Photos Meath Immigrants

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Mumford-Fitzsimmons Wedding, October 31, 1916
Newspaper account below

Thanks to Bill Powers for locating the following article:

Rutland Herald, 1 Nov 1916, page 7.
Wedding Ceremony Performed In Church of the Holy Innocents.

Miss Bertha I. Mumford of this city, daughter of P.H. Mumford of West Rutland, became the bride of John T. Fitzsimmons of West Rutland yesterday morning, the marriage ceremony being performed by Rev. W.N. Lonergan at the Church of the Holy Innocents. Miss Clara Mumford, a sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and George Fitzsimmons, a brother of the groom, was best man. P.H. Mumford of Norwich, Ct., and D.J. Canty of this city were the ushers.

Bertha Mumford and John Fitzsimmons

Miss Katherine Clifford, organist, rendered the “Bridal Chorus” from Loherngrin. As a recessional Mendelsohn’s “Wedding March” was played. The bride was attired in white satin with tulle and silver lace trimmings. She carried a bouquet of white roses and wore a white hat. Her attendant wore pink silk crepe with a hat to match. She carried pink carnations.

Clara Mumford, Bridesmaid

George Fitzsimmons, Best man

Mrs. D.J. Canty of Engrem avenue, a sister of Miss Mumford opened her home for a wedding breakfast. Their immediate relatives were present. Autumn foliage and cut flowers were used as house decorations.

(left to right) Dennis Canty, usher; son Donald; daughter Mary Margaret; wife Katherine Mumford Canty; sister-in-law Theresa Mumford; daughter Kathleen Canty

Mr. and Mrs. Fitzsimmons received many gifts. They have gone to New York and Washington, D.C., where they will spend their honeymoon. Mr. Fitzsimmons is a machinist in the employ of the Rutland railroad.

Patrick H. Mumford Sr., father of the bride, (right) and his daughter Betty Mumford (left)

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Created by CHabes, January 6, 2004