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Website of James E Powell


This is my other website. There's a lot of overlap with my other website. I never know which site someone might find first! I am a published author. Well, I guess I prefer the term writer to author. When I hear the word "author" I think of literature. I'm just a technical writer, more or less. I'd like to do it full-time someday. Guess that's a more realistic career goal than some. For now, I'm an IT manager (middle management in every sense of the word).

I created this site primarily to "market" myself as a writer. My published work has been primarily Internet-related. They range from book and product reviews, to technology articles on metasearching, the future of search engines, and Web publishing. In 1998, my first (and to date, only) book was published by Wadsworth Publishing, entitled "HTML Plus!". As with any technology book, it had a short shelf-life, and is now somewhat out of date. You can find my book for sale here or through Currently, I am working on two book ideas (one technology-related, one not), as well as a couple of articles. I'd love to hear from anyone interested in publishing either of these books. Follow the links below to find sample chapters for each, and some of my other work. I don't just write about technology! For example, check out my article on zone denial for planting your very own "bleeding edge" garden that'll be the envy of the neighborhood.

Writings - by topic

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  Table of Contents for HTML Plus