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December 2012 Meeting Minutes


December 2nd 2012 Meeting minutes:

President: Pending
Vice President: Tom Batha 75 Montgomery St. Rouses Point, NY
Treasurer: Bob Chase P.O. Box 187 Stowe, VT 05672
Secretary/Web master: Joe Illuzzi, 138 Main St. Montpelier, VT 05602
Assistant Secretary: Hank Baer P.O. Box 310 E. Barre, VT
Quartermaster: Steve Board
Directors: Jack McDermott Chairman, Steve Board, Mark Jenkinson

From December Meeting:
Club meeting was called to order on December 2nd, at 1100hrs at the Vermont Militia Museum at Camp Johnson in Colchester.   There where 11 club members present.

Nominations for 2013 and new positions where created and talked about.
Discussions on topics also included;  rally site and cleanup,   date of 2013 rally (TBD),   rally advertising,   vendor and camping locations layout,   clubs field stoves and who has them and what are missing for parts and where are the clubs banners.
Motion was made by Tom Batha for new positions and was seconded by Jeff Houghton,  motion carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 12:15

* Next Meeting: January 27th will be the clubs annual meeting and breakfast with voting on new positions and nominations for 2013.   Meeting location is at the American Legion Post 91 in Colchester, VT at 0900hrs for breakfast and meeting at 1030hrs.

* From the Vice President: Tom Batha
Tom provided some new ideas and a new slate of nominations for 2013. This should regroup the club for it's existence and make it more efficient.

* Nominations for 2013:
President: Larry Thurber!
Vice President: Jeff Houghton!
Treasurer: Bob Chase
Secretary/Web Master: Joe Illuzzi
Assistant Secretary: Hank Baer
Quartermaster: Steve Board
Directors: Jack McDermott, Don Gail, Mark Jenkins

* New Positions created;
Newsletter Editor: John Vetter! (possible)
Newsletter Distribution: George Agnew!
Rally Chairman/Director: SSG VTANG, Bill Schmitt!
Membership Committee Chairwoman: Tammie Schmitt!
Event Promoter: Jeff Houghton!

Financial News:
Treasury: As of December 1, 2012 we have $2581.72 with ( NA ) members in the club.

Old Club Officers 2012
President: (NA)
Vise President Tom Batha
Treasure Bob Chase
Secretary Joe Illuzi
Assistant Secretary Hank Baer
Quartermaster Steve Board
Chairman of the Board, Jack McDermott
Directors, Mark Jenkinson, Steve Board.

New Club Officers:
We have a slate of nominations and new positions that will be voted on at the January 27th annual meeting and luncheon.  Please attend this meeting to vote and voice and thoughts that you may have. Without your participation this club will cease to exist. This will also be a good time to pay your 2013 membership dues.

From the Secretary:
"WE" are in the process of getting the newsletter back on a regular monthly schedule. Tom Buckowski has volunteered to revive the newsletter, with the assistance of George Agnew. We are going to do a Motorpool section, highlighting members ongoing restorations and Maintenance.
Starting this section will be Gerry Boucher and his 1945 Willy’s MB. Also, a new section on Military History Preserved, Brian Lindner highlights a little info on the 43rd ID 172 Infantry 118 Quartermaster, Company B out of Waterbury, VT in 1941. Read on and please feel free to contribute. Photos will be included in an attachment to e-mail version only.

Newsletter mailing vs. e-mail:
In order to get the club back on track we are going to be sending the newsletter by snail mail and e-mail also through the club Yahoo group. An application for 2013 membership will be included with the newsletter.