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October Meeting Minutes


October 28th 2012 Bulletin

President: OPEN
Vice President: Tom Batha
Treasures: Bob Chase
Assistant Treasurer: OPEN
Secretary: Joe Illuzzi
Web master: Joe Illuzzi
Directors: Jack McDermott Chairman, Kerry Bernstein, Don Gale

DON'T FORGET TO SEND YOUR 2013 DUES, $20.00. TO:  BOB CHASE P.O. Box 187 Stowe, VT 05672

Minutes From October Meetings: October meeting was held 10-28-12, At the Vermont Militia Museum Camp Johnson Colchester, VT. 10 members present.

  • Treasury: As of 10-28-2012, $2583.70, with ? paid members. We would like to have all members pay their 2013 dues ($20.00) ASAP. We are constantly updating our members list, so please contact Bob Chase (PO Box 187 Stowe Vermont 05672) with your membership renewal. This will be a good time to pay your dues for 2013. Hopefully we will have some paid parades this year.
    Remember participation in these parades and events helps fund other club functions, like the dinner at the Stowe Auto Show and the cook out after the Hardwick Parade and the Summer Rally.

  • Next Meeting: will be at the Militia Museum at Camp Johnson, Colchester, VT 1100hrs Dec 2.

  • From the Vice President: Tom Batha I’ve decided to hold a club meeting on Sunday, Dec 2nd, 11 am, Camp Johnson. We need to hold election of officers and make date plans for the 2013 Rally. Waiting for our next regular meeting at the end of Jan will be too late. We need a nominating committee to come up with a slate. Club member Bill Schmidt (SSG VTANG) has volunteered his wife to take over membership/roster duties and that might work, splitting those functions off from Bob Chase. Finally, we learned that our 401C 3 expired, and our Incorporation is still valid in Delaware.

  • New News; Treasury: Funding for club events will be voted on, in the past, the Hardwick Memorial Day Parade Cookout and club meeting at John desGroselliers $125.00. The cookout at Stowe $200.00. If you have not been to these two events in the past make it a point to be there this next year.

  • Old Club Officers : President, Jeff Houghton; Vise President, Tom Batha; Treasure, Bob Chase; Secretary, Joe Illuzi; assistant Secretary Hank Bear; Quartermaster, Steve Board; Chairman of the Board, Jack McDermott; Directors, Mark Jenkinson, Steve Board.

  • New Club Officers: We are looking for new blood to help with club operations. Nominees will be made at the December meeting We will be voting for a new slate of officers at the January meeting

  • From the Secretary: WE are in the process of getting the newsletter back on a regular monthly schedule. Tom Buckowski has volunteered to revive the newsletter, with the assistance of George Agnew. We are going to do a Motorpool section, highlighting members ongoing restorations and Maintenance, Starting this section will be Gerry Boucher and his 1945 Willy’s MB. Also, a new section on Military History Preserved, Brian Lindner highlights a little info on the 43rd ID 172 Infantry 118 Quartermaster, Company B out of Waterbury Vermont in 1941. Read on and please feel free to contribute. Photos will be included in an attachment to e-mail version only.

  • Newsletter mailing vs. e-mail: In order to get the club back on track we are going to be sending the newsletter by snail mail and e-mail also through the club Yahoo group. An application for 2013 membership will be included with the newsletter.

  • 2012 Rally News: I have to mention this again. This was the second year at this site, we hope we are welcome back in 2013. The site is located off Rt 2 north of Waterbury, at the field next to the Cider House Restaurant. This is great. The access and the visibility are the best. The site can be seen from the Interstate. The best news is it is Flat ground, all of it. So no more fighting for the one flat spot to set your tent. Also we have the use of the field at no cost.The first thing that comes to mind is the weather, it was great sunshine but very hot and dusty. Many vehicles and club members made this rally a success. The McKnight Family worked very hard as they are know to do, we thank them for their hard work and generosity. This was the best display of WW11 vehicles and equipment that we ever had, John Vetter with his M3A1 Stuart light Tank. Colin dug in as many dogfaces have done during the war and George Devlin had a great command tent set up. Jeff Houghton gave a great showing of a Viet Nam ear bunker and equipment.

  • Lots of great M35’s and some British Land Rovers. The Vermont Army Guard was there with two 105MM Cannons firing a couple of rounds every hour on the hour Saturday. Late on Saturday afternoon we where invaded by our neighbors to the north our Canadian friends with a contingent of 14 jeeps of all types from WW11 to Iltises or would that be Ilties?? We do hope that we are still in the good graces of the land owner. Also organization was a little lacking. We need to make this an all club effort to make it enjoyable for all. Tenting for club operations is still an issue. It would be nice to find some appropriate tents for registration and other displays.

  • Club Storage: Storage is now comprised of one M105 trailer currently located at the residence of Don Gale in Lincoln, VT. and other club property in various locations in Vermont.

  • Events: TBD Waterloo Khaki 2013: Next August 1-2-3 , the Québec Military Vehicle enthusiasts are organizing a 3-day even in Waterloo, QC: Waterloo Khaki 2013. We invite all those who wish to share in our love of History and Military vehicles of all eras. The City of Waterloo is providing us with a fenced-in soccer pitch for our vehicles and tents, etc, located near the local arena where we will have access to facilities such as bathrooms, showers, etc. The schedule is still under discussion but so far, we have arrival and set-up on the Thursday (Aug 1); Participation is free for all, includes parking and use of arena for showers, etc; breakfasts, lunches and dance will have a charge to be determined. I know there are many things happening this summer but Waterloo is an easy drive down Highway 10 in the Eastern Townships, only 50 min. from Montreal and 40 min. from the US border. Parking for civilian vehicles and trailers will be available at the front of the Arena and is secure, leaving the assembly ground clear for Military Vehicles and camp. Please be sure to mark your calendars and pass the invite along to other enthusiasts. If you want more information, do call 450-539-4172 . In order to help the organizing committee, please let us know if you are interested in attending, with what vehicle(s), if you plan to camp, need a display area, wish to be part of the flee market. Hope some of you can make it for the 4 days or even if it were just for a day or 2, I'm sure fun will be had by all.

  • New Projects: If anyone has information to share regarding the headings below please feel free to contribute.

  • GMMVC MotorPool OMS Shop: PLIERS: Used to round off bolt heads. Sometimes used in the creation of blood blisters.

  • Military History Preserved: By Brian Lindner: In February of 1941 the 43rd Division was federalized. This pulled the 172nd Infantry Regiment and the 118th Quartermaster Corps into the regular Army. Company B of the 118th was the original Vermont National Guard unit in Waterbury and commanded by (later) Colonel Rex Morse. One hot summer night at Camp Blanding in Florida, several members of Company B decided it might be a good time to "requisition" one of the trucks and "secure" a large supply of watermelons from the local farm fields. A big truck, some alcohol, darkness and a remote farm road all conspired to cause the troops to destroy the truck in the middle of the "mission." Panicked, the troops fearfully approached Morse the next day to report the "accident." They asked his direction on how they should handle the unlawful destruction of government property. Morse thought for a few moments then said, "Gentlemen, I suggest you report that unknown vandals stole one of our trucks last night." To this day the surviving members of Company B recall Colonel Morse with only glowing memories.

  • GMMVC Latrine Wall: Jeff H. is bringing a 5 ton back from Maine!

  • GMMVC Motor pool: This will be a new feature to the newsletter, Members can post what projects they are involved with and the progress of same. Gerry Boucher contributes: So as you can see I completely took my 1945 Willys MB apart and had the frame sand blasted and after a complete inspection found the frame was in excellent condition so I primed it using a 2 part epoxy primer by Valspar and painted it the correct Canadian field colour (make sure you keep the correct spelling of colour) which is a semi-gloss khaki by Gillespie. Canada never had the US Olive Drab according to official records since we were forced to buy the same jeeps as the US Marines. Once painted I installed all new brake lines and now I’m ready to get the body sand blasted. That will be the next installment.

  • Event Schedule for 2012-13: For info on these events see above in the news letter. Dec 2 Club meeting 1100hrs Militia Museum at Camp Johnson Jan Club meeting TBD Feb Club meeting TBD March Club meeting TBD April Club meeting TBD May Club meeting parade Hardwick TBD June Club meeting TBD July Club Rally July Weare NH Rally Aug 1-2-3 Waterloo Khaki 2013 Aug 9-11 Stowe Auto show

  • Please try to attend meetings for your input, support and any ideas that you may have.