Hey, Welcome to GirlzRule.Org ©


¤¤¤[about me]

¤¤¤[lyrics to a good song about women]

¤¤¤[how to deal with labels]


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¤¤¤[rant about anything in the message forum]

¤¤¤[links to other rockin' sites on the web]

¤¤¤[link me]

¤¤¤[things donated by people to me]

¤¤¤[awards to give to people]

¤¤¤[updates on the site]

*snort* 2+2=7 *snort*

Layout © Ere Serene, created by Strawberry ©
This site is about girls. Everywhere, all the time, there are things out there that are demeaning to women. Chiristina Aguilera and Britney Spears are 2 examples of women who choose to be sex objects and dress like sluts, i know that calling them sluts is labeling, and i'm totally against that, but it's true. Now, don't get me wrong, Christina Aguilera can write some pretty good music, but other than that... there's not much to her. Not only is this site about girls, it's about things i am strongly opposed to and thinks i am in favour of, like i am opposed to labeling, i am in favour of animal rights.
There's more to women/girls than everyone thinks, and when a girl gets grouchy, it's automatically PMS, not true, not all girls suffer from PMS. We all have our mood changes. Anyway, there's my rant, for now. Check out some stuff around here and see if you likey. Sign my guestbok, join the chat or message forum, do whatever.
© TTYL, Angel.


[06.07.03]¤ started the site up today :) added and uploaded some content and some crap. Anyway, g2g, ttyl.

[06.08.03]¤ added a guestbook, chat and message forum.

[06.08.03]¤ finished all my pages and got the site up, but i'm still waiting for my domain name to properly transfer to my server so i can copy the site onto the server as well, but if i copy it now, i can use my "temporary domain" at girlzrule.nstemp.org.

[06.10.03]¤ added a link to my link page. If I had a web ring, this site would definately be in it! Girls Can Rock Out. Great site. Domain still hasn't transfered properly so i'm pretty pissed, and it's been 72 hours like my server said *getting angry*

[06.10.03]¤ added another link to my site, this one is even better then GCRO *sorry Katherine*, but it is! anywho's, got more stuff to do.

[06.10.03]¤ been browsin' the net for other great sites to link and found a couple more, these sites r great, that's why i'm linking them. And if you email me wanting a link on my site, i will check it first to make sure it's worthy...

That's all for now © Angel.