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Duo's Xbox Sucks Page


Bill Gates Humor
X-box Sucks Page
X-box Hub Comic
Past News
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Works In Progress

Welcome to my Xbox sucks page! Please note this is all in good fun, but Xbox does suck. I have many funny pictures here that I and my friends have made.

Note: I am not a fanboy but X-box does (at least in my oppinion) suck. I try to update this site with new pictures and comics at LEAST once every two weeks. It takes so long because I take pride in my pictures and esspecialy my comics. Missed some Update News? No problem just click the 'Past News' link at the bottom of the page!

Ok some people don't seem to get this, its all in good fun. I personaly think Xbox sucks, you may not but this site is for fun. If you dont like it then leave, no ones making you look at it.

Last updated: 08/31/2002

Added a new comic its in the Bill Gate Humor Page. Pass-it-on Please sign my guestbook ^_^
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