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The Eyes Of The Old

Often we wonder about our Path in Life,if we've chosen the right one,or if we're merely wandering. Some seem to have it so together,and we eyeball them with distrust and mixed envy. Why can't our lives be so "put-together"? It's often said we're never given more than we can handle. I'm one of those people who wonder who "they" are...and what cards "they" were dealt in the game called Life. I look around me and see tragedy,distrust,vengence,lonliness,violence,selfishness,betrayal. I we appear in the eyes of the Old. Do they shake their heads in disgust? Do their hearts break into pieces as they watch the mistakes we make? So many chances we're many wrongs to make right. Yet,we sit back and wait for the Other person to start first. Some seek salvation in religion. Some seek redemption in shrinking from religion. Some seek their desires in darker tastes. Yet,I can't believe that the Human race is beyond redemption. Whether it be by the God they pray to,or the very people they are. I believe there is some Fate in Destiny, I also believe that some choose their own Fate. I fear not where I'm going beyond this Life. I fear the Life I'm in...I think the Life you're in is Your test of Will. The cards you are dealt are cards ordained to You...make the best of what You have,envy not of Others,and Cherish those You have.----OriginalSyn