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welcome to the era of the homies science..... a new begining..... a new dawn ..... the manifestation of the ultimate ideal.....

the rehome science site


School Song


homies science

About This Site

The motivation behind this site is a desire to create a long lasting memorial for the ex-students of Home Science Association Secondary School. Although many of the alumni are members of the MSN community Homies Science, this site attempts to address the Home Science Phenomenon from a different point of view. This site attempts to be the first of many ventures into this realm. It is aimed that this would be the stepping-stone for greater things for the alumni well let's just say, for the HOMIES SCIENCE. .

A popular question that might be asked by critics is how a bunch of disunited alumni can put together a venture as daring as this.Well the answer is simple, we didn't go to Home Science for nothing!

Brace yourself for an experience you'd probably never experience anywhere. Be a skeptic if you want to but observe how this site will be transformed from a scrawny web archive to a first rate portal. It took nearly seven years to see the first coat of paint in Home Science. This is going to be long, but we will get there. Someday. Somehow....

Let us build today tomorrows pride,

As bearers of an undying torch.

Invest our creative minds,

And to reach our ultimate goal.