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Lord Voldemor's Minions

Did you know that there are only around four fan sites dedicated to Lord Voldemort (He-Who's-Name-Must-Be-Hyphenated)and his noble work? Oh sure, loads of people like Tom Riddle because he is youthful and posesses many features that make girls swoon, such as nice skin, deep eyes, and lithe 'n lean body. (Note: none of these are actually confirmed, merely girlish fantasies) Personally I am sickened that people can be entirely devoted to the pathetic exsistence of Malfoy and Snape in their evilness, yet can't understand the awesomeness of the Lord.

Stand Loyal, Supporters, our Day will come.

Riddle House Annexations

Job Information
Mockeries of a Dark Lord
The Polls
Buttons [Not done]
Voldemort Chatboard!

Internet Suporters

Dark Order
Death Eater Lounge
Death Eaters Ink
Voldemort's House of Mild Irritation

Take out your quill and sign the register.
Owl Me

Voldemort will be watching....