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Hello and welcome to the BEST sonic site on the net, or what I like to call "That big database of porn". We have lots of info on this site that NO ONE ELSE HAS! Yes, you heard me, NO ONE ELSE HAS!1! We did not make any of it up!


This cool guys name is Sonic! He likes to eat food. When he's not doing that he's fighting Dr.Robotnik! Sonic runs real fast so it gives him power to smash bad guys with his head! It's like *BWOO* *BOO*! When he's not fighting, he stays at home with his wife Amy and his son Tails.


Dude! Liek, she's hot and all! She's Sonic's wife. She likes to "do it" with him all day and night. And Sonic's like, like, he says, like, "dude! i can't do u all nite long!" And she's like..."whatever". One night Sonic forgot to wear a condom on his hotdog and gave Amy tails. I'm confused to. In the game Amy hits things with a hammer. I don't know why. She must be PMSing. My sister does that alot. Once, she got made at me, and like, she hit me with a hammer. Must be the same thing.


He rules. He an fly around and hit things with his tail. In the game he picks up sonic and takes him to hard to reach areas. He's Sonic and Amy's son. AND DON'T TELL ME I'M WRONG! I READ A COMIX ONLINE AND THEY SAID HE WAS SONIC AND AMY'S SON! HAHA! I WIN!

CREAM! *I creamed over her once. Get it? I r fun-e*

I don't know much about her, but I read in another comic (SHUT UP) that she goes on sex adventures with her chao. I think that's cute.

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