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New Page 2 Survey

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First let our staff at Cosmopolitan say thank you for participating in this online survey. You are being contacted because you have either submitted your email address to our database previously, or a friend of yours has submitted you as a possible participant. Please be assured that all of your personal information as well as your specific answers to the survey questions will be kept as confidential. The only reporting of your responses will be group tally’s included in a future publication only as a part of a group statistic.


Please note that your email address is optional. By including it on the survey, you will be sent an email prior to the news stand date for the issue containing the survey results. Please answer all other questions as best as is possible.


We would like to include you in future surveys where possible. If this is the first of our surveys you have completed, or if you have not included your email address in the past but would like to remain on our mail list, please include your email address now.


Thank you for your cooperation in our survey program.


After Completing This Survey, Click On The "Submit Survey" Button

at the bottom Of This Page.

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself:
    Age I First Had Intercourse
    Height (ex. 5'3")
    Weight (ex. 114 lbs)
    My measurements are (ex. 36c-24-36)
    Zip/Postal Code (first 3 numbers only - used to track geographical region)
    E-mail (optional)


  2. My Marital Status Is:

    Never Married
    Currently Married

  3. In regards to cheating:

    Never cheated on my partner
    I have cheated but only one time
    I have cheated multiple times
    I would not rule out cheating in the future

  4. If unmarried, do you have a significant other?

    Yes No

  5. Do you read Cosmo?

    I subscribe
    Most of the time
    Once and a while
    What's it called?

  6. Is the age of your partner important? (check all that apply)?

    No, age is not what matters to me
    I would prefer no more than fifteen years older than me
    I would prefer no more than ten years older than me
    Must be very close to my age
    I would prefer no more than ten years younger than me
    I would prefer no more than fifteen years younger than me

  7. My very first sexual experience (not playing Dr.) involved:

    Me giving oral sex
    Me giving and receiving oral sex
    Me receiving oral sex
    I can't remember

  8. My very first sexual experience was:

    Very bad

  9. My very first sexual experience was with:

    With a male partner
    With a female partner

  10. My very first sexual experience was with:

    With someone my age
    With someone younger than me
    With someone older than me

  11. How would you rate your current relationship?

    Ok I guess
    I might consider divorce/breaking up if I met the right man
    I might consider divorce/breaking up if I met the right woman

  12. I would consider having sex with a friend, simply for fun if no one else had to know:

    I have and will again

  13. My sexual orientation is:


  14. The number of sexual partners I currently have is:

    3 or more

  15. My current sexual partner(s) is (are):


  16. I enjoy (check all that apply):
    Intercourse                        Giving oral sex                                
    Masturbation                       Receiving oral sex  
    Bondage - restraining my partner   Bondage - being restrained myself               
    Anal sex    
  17. Do you have any of the following body piercings (check all that apply)?


  18. Do you use any of the following on a regular basis in your sexual encounters

    (check all that apply)?

    None                         Vibrator                    Dildo                      
    Blindfolds                   Ropes                       Whips                      
    Nipple Devices               Handcuffs                   Anal Devices   
  19. Have you ever had multiple partner sex (check all that apply)?

    Me with a man and a woman
    Me with two men
    Me with two woman

  20. If the answer to the last question is no, would you like to have sex with:

    Doesn't interest me

    Me with a man and a woman
    Me with two men
    Me with two woman

  21. Are you multi orgasmic?

    Yes No

  22. How long does it usually take you to achieve orgasm?

    Less than 5 minutes
    5 - 10 minutes
    10 - 20 minutes
    Quite a long time
    I never do

  23. If I could have it my way, I would have sex

    Less than once a month
    Every couple of weeks
    Once or twice a week
    Almost every day

  24. I would describe my menstrual flow as:


  25. I experience the following during my period:

    PMS - Physical Symptoms (cramps, etc.)
    Mental Symptoms (not very nice to be around, moody, etc.)
    Stay away from me!!!

  26. I enjoy sex most:

    Just before my period
    During my period
    Just after my period
    It really doesn't matter to me

  27. How often do you masturbate?

    Not at all
    Less than once a month
    About once a month
    Every other week

    About once a week

    Nearly every day

  28. When I masturbate I like to (check all that apply):

    Use my fingers
    Use a vibrator
    Insert other objects

  29. Do you enjoy adult content movies (check all that apply)?

    With a partner

  30. Briefly, my most secret and wild sexual fantasy is:

  31. Have you ever, or do you currently, fantasize about someone from your past, such

    as an old friend that you wish you had had sex with?

    Yes No

  32. If yes above, describe the fantasy, why you think you have it, and the relationship

    that exists (how do you know them: Only include first names, PLEASE DO NOT include

    any last names, simply indicate as my old next door neighbor Dave, my brother's/sister's

    old friend John, my best friend Linda's husband Tom, etc.):

  33. Would you ever consider acting on this fantasy?

    In a heartbeat
    Given the right situation I might

  34. May we contact you with follow-up surveys?

    My e-mail Address is:


  35. Any additional comments: