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Thank you for visiting. This is a work in progress. It has been a long time since I have done this. Please come back and see what I have done. I hope to have more pictures up soon!!! Just please make sure you sign my guestbook to let me know you came. Thats all I ask.

If you want to see and get to know a bit about me...just come look at My Page

This page has pics of two of my favorite girls. They can be seen on their Picture Page

Here is Chads page. Only 1 picture so far. I can't ever get him to act right when a camera is around. But it's better than nothing right?
Chad's Page

My family very important to me.It's not big and that I am greatful for.LOL. To see them you follow the yellow brick road..Hehe..just kiddin. Click on Their Page!

This page was really hard for me to do. It's a page for friends lost. I guess it's a way for me to remember certain people who are no longer with me. Also a way for you all to read a bit about them as well.Friends Lost

I want to share with you some other favorite parts of my life. They are my pets.To see the cuties..just click Here

See what Care Bear you are.

Whats your favorite day of the week?

Here are a few links for you to check out...

My cousin Bree has been working with this company for a while now. If you are crafty and like scrapbooking this is a cool page.
Creative Memories

This page belongs to my sisters oldest friend. She just started her own paralegal business. I do recommend her for anything. She is a great person and will be a great business woman. Her name is Amanda and here is her page
Forbes paralegal

This is Danyon's page. She is like family to me. She is Chad's sister in law and she lives in Watertown New York. She is the person that got me into this whole web page stuff. Check out her page for all sorts of pictures of her family.
Danyon's page

Of course I have to add a link to Angelfire. I have tried all sorts of different sites to build a page and I keep coming back here. If you are really into making a page this is the place to go.

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