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VT Biochemistry Student Researcher Information Page

    Wouldn't it be nice if you knew the person that you were about to commit two to six years of your life to? Some of us are pleased with our decisions, but others wish that we had been a little more informed.

    Please take the time to describe your working experiences with any of the individuals listed below and email them to . Information such as expected time investment in the lab, respect shown toward students, ability to lead projects to  degree completing conclusions, and willingness to teach are primarily what we are looking to collect and compile on this site. Any additional information that you choose to add to give a "feel" for the work environment is also welcome. Please consider your submissions carefully and be concise.

    Submissions from graduate and undergraduate student researchers will be posted anonymously. In formulating your posts, please remember that the context of any information that you choose to disclose may reveal your identity.
Submissions from recent graduates (or those who decided to leave) are also welcome. Those that would like to help, but feel that their honesty will jeopardize their reference or recommendation letter, are encouraged to make submissions after their departure from the department.

    Both positive and negative comments will be posted. This site is not intended to be a part of any sort of 'smear campaign' against certain faculty members, but it IS partially intended to help stop young researchers from being unfairly exploited. Because our present system does not seem to do an adequate job of watch-dogging professionalism in academia, it is also an opportunity for older students to warn newer students to or away from certain labs
and major advisors .

    Suggestions to
expand this list to include faculty from outside the department are welcome.

    Unfortunately, submissions can only be accepted from email addresses. Once a submission is posted, the original email will be deleted, making it impossible to verify the identity of the original sender if you should later decide that you would like your post removed. Your anonymity will be respected. The initial submissions will not be added to this web site until a total of five have been received.

Faculty Members

David R. Bevan , Associate Professor; Office: 201 Fralin Hall
Biochemical toxicology; Protein structure determination

Jiann-Shin Chen , Professor; Office: 302 Fralin Hall
Molecular characterization of anaerobic metabolism, nitrogen fixation, and solvent production

Dennis R. Dean , Professor; Office: 110 Fralin Hall
Nitrogenase enzymology, biochemistry, and genetics

Glenda Gillaspy , Assistant Professor; Office: 306 Fralin Hall
Growth control and signal transduction in plants

Eugene M. Gregory , Associate Professor; Office: 119 Engel Hall
Oxygen toxicity and antioxidant enzymes

John L. Hess , Professor & Head; Office: 111 Engel Hall
Response of antioxidant metabolism to environmental and developmental factors

Thomas W. Keenan , Professor; Office: 315 Engel Hall
Membrane differentiation, flow, and secretory processes

Peter J. Kennelly , Professor; Office: 105A Engel Hall
Regulation of cellular processes by protein phosphorylation

Sunyoung Kim , Assistant Professor; Office: 124 Engel Hall
Functional attributes of protein sequences

Timothy J. Larson , Professor; Office: 202 Fralin Hall
Regulation of prokaryotic gene expression

Shirley Luckhart , Assistant Professor; Office: 124 Engel Hall
Molecular cell biology and biochemistry of insect immunity

William E. Newton , Professor; Office: 123 Engel Hall
Nitrogenase structure/function and the mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation

Malcolm Potts , Professor; Office: 205 Engel Hall
Water stress and gene expression in cyanobacteria

Thomas O. Sitz , Associate Professor; Office: 305 Engel Hall
Nucleic acid biochemistry

Brian Storrie , Professor; Office: 313 Engel Hall
Dynamics of subcellular organelles and their assembly

Zhijian Tu , Assistant Professor; Office: 309 Engel Hall
Molecular genetics, evolution, and applications of transposable elements in insects

Robert H. White , Associate Professor; Office: 103 Engel Hall
Coenzyme structure and biosynthesis; Archaebacterial biochemistry

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