
My name is Lisa Nguyen. I am 16 years young, born July 22 1987. I am 100% Viet and have strictly XX chromosomes. I go to Satec @ W.A. Porter CI, in the eleventh grade. Reppin in the T-dot, 416/905 area in Canada. I am not single. I put God, Family, Friends & School first in my life, in that order. I love the Toronto Maple Leafs, sour candy, Smarties, Snowboarding, Chocolate, Hockey, & Sailor moon. I dislike homework, basket-ball, Philly Flyers & Ottawa Sens, watermelon, authority, & people who hurt others for the fun of it. I listen to hip-hop, rap and R&B. I'm stubborn and shy. I trust people easily, but once it's lost, it's gone. I'm a hopeless romantic. I swim, play piano, babysit, work, tutor, snowboard, ski, surf the net, go to cadets, study, flirt, draw, write poetry, and talk on the phone. I have a life. Wanna know more? Note me.


sun/feb/8/04 @ 18:46

Yes! Finally a new layout! =D It's been sOo long since I've updated, so .. well, here it is! This layout should last a good few months.. at least until after Valentine's Day...

wow... i came across something in ma agenda (journal =P ) a bit ago... here goes..

I'm finally learning how to love again... how to feel.. how to heal...how to wish that you could only feel love. Slowly I'm picking myself back up. Accepting that it was not meant to be. And knowing that I can love another.

I thought I'd never love again. That I gave my heart away and got it smashed to bits. It seemed impossible.. But it's strange, cause there are some people out there who unknowingly help you pick up the pieces back up together. Some people who, before you even realize it, change the way you perceive the world and help you to live and learn again. Some people who reach for your hand and touch your heart instead.

It's scary, but I'm prepared to give my heart out again. Someone so like the one who first broke it, yet in a way, so far. I never thought I'd heal. Never thought I'd forget. I havn't forgotten. Just simply moved on.

~Sunday March 16 2003

funny how things change. or do they..?

It's funny. I could have sworn that the last time I turned around, I was looking at the playground where we all played tag at recess. Now I look ahead of me and see university applications and drivers licences. When did story time turn into study hall? When did Crayola crayons turn into Texas Instrument calculators? I'll be graduating from high school in a little over a year. It's almost impossible to think that all the things we deem important today will seem juvenile in a year or so. Growing up is a part of life. You don't have to forget about the past. But you must live for the future. Sitting around reminiscing about the past and worrying about the future will only create false worries and expectations. Instead, think about what you will do today to be the best person you can be, regardless of the expectations set upon you by others. I know. I've learned. You cannot be what others want you to be, but rather be the best person you can, cause what's the point of failing at something you can never achieve, while you can thrive at something you can reach.

People have been telling me all throughout my life, "Lisa, you've got your whole life ahead of you" and "You've got so much time." But I don't. Do I? Exams are this week, and they'll determine whether or not I'll pass my grade eleven classes for this semester; Chemistry, Physics, and Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology. And I'm forced to think, where will all this take me? I mean, do I really need to know how to find the concentration of two different solutions with given masses, or find the gravitational force of an apple falling from a jet plane going at 2500 miles per hour traveling from Denmark to Portugal with a resultant displacement of 456 000 miles?! Um. Correct me if I'm wrong, but no? I know, I know, spare me the lecture I've heard from my parents three gajillion times. Thanks.

The point is, my whole life, I've let people tell me what to do, how to act, what to wear, what to say, how to think.... What about what I want? When do I get to take the remote control and press pause and just wait and think about my choices? Too often are we presented the choices but we never actually make them. And I'm not just talking about choosing high school courses either. What about the choice we make every day? Instead of listening to what they think of that quiet girl in the corner, go up to her and introduce yourself. Instead of going out to the movies the night before your final exams, stay home and study, knowing well enough that you'd get honours if only you'd apply yourself. As opposed to dressing like all your "friends" in fear that they'd make fun of you, wear what you feel comfortable because if your friends don't respect that, then they don't deserve to be called your "friends."

Life passes by far too quickly for us to be concerned about the little details.

Too often do I hear of stories of regret and hurt over a past love or a current crush. To a certain degree, you can say all you want about ways to get over it, make them come back, or move on. Sometimes you can. And sometimes you can't. The end result is how you make it. You can live your life, regretting the past and wishing you had done something to make the end result different. Or you can let go of the pain, hurt, and insecurities and live life to its fullest because we are each born into this world perfect, because that's the way God chose to make us. Whether or not we see ourselves as perfect is another story altogether. You can go to bed at night hoping for things to get better or you can wake up and make it happen. Love doesn't come to those who wait around with their four-leaf clovers, rabbit's foot, and lucky charms, marshmallows and all. It comes to those brave enough to open their eyes to see the beauty within, without the fear that tomorrow may or may not come. To live life to its fullest, we must live as though this were our last chance at doing what we love to do. Think about it, if you were told that tomorrow would be your last chance to hold your sister or brother's hand. Your last chance to see a sun rise. Never being able to feel the morning dew on the window sill again. It isn't until you realize the little things in life are greater than they appear. Sometimes a child's laughter can hold more importance than the thunderous clap of an audience. Sometimes the lingering silence between two people can speak more words that you can say in a lifetime. And sometimes the iridescent sparkle of the sky at night can captivate more beauty than a city scape at noon. Sometimes....sometimes life in itself, without the distractions, is the reason why we are here. The rest is up to you.


Too many people in my life who have changed me to be who I am today, for better of for worse. It'd be impossible to mention them all. But in short..

Satec ppl~ Thank you for being there for me each and every day. You were the reason I came back. You guys believed in me. I've learned a lot in the past year and a half. No matter where life brings us, I will never forget any of you.

Camp & Cadet ppl~ So many memories in so short a time. You guys have taught me what it means to be strong, part of a team. My best summers were spent with ya'll and I can only hope we'll meet again.

Guys~To the guys I've shared my heart with; who've walked in and out of my life, changed me, made me stronger. Thank you. I learned so much from each of you, and I wouldn't be the person I am today without you. I'm sorry if any of our good-byes were bitter, thankful if they were sweet, and content if they were a combination of both.

Family~ My close, extended, and make-belief family, thank you for supporting me when others wouldn't, for giving me faith when I had lost mine. Some more than others, thank you for listening without judgement. And especially to those who look up to me.

Bests~To the people I look up to, to those who support me unconditionally, to those who have sacrificed for me.. you know who you are, and I love you forever!

To everyone in my life, both past and present, there are not enough words to express how much you mean to me..

~*Wanting to tell you*~

I want to hold your hand in mine Like a whisper in my ear You cannot always see it But can feel it when it's near.

No words can tell you what it means To be in love with you But something deep inside of me Can tell you that it's true.

I don't know how I lived my life Not having you with me I wish we could go back in time The past would set us free.

Every time I hear your voice, It melts away the pain I try to hint my true emotions But my efforts are in vain.

You see I'm scared to tell you How much you mean to me I've fallen for you badly But you can't seem to see

One day soon, I'll whisper Three words I can't saw now Time will give me courage I can only wonder how..

~Lisa Nguyen Feb 1/2004
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