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Arsenal FC. at Zappa's Corner

This page is dedicated to Arsenal the Gunners, the best soccer team ever exist. Hello there! Before I forget, please also visit my other Arsenal-dedicated Site here This is a better site since I just recently created it.

I’m so very glad you have the time to visit this page of mine! Well, I must tell you that if you don’t have any certain interest in Holland’s National soccer team or Arsenal Football Club, or if you hated soccer (like I used to), you’ll be wasting your time in here. Well, meanwhile, if you have some spare time to read my other chit chats, simply just click here.

Oh, by the way, I’m Teresa, a 19 year old college student from Indonesia. (What? Wanna see my pic? Scroll down!) One little useless info for you, my best memories in life were created when I was at high school. I was from a girls-only high school, SMU Tarakanita 1, Pulo Raya, Jakarta.

A big hug and kisses and warm greetings to you if you happened to be one of my graduate mate on the year 1998!! You might have known me as TJ. TarQ Girls Rules..... right, guys? Please let me know if there’s a gathering or reunion coming up, okay?

I've got some information about some players that happened to be my very favorite. They are :

1. Marc Overmars
2. Dennis Bergkamp
3. Nwankwo Kanu
4. Emmanuel Petit
5. Nigel Winterburn
6. Davor Suker
7. Alex Manninger
8. Patrick Vieira
9. Ronald de Boer
10. Frank de Boer
11. Edwin Van Der Sar
12. Edgar Davids

It contains some infos about each of them that impressed me so much. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I do.

Anyway, again, I must say that I'm CRAZY about Netherlands' soccer team.

So if anyone has the same craziness with me, just drop an E-mail and I'll be more than happy to reply! But wait, this E-mail stuff is not only for Oranje's fans, but also for everybody who wants to be my pal, ok?

I've also got some pictures I gathered. I think it would be worth it if you take it patiently waiting for the loading pictures, okay? =)

Viva Oranje!! Totaal voetbal is da best!!

Oh, and one more thing, this page is also highly dedicated to some of my best pals both in the cyber and real life; Erline K. (My soulmate), Angela LC.(also my soulmate), Yulianti (Sista), Sandra (Another sista), Sisca (Still another sista), Louis DW., TiMoon, Ken, Orry Item (Omega-Romeo-Romeo-Yeah Baby, Yeaahhh!!), A-Fat, Acenk, Rangga (to all of you above, Hidup Grafis A ’98!!!), Iwan Gayo, Pierre, Niq-noq, Anindio Daneswara (Afro Blue, quit the overstudy stuff, go get some rest!), Tony Wasita (V12), Maureen (my real sista), Sandy and Raymond (You naughty little twerps! Get on with our family chat every Saturday!), Nadia and Lydia (my beautiful-but-so-far-away cousins), Arnold (xeondavis, my quiet-and-clever-but-so-far-away-and-rarely-comes-home cousin), Catherine (Bring your baby to meet us more often, sis!), Cashton (my very cute nephew. Grow up quick, Honey! And don’t you ever dare to call me Aunt!), and to all my other cool cousins, cool aunties and uncles, my loving parents, don’t you folks ever let our large, fun filled family ties fall apart.

I think that would be all. *finally!*

(That's me in the middle, with my sis and cousin)

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Wait a sec....there's this real cool Indonesian radio station in the internet. If you want to check it out, there are 3 different stations.



and 3.

Simply copy them and open using WinAmp. If you haven't got any, just download one for free. Click the button below. Enjoy.

My favorite links : (and maybe yours too!)

France 98's Official!
Oranje in World Cup France 98....Best site! My very favorite one!!!
Virtual Soccer...It's good!
BBC's news about Netherlands in World Cup 98
Arsenal's Homepage
Arsenal's Team Squad Stats
