No superstar in history has made more of an immediate impact than Kane
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Kane's Bio

No superstar in history has made more of an immediate impact than Kane. On October 5, 1997 the world met Kane, as the seven-foot monster tore off the door to "Hell in the Cell" in order to get to his brother, the Undertaker. The siblings later fought in the first-ever Inferno Match.

Less than one year after he arrived. Kane became the World Wrestling Federation Champion by defeating Stone Cold Steve Austin at the 1998 King of the Ring. Though his reign was short-lived, the seven-foot monster proved he could live up to all expectations. It was believed that Kane perished in the raging inferno that claimed the lives of the siblings' parents. Miraculously he survived. From that time on the only person who knew he was alive was the detestable Paul Bearer.

For the past twenty years the rotund mortician has been feeding him a rendition of the fateful day that destroyed his family, which places the Undertaker as the murderer. With this in mind, there is no wonder why Kane has gone to extraordinary lengths to obliterate his older brother once and for all. The revelation that Bearer is Kane's father has added even more fuel to Kane's fire, as the stormy past of Bearer and the Undertaker is well-documented.

After a brief reconciliation with his older brother and several tag-team bouts. Kane has returned to singles competition after the Undertaker revealed that he was indeed the one who set the fire that burned down the brothers' home so many years ago, and rejoined Paul Bearer.

The Undertaker and Bearer have chastised Kane, calling him weak. Kane has taken out his frustrations by once again creating havoc in the WWF and taking out everyone in his path. However, some are suggesting that things are not what they seem, and that Taker and Kane are still working together secretly. Only time will tell. In the meantime, The Undertaker and Paul Bearer have tried to get Kane out of the way by sending him to Insane Asylum. Ironically, Vince McMahon was the one who rescued him for this.

However, after the Buried Alive match between Austin and Undertaker at Rock Bottom, the Undertaker disappeared for several weeks before returning more evil than ever with his new Ministry of Darkness. Meanwhile, Kane has been threatened repeatedly by Vince McMahon and the Corporate Team, black mailing him to take their side rather than get sent back to the Asylum which Undertaker and Paul Bearer tried to send him to.

Kane gave in and joined Team Corporate for awhile and later teamed up briefly with Chyna before being betrayed by her at Wrestlemania XV. April 5th, 1999 on Raw Is War saw Kane win the tag team belts with X-Pac, only to lose them on April 31st to the Acolytes on Raw Is War.

Kane Status

Height: 7'0" (6'9 without the lifters in his boots)

Weight: 320

Birthday: April 26 1967


Eyes: Blue

Hair Color: Reddish Brown

Universities attended: Quincy, Truman

Heel/Face: Heel

Finishing Move: The Tombstone Piledriver

WWF Kane Debut: October 5, 1997 at Hell In The Cell

WWF Kane Debut: 1994

Other Identities: Glen Jacob's (USWA), Isaac Yankem DDS (WWF), Fake Diesel (WWF) [After diesel in the WWF], Unibomb (SNW), Christmas Creature (USWA), Doomsday (USWA)




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