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My home town happens to be good ole Klunkerville.
It's a nice place to live but they sure have some crazy laws. Here is a sample of some crazy laws in our little cozy town.
1. No eating and blowing your nose at the same time.
2. No reading a book upside down in public for it will make the town look like it's full of morons.
3. No yanking your loose tooth out and throwing it at someone. (fine: one year in jail)
4. No snoring in the library unless your the town drunk,
for he is considerd a historical part of the town.
5. No being smelly. (fine: sent to cleaning camp where you learn how to use soap)
6. No picking on bald people.(Fine: You have to shave your head bald male or female)
7. Pay a talking tax. 2 dollars for every 5000 words spoken. (fine: Comunity service cleaning public toilets)
8. No having bad breath(fine: see law 5)
9. No throwing cow pies at cars(fine: squishing manure to be sold)
10.No throwing a banana pealing on the sidewalk





Here is a picture of some Klunkerville carrots we grow down here. Ours have personality, which makes them more fun to eat.  Why eat straight ones when you can pretend you’re eating a pair of legs and you’re biting the limbs off, Or you can sit around with your buddies and try to figure out what the rest of the carrots look like.

Enjoy Klunkerville carrots and remember!!!

A carrot is not a carrot if it’s not a Klunkerville carrot.


My excellent 8track

This is a picture of my 8track. You may wonder why they stoped making them. Simply this. They are made so well and play so great that people couldn’t handle it. You just simply can’t have too much of a good thing. Besides when they tangle up it gives you something to do. You can fix them.


Another wonderful song

This record is also part of my nice music collection. It's been stepped on but most of it is still there. Oh well. Thats the way it goes.


My favorite stereo


This is my stereo I love to play. That's my favorite 8track sitting on top.It only tangled up 5 times this week. People tell me why don't you throw out all your old 8tracks and buy something new.Maybe someday I'll get some cassettes. But their too new yet. 8tracks haven't been obsolete long enough yet.


An excellent radio


I love this radio. It picks up really nice. 2 stations. sometimes 3 at night. You have to watch it though because sometimes it starts smoking.


My neighbors birds

Here is Maggy Muttinmouths pets. It's a finch and a parekeet. Their a mix matched couple, but the best of friends.