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     Hi and welcome to the annual yearly event that is well anticipated each year in our little community. This year we had 10 contestants all signed up for the event. These are people who snore the loudest in our town. For them it is something to be proud of for in Klunkerville we have the saying, the louder a person snores the more content and prosperous in life he is. The night before the contest everyone did his or her best to prepare for it. No sleep for 2 days. Just who would be the winner this year? Well at the beginning of the contest we had to wait for our contestants to go off to sleep. This was hard to do because just as one would fall asleep he would get snoring so loud that it would disturb the other contestants. Eventually though this was overcome and everyone fell asleep. The sound was measured for volume and effects. For the ones who would snort once and then do a whistle this was considered an average snore and got an 8+ rating. One man came very close to winning. He would Snort extra loud, than wheeze, then click with his front teeth and grunt very loud. This is called a dexterous melodious snore and not as common as the others and very interesting. He didn’t quite make it. We watched and listened for a good hour until we finally decided the winner. It was last year’s champion Mildred higlemyer. She had won for her very graceful whish after each snort that she created. The prize? She went home with a year’s supply of earplugs for her husband and family. What a very nice and enjoyable event.



Hi. This is me. I just have to tell you that I am not responsible for this auction. The Wierdman that lives in our town pestered me until I decided to let him post his item he has for sale. I will probably regret it and for those who are weak at heart will probably not want to read this.

Hi. This is the wierdman here with an offer you probably will not want to refuse. One day I was walking in my house and noticed some cute little critters running around. I thought boy what could I do with these. They sure are swell company. I would like to share them with others. So here I am.

Buy a Cockroach. The Pet That Takes Care Of Itself.

Have you ever been lonely and would like to have company? Maybe you don’t have time to feed pets or can’t afford that expensive food. If that is the case than this is the pet for you. They practically feed themselves and why you cant even kill them even if you wanted to. Here are some more special features:

  1. When friends come over you can send them home with some.
  2. You can visit friends and leave them behind as a house gift.
  3. You can set in the dark and watch them run around (very cute)
  4. They are easy to carry. Just put them in your pocket and you are all set.
  5. They multiply very nice.

Order now and you will get a discount on our accessories. Accessories are:

Cockroach Walkers: A handy little carrying case to walk your cockroach with.

Cockroach Treats: A nice little package of ground up raisins and sugar to give to your roach for a snack.

Roach tricks booklet: Teach your roach tricks, How to play dead, How to sit, speak, beg, bark.

Roach paint: Paint your roach different colors. Very neat.

Please order your pet today. Supplies will last. Besides I have to do something my landlord is going to kick me out soon if I don’t.

Coming soon……… Rent a Rat




Come to Klunkerville for your honeymoon and make it a remembrance for the rest of your life. They say that your honeymoon is an experience you will never forget. In Klunkerville we guarantee it.

What do we provide?

Our package includes a nice spacious 8-foot by 8 foot motel with a very nice comfy wooden cot with a 1 inch chicken feathered stuffed mattress with only 2 stains. There are nice cumphy warm burlap blankets to keep you warm at night. Each room comes with its own bucket for those rainy nights, this handy little tool also doubles for when the backhouse is overflowing which happens quite frequently lately.

Modern luxuries will not get in your way for there is none. We provide a very nice breakfast. Just pick up your handy little bucket, Take it to the grit bin, load it up with grits and bring it back to your place, chop some wood, get a fire going, boil some water, boil the grits and if you don’t burn them eat till your hearts content. Please keep in mind though that these grits also are used to feed our chickens so please leave enough for them.

When the outhouse is working there are plenty of supplies there that you will need. It comes completely stacked with fresh catalogues and junk mail.

After breakfast I will take you out to Farmer Harold’s where you and your mate can experience first hand as a couple of how to take care of children which will be handy for when that time comes. They have 5 young ones form the ages 9 months to 6 years and another on the way. While their Farmer Harold will show you how to milk cows, Gather eggs and plow. Farmer Harold and his wife are so nice to us, They agreed they would let us do this for as long as we wanted to. That is so nice.

We also provide a candle light dinner. We provide the candles. What you cook is your business.

We are ready and waiting. No reservations necessary. When you get here and if there is no more places for you no problem. We will hand you some wood and nails and within 5 hours time you will have your place.


1 person $2.99 per night

2 people which is most common: $4.99

Skunks: Free

Grits: Extra

Catalogues and junk mail: Free