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Related Links:

VT Underground - This kid comes out of nowhere and puts up a really complete page without even the courtesy to email us. Go figure.

BS Crew - These guys aren't too friendly via email. I'm glad they got rid of their plagiaristic website content.

Another VT Steam tunnels site - This shit is getting redundant. - We "sold out" and did an interview for an urban exploration article

Virginia Tech - good place to look for above ground campus maps.

Office of the University Architect - go here for more information and maps of the steam tunnels, future construction of new tunnels, and other information. - Yes, there are other people worldwide who do this sort of thing. You're not the only one.

The Urban Adventure Site - Excellent international site devoted to exploring steam tunnels, catacombs, drains, abandoned buildings etc.

Infiltration Zine - A great Urban Exploration e-zine with a section on tunneling.

Urban Exploration Webring - Links galore

[Blue Ribbon Campaign icon] - Fuck censorship.

