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Disclaimer: By reading past this disclaimer, you are releasing the author from any and all liability incurred from personal injury, death, vandalism, trespassing, or anything else unlawful you might do with the information provided by this site. This page's purpose is for informational and educational purposes only.  The views expressed here do not represent those of Virginia Tech, its employees,and its affiliates. Tunneling is a very dangerous and illegal activity and the author does not encourage nor condone these actions.

Blacksburg Underground:

Virginia Tech is located in the small town of Blacksburg, Va.  The town used to have a small stream that ran through it, but when the downtown was built up, it was routed underneath the streets.  The Conglomerate noticed that you can see this stream by looking through the wood steps across the street from Bollo's Coffeeshop (next to the Art Armory).  The entrance is located a few blocks away by the fire station.   You can tell exactly where the stream runs because there is a brick path that was laid above it.  The tunnel hits in a large room that we believe is underneath the Red Cross building behind Mish Mish art supplies.

bburg1.jpg - a split in the main tunnel, as noted by Cheese and XriotX
bburg2.jpg - tunnel vision
bburg3.jpg -   the room under the Red Cross
bburg4.jpg - Yellowfellow snaps a nice photo
bburg5.jpg - another shot of the room/underground pond (maybe that's why Mish Mish smells so musty?)
bburg6.jpg - XriotX strikes a pose
bburg7.jpg - reverse tunnel vision
bburg8.jpg - stalagtites

