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The Cool Place

My Favorite things about Angelfire.


The Virginia Tech Page

Welcome to The Cool Page! This is for cool people only so if u r a loser, then leave! Just kidding! If u r a VT Hokie fan, then this is a great place to come. If u have any ideas, pictures, or compliments, e-mail me at If u also like Cephid, the band, then this is a good place to come. I am sorry for this page being so short but it's under contruction. How bout' that VT-UVA game. Virginia Tech killed UVA! Please send some pics and other stuff and tell me how to upload it so this page will be more interesting to visit! If you want to go to my other page which is dedicated only to Virginia Tech sports fans, Click Here To check out another of my web pages, The Virginia Tech Picture Page, click the icon below.

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