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The religion ISLAM has more to it.


Hi my name is Bruce Do (Adam Abdullah). I am 13 years old. I became Muslim because I was influenced more, than when I was Christian Protestant. My father never took me to church, not even once in a blue

moon. All I did to actually show my faith for being a Christian was to have Thanksgiving and receive gifts at Christmas - not very faithful. But when I became Muslim I would go to the mosque for jummah (Friday) prayer regularly.


When being a Muslim you show much more of your faith by giving salat (PRAYER) 5 times a day, fasting for Ramadan, giving Zakat (CHARITY), saying BISMILAH before you eat, and sure there is a lot of other ways to show your faith to ALLAH (GOD), but these are just some of them.


I was influenced by my mother. She had such a impact on me that one day I told her that I wanted to become muslim. I was only 8 when I embraced ISLAM. As I learned more I had no doubt it was the TRUTH!