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Phonograph Repair Center

Les Royer

(MAIL) PO Box 153
Gilman, VT   05904

(UPS / FedEx) 149 Riverside Ave
Lunenburg, VT 05906

TOLL FREE 877-642-0015 (ANYTIME)

The "Phonograph Repair Center" is your one stop shop for complete antique wind-up phonograph repairs, restorations, sales, parts, and accessories.

If you're looking at this website, then you have some interest in phonographs, whether it be to get one repaired, buy parts and/or accessories for one, or to buy one complete and ready to go.   Here at the "Phonograph Repair Center", we can help you with either of those.

With many years of experience, we'll look forward to using that to our advantage and helping you with your phonograph needs.

To look through our website, use the links at the top of the page. As the website is being developed, more links will start to appear. In the meantime, you can also use this search feature to check through the website. For example, if you're looking for needles, just search for "needles" and it will show you which pages within this site that the word needles appears on. Then you can choose the link that best fits what you're looking for. If you have any other questions, you can also email us at the email addresses below.

We are currently under construction to better serve you.   If you have any immediate questions, you can email us at one of these email addresses:


Thanks again for visiting our site and happy collecting !!





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