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Spider & DarkStar's Wedding Log!

This log has been edited so it should be a little easier to comprehend.

Session Start: Sat Jun 19 03:23:37 1999
Now talking in #~DarkAura~
Topic is "Welcome to Spider & DarkStar's Wedding!!"

DeathGigas: How do ya like the topic?

DarkStar17: i like it :-)

ragin-demon has entered the room

ragin-demon: greetings

ragin-demon: hello?

DarkStar17: hi

ragin-demon: ok...

ragin-demon is here for the wedding

DarkStar17  is too

ragin-demon: lol...Really?

DarkStar17: hehe

ragin-demon: hahahaha

Highwaytraveler has entered the room

Highwaytraveler: hello I'm here

ragin-demon: hi high

Spider-22 has entered the room

DarkStar17: !

DarkStar17: ((((((((((spider))))))))))

Spider-22: !

DarkStar17: :-)

Spider-22: (((((((((((((((JORDAN))))))))))))))

Rev_Blackie has entered the room

Rev_Blackie: damn ppl im blind

Rev_Blackie: damn web is screwing up

Highwaytraveler: I'm so excited! Never been to a net wedding

DarkStar17: me either

Spider-22: ive been to 3

ragin-demon was supposed to get married, but it never happened :(

SpiderWebRose has entered the room

Highwaytraveler: spiderweb hey sit next to me

Spider-22: ((((((((SPIDER)))))))))

Rev_Blackie: ppl im blind

SpiderWebRose: (((((((SPIDER))))))

Rev_Blackie: Be right back.. trying to boot up

Highwaytraveler: lets roll

ragin-demon: lol....a blind minister

Highwaytraveler: lol

Bane_LoneWolf has entered the room

Bane_LoneWolf: I made it

Rev_Blackie: im blind i cant see nothing but a black screen

Bane_LoneWolf takes a seat

DarkStar17: someone get the dear old reverend his spectacles

DarkStar17: hehe

Spider-22: hehe

Rev_Blackie has left the room

Highwaytraveler gets comfy

flowergirl-ravvy has entered the room

Bane_LoneWolf smiles

Highwaytraveler: awww ravvy a flower girl how cute lol

SpiderWebRose: lol

flowergirl-ravvy: shush highway

flowergirl-ravvy: lol

Spider-22: hi Ravvy!

ragin-demon looks around for the littledemon's room.....

Highwaytraveler: lol

flowergirl-ravvy: hi sis

Rev_Blackie has entered the room

Bane_LoneWolf: welcome back Rev

Rev_Blackie: what is going on?

Highwaytraveler taps his foot

Rev_Blackie: im still blind

ragin-demon: hmmmmmm

flowergirl-ravvy throws roses everywhere

Highwaytraveler: this is odd

Bane_LoneWolf winks at ravvy ^_~

SpiderWebRose: what a lovely flowergirl

flowergirl-ravvy: oh geez peeps

Highwaytraveler: i agree

flowergirl-ravvy: stop with the ravvy is cute shit

Highwaytraveler: she looks young

Spider-22: haha

Bane_LoneWolf: But ravvy u are cute

SpiderWebRose: lol

flowergirl-ravvy sticks a flower in bane's mouth

flowergirl-ravvy: shaddup

Spider-22: hahaha

Highwaytraveler: lol

FirmLovingHand has entered the room

flowergirl-ravvy: now thats a nic

Highwaytraveler: um ok

Bane_LoneWolf spits the flower out

ragin-demon: ok ppl  I just told Blackie to turn off his system to clear his cache.. maybe that will work

Highwaytraveler: yeah

Highwaytraveler: hi FLH

FirmLovingHand: I am curious as to the topic of this room?

flowergirl-ravvy: its self explanitory duh!

Highwaytraveler: a wedding

Bane_LoneWolf: hehehehehe

SpiderWebRose: hehehehehehe

Rev_Blackie: damn i can see

FirmLovingHand: But what kind of sexz?

Rev_Blackie: finally

Highwaytraveler: goooood lets roll

flowergirl-ravvy gives sis her gothic bouquet with red n black roses

Highwaytraveler: male an female

flowergirl-ravvy: lol

Rev_Blackie: are we ready?

FirmLovingHand: And...

Highwaytraveler: yeah baby

ragin-demon: yes.. lets roll

FirmLovingHand: There is really much more to it.... as in my experience!

SpiderWebRose pulls her shawl around herself and gets comfy~~~

FirmLovingHand was kicked by DeathGigas

Bane_LoneWolf: nice legs ravvy

flowergirl-ravvy: thanx

flowergirl-ravvy: now shush

Bane_LoneWolf: ok

Rev_Blackie: if we are reasy  say yes

flowergirl-ravvy: im not easy

flowergirl-ravvy: but im ready

Rev_Blackie: ready even

flowergirl-ravvy: lol

Rev_Blackie: ok here we go

DarkStar17 is ready

Rev_Blackie: we are gathered here to unite DarkStar17 and Spider-22 in a cyber marriage

Vicki-Vale has entered the room

Rev_Blackie: DarkStar17 repeat after me

Vicki-Vale walks up and stands beside Spider

Spider-22: btw.. vicki is the replacement maid of honor

Rev_Blackie: I DarkStar17 take Spider-22 to be my cyber wife to have and hold in sickness and in health till bad web keeps us apart

flowergirl-ravvy cries

flowergirl-ravvy always cries at weddings

Bane_LoneWolf hugs ravvy

SpiderWebRose ~~~sniff

DarkStar17: I, DarkStar17 take Spider-22 to be my cyber wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health till bad web keeps us apart

flowergirl-ravvy takes a tissue from vicky's bra

flowergirl-ravvy: lol

Vicki-Vale looks at Spider and DarkStar and smiles brightly

Spider-22: 8)

DeathGigas stands guard

Rev_Blackie: ok Spider-22 repeat after me, i Spider-22 take DarkStar17 to be my cyber guy to have and to hold in sickness and in health till bad web keeps us apart

Spider-22: i, Spider-22 take DarkStar17 to be my cyber guy to have and to hold in sickness and in health till bad web keeps us apart

DarkStar17: :-)

Rev_Blackie: is there anybody that thinks the wedding should not happen?

Rev_Blackie: say so now or forever hold your tounge

Rev_Blackie: since no one said any thing i guess we will proceed

Rev_Blackie: DarkStar17 do u have the ring?

DarkStar17: yes

DarkStar17 holds the ring in his hand

Rev_Blackie: put the ring on her ring finger

DarkStar17 puts the ring on Spider's finger

Rev_Blackie: spider-22  do u have the ring?

Spider-22: uh huh

Rev_Blackie: put the ring on DarkStar's ring finger

Spider-22 puts the ring on DarkStar's ringfinger

Rev_Blackie: from the power within me and the vows u just gave one another i now pronounce u cyber husband and wife

Rev_Blackie: you may now kiss the bride

DarkStar17 kisses spider

flowergirl-ravvy: YaY!!!!!!!

Vicki-Vale smiles warmly

Highwaytraveler pukes

Highwaytraveler: sorry all

Highwaytraveler: nerves

SpiderWebRose: it is so beautiful~~sniff~

DeathGigas wonders why you people are getting so worked up over this


DarkStar17: :-)

flowergirl-ravvy: let em be alone to consumate the marriage

Spider-22 pulls darkstar to her "thats it?" and kisses him deeply.

DarkStar17 puts his arms around spider

Rev_Blackie: congrats u 2 have a great time on your honey moon :-)


ragin-demon: congratulations... I hope you 2  are very  happy together

And we lived happily ever after! 8)

Thanx for the log Sarah!! Love ya sis!