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Tomb Raider Site

I'm gonna be on vacation for the next 2 weeks so don't expect any updates.

I've added a Tomb Raider Chronicles page and the wallpaper page. Check out the tr6 link.

I have started working on putting up the trlr walkthroughs and finished the trla ones.

I'm REALLY busy right now and probably won't get to update my site for a while. Sorry:(

I'm working on getting the walkthroughs for TRLA up but I don't have much time to work on it and progress is slow. Hopefully they'll be up soon.

Sorry I haven't updated my site in awhile. AOL hasn't been working that well and I haven't gotten online in a few months.

Download the Lost Artifact demo today!

Tomb Raider is coming out on gameboy, click here for the details.
Tomb Raider 2 GOLD is coming out for the mac. Click here for the demo.

Questions or comments?? E-mail me

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