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I have an excellent formula! 2 $US dollars! Think CriticallyThe#1 Roswell Expose Book of All Time!The Purpose ofthis Web SiteThe purpose of this web site isto provide a dedicated repository for all significant, relevant informationpertaining to the alleged Roswell UFO crash of July, 1947. In 1998, Iofficially... What happened in July 1947? About July 4, 1947, a UFO reportedly crashed near Roswell, a farming and ranching community in southeastern... CLICK HERE Become part of the most remarkable story in Human History --CLICK ONE: The ROSWELL 1947 Story CLICK ABOVE FOR THE STORY PRESS RELEASES!! Interactive Bulletin Board and Archive System Thousands of message updates to the Roswell Story! Discuss your ideas ON-LINE! Detailed... Please visit our sponsor Get sponsored at E-Ads roswell resources Were these test dummies mistaken for aliens? photos: MJ-12 #1 (64k) MJ-12 #2 (25k) MJ-12 #3 (91k) Survivor (93k) Test dummies (24k) Mogul balloon (22k) USAF test disc (56k) current events: Dejanews search alt.ufo.reports sci.skeptic... Click here to get paid to surf the net! I do! Zax's Roswell Page *If you like my page please visit my sponsors whenever you visit my site. All you have to do is open them and let them load. They help me to add new pictures and sections for my sites. Plus they keep the sites... Roswell Daily Record The following news stories relate to the 1947 Roswell UFO Encounter: Roswell to be Subject of Forbes Magazine Article Museum: UFO Debris is Jeweler's Work UFO Anniversary Expected to be Huge UFO Encounters Committee Includes Groups, Individuals UFO Encounter Worries Over... Rep. Steven Schiff asked the GAO to prepare a report on the status of documents related to the Roswell Incident. The GAO Roswell Report by Jon Elliston Dossier... SIX DAYS IN ROSWELL A feature film documentary about UFOs, Aliens, Sightings, Abductions, Other Worldly Visitors, Extra Terrestrials, UFO Researchers, Government Cover-ups... NEW! ROSWELL UFO CRASH COLORING BOOK The Roswell Story, Super-Duper Mysterious Aliens and Fantastic Flying Saucers Coloring/Activity Book By Dennis Michael Hook - Roswell researcher, artist author 50 plus pages ...of Aliens, Saucers, science facts, Roswell UFO Crash and more..... Includes a... Order Form The Roswell Story, Super-Duper Mysterious Aliens and Fantastic Flying Saucers Coloring/Activity Book By Dennis Michael Hook - artist/author Features: 50 plus Pages! ...of Aliens, Saucers, Robots, fun facts, Roswell UFO Crash Mysteries and Facts, UFO's, more..... paper UFO model plans... Read the RPIT Roswell Revisitation Report No. 1 The Alien Autopsy Archive... Home Welcome Enigma The Bookcase Feedback Roswell [ Introduction || Contents || Timeline ] What crashed at Roswell in 1947? On the night of July 2nd in 1947 something crashed into desert outside of Roswell, New Mexico. Soon after, the military closed off the area. The first announcement made by... Robert Todd Carroll Roswell On or around Independence Day, 1947, during a severe thunderstorm near Roswell, New Mexico, an Air Force experiment using high altitude balloons blew apart and fell to the earth. This minor event... Roswell Report: Case Closed Executive Summary Roswell Video News Release Copy of Report In July 1994, the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force concluded an exhaustive search for records in response to a General Accounting Office (GAO) inquiry of an event popularly known as the Roswell... NewsHistoryLegacyEventsProductsGoddardBioAuthors Roswell UFO Encounter Alien Visions Virtual Images Site of the 1999 Roswell UFO Encounter Roswell Convention Center Click on image for a larger view. Request for booth space News Events Map (323k) Goddard Days Roswell Intergalactic... Roswell Participants in the Roswell 1947 UFO Incident 50th Anniversary ( Southeastern New Mexico town (population 49,000) its proximity to the purported site of a fifty-year old UFO crash... REPORT OF AIR FORCE RESEARCH REGARDING THE ROSWELL INCIDENT July 1994 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Roswell Incident refers to an event that supposedly happened in July, 1947, wherein the Army Air Forces (AAF) allegedly recovered remains of a crashed flying disc near Roswell, New Mexico... Ufos aliens alien abductions ufo sightings UFO Folklore ufo news xfiles roswell area 51 ufo sightings ufology ufo news mj12 Extraterrestrial ufo pictures ufo videos flying saucers flatpicking flatpickin ufos ufo pictures ufos aliens ufo research ufos aliens music music music bluegrass bluegrass... THE ROSWELL INCIDENT There is a great deal on the web devoted to the alleged crash of a UFO at Roswell, NM in July 1947. Most of the sites cross-link, and here are some worthwhile pages to begin with. See the Cosmic Conspiracy page for more UFO materials. We argue that, as with the... The Roswell Crash On July 2nd, 1947, a UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. On July 7th, a report appeared in the Roswell Daily Record. This report was soon followed by another, that stated the crashed UFO, was actually a weather balloon. Has the United States Government, been covering this up... Roswell Roswell In 1947 the people of Roswell witnessed the crash of a UFO in the surrounding desert, the US government threatened residents of this small town to keep quiet. The government claimed the object was simply a new type of secret weather balloon, and not the metallic alien ship and... Roswell Information Archive A collection of files and images concerning the alleged UFO crash at Roswell NM in July 1947 Now included are files and images concerning Ray Santilli's Alien Autopy Film and this alleged crash outside of Soccoro NM in June... Majestic 12 Briefing The first document is supposedly a document recovered from the US National Archives and is alleged to be the briefing document prepared for President Elect, Dwight D. Eisenhower by President Truman. A second document follows and is a General Accounting Office Report to... CLICK HERE Become part of the most remarkable story in Human History --CLICK ONE: The ROSWELL 1947 Story CLICK ABOVE FOR THE STORY PRESS RELEASES!! Interactive Bulletin Board and Archive System Thousands of message updates to the Roswell Story! Discuss your ideas ON-LINE! Detailed... The Roswell Incident - the greatest mystery in UFO-logy? By Kjetil Kjernsmo 3rd revision. I started by reading through the online available testimonies, the USAF report and a GAO report, and continued by reading various other material, mostly available on the net. After I posted the 2nd revision to... WELCOMETO HANGAR 18 Did you know about the invasion two weeks before the Roswell Crash? A full two weeks before THE ROSWELL CRASH of an alien spacecraft and it's occupants on INDEPENDENCE DAY in 1947, THE INVASION of our nations' skies began. ALIENS OVER OREGON documents the WAVES OF SIGHTINGS... Area 51 Chat document.write(msg) Area 51 Forum Visit Aurora Interactive Area 51 Books, Videosand Multimedia Area 51 Links Site designed and hosted byAurora Interactive... The Incident Preface This book is the memory of my personal experiences and stories which I have received directly from persons whose integrity I can verify. It defines and... Alien Zone at 216 N. Main in Roswell, NM Has the LARGEST selection of Alien and UFO merchandise and collectables in Roswell.... or anywhere else in the charted Universe. Stop by when you are in town or passing through, OR visit our online Shopping area on the Roswell Chamber of... Roswell, 1947 Roswell Revealed, Beyond the Coverup In 1947 the Temporal Voyager, a fragile craft from our future, and its crew of four suffered a fatal crash near Roswell, New Mexico. The military recovered the wreckage, its occupants, and a horrific message from the besieged survivors... Are we really alone? Think about it!!! UFO Folklore.... Ufo's, aliens, Roswell UFO Picture gallery.... Pictures galore!!! National Ufo Reporting Center Latest sightings and more... Area51, Ufo's, Roswell, etc.... Frequently asked questions Ufo art gallery... Alien On Line presents: The Roswell Girl The autopsy of the Roswell girl is now available on the Web clicking the images, or in mpeg movie format. Click in the picture to watch the first Movie or Get the mpeg file (2.1 Mbytes). Click in the picture to watch the second Movie or Get the mpeg... Roswell, New Mexico, 1947 In 1947 an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) crashed into the desert of a place called Roswell, New Mexico. Alien theorists believed that the ship and any survivors were taken to Area 51, a secret military installtion. The USAF states that it was not an alien UFO, but a... Back To: Great Cover-Ups Index ROSWELL ROSWELL ON FILM AND T.V. Roswell made an interesting appearance in the 1996 blockbuster Sci-Fi hit Independence Day (1996). At a key point, the film's heroes... to our complete listing of Accessories - Picks Accessories - EBE ALIEN ROSWELL CRASH SITE PICK EBE ALIEN ROSWELL CRASH SITE PICK Heavy gauge. Glow in the dark pick with red print. Has a picture of The Roswell alien crash site on one side. Out of this world!!!! Tells all the secrets... ROSWELL Alexia Web - Albuquerque, NMThese pages connect you to the world of Wicca, the bizzare,the paranormal, UFO phenomenon, astrology, out-of-body experiences,near-death experiences, dream interpretations and unexplained. Alien Crystals - Roswell, NMWe sell crystals harvested from... This month's Randle Report: The Abduction Enigma Reviews There are a number of fields of inquiry in the UFO arena these days. People are exploring cattle mutilations, crop circles, the crash at Roswell and, of course, alien... Top : LINKS : UFO : Roswell C!A DB: LINKS : UFO : Roswell | Home | Add a Site | Modify a Site | What's New | What's Cool | Top Rated | Random Link | Search | Links: Roswell Daily Record... This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. HOME | CUFOS | ASSOCIATES | PUBLICATIONS | ORDERING SHIPPING | FAQ | IUR | ROSWELL | ABDUCTIONS | REPORT A SIGHTING | CASE REPORTS | UFO DOCUMENTS | CURRENT EVENTS | BOOKS GENERAL | BOOKS ADVANCED... ROSWELL UFO 2000 THE TRUTH IS WE ARE NOT ALONE If you want Your Site Listed. Click Here! Over 12,000 Visitors Per Month. [-THE ROSWELL INCIDENT-] [-UFO 2000 LINKS PAGE 1-] [-NEXT PAGE-] [-MARS 2000 UFOs-] [-REPORT A... = 0 n htmltag += Congressional Investigation of the Roswell Incident On July 28th 1995 US Congressman Steve Schiff released the results of the General Accounting Office's (GAO) audit on US government involvement in the Roswell Incident. The audit reported that a high altitude... Roswell Links Real Audio: Files Click Here Air Force Dummy Explanation for Roswell Bodies Report by the Air force saying that the test dummies dropped from balloons may have accounted for UFO crash claims and responses to the report. Dummies were not classified, says... I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? – President Ronald Reagan (b. 1911) addressing the United Nations Click here to listen to this e... Roswell Documents Return to Main Menu - Roswell - FBI memo - MUFON article on Ed Dames and Roswell - Roswell witness linkage - 3 volume Roswell report in Pentagon - Roswell Testimony - July 4th 1947 - Roswell Questions Answers - Roswell Item - Roswell Timetable - Air Force press release - The... Ah, Roswell. The all-time greatest government conspiracy. At the same time, it has the best evidence and the worst evidence of any other alleged UFO crash. Is it all a hoax? Or did something alien land in '47? Decide for yourself. By the way, those symbols on the logo are the same as what is... ROSWELL REPORTER Vol I, No. 1 December 1994 Welcome To THE ROSWELL REPORTER... Did an actual UFO Crash outside of Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947? At first the military announced to the public that they had indeed recovered a flying disk on a... Roswell 50th Anniversary Definitely not the best Roswell site on the web but definitely not to be missed! Some of the content is pretty interesting. They have a lot of old clippings from the papers of the time as well as some interesting reports on the incident by agencies such as the Air Force and... FAS | Intelligence | GAO Reports |||| Index | Search | Join FAS Government Records: Results of a Search for Records Concerning the 1947 Crash Near Roswell, New Mexico (Letter Report, 07/28/95, GAO/NSIAD-95-187) Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the 1947 weather... GAO Report on the ROSWELL INCIDENT United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20545 National Security and International Affairs Division B-262046 July 28,1995 The Honorable Steven H. Schiff House of Representatives Dear Mr. Schiff: On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Held (RAAF... The Roswell Incident Sign the Roswell Initiative. In 1947 an incident occurred near Roswell, New Mexico, USA, that could have significant implications for all mankind, if Roswell witnesses - people closely associated to the incident - are telling the truth. The U.S. military first announced... ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. Alien Zone, or Just Another Small Town? All photos taken by: Dr. Tom Paradis Department of Geography and Public Planning Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, Arizona 86011 ROSWELL GEOGRAPHIC: Perhaps no other town in the... AND Roswell is perhaps the most famous of all UFO cases in the world. There are four (4) separate threads, or fingers that eminate from this case. As you might suspect, being the most famous the MOST has been written about it. There are volumes contained here at the VJ Roswell Home Site Copies of... Book ReviewReport of Air Force Research Regarding TheRoswell Incidentby Richard L. Weaver,Col., USAFDepartment of the Air Force,1994, 23 pages, paper.The Report of Air Force Research Regarding the 'RoswellIncident' is a 23-page synopsis reflecting the Air... Roswell, New Mexico: Desperately seeking aliens July 31, 1996 Roswell, New Mexico is a place where UFOs are casually accepted like any other community might take for granted the ice cream truck that cruises down the street in the summer. It's simply part of the fabric of the town. Oh, yeah, we've... Robert Todd Carroll Roswell On or around Independence Day, 1947, during a severe thunderstorm near Roswell, New Mexico, an Air Force experiment using high altitude balloons blew apart and fell to the earth. This minor event... The Roswell Incident Item # 542453 50th Anniversary Commemorative handcrafted licensed reproduction of the contraversial alien spaceship crash which allegedly occurred just outside of Roswell, New Mexico, in July of 1947. Limited to an initial production of 25,000 sequentially numbered units this... The Roswell Resource Center Roswell Daily Record UFO Section NOVA/PBS UFO Site The Mutual UFO Network Alien Autopsy Site The International Roswell Initiative Air Force Fact Sheet on UFOs and Project Blue Book... by Dava SobelEditors note: There's no better way to learn about the events at Roswell, New Mexico, than firsthand. OMNI reporter Dava Sobel made the journey. Her eye-opening investigation, and its unsettling conclusion, below. Flying saucers made their first official appearance in the summer of... Our Purpose Goals Welcome! This site is devoted to the ongoing research into the crash of a UFO outside of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. It is jointly sponsored by Donald R. Schmitt Baraka Foundation. We will present new information as we receive it, with periodic updates from Donald R. Schmitt... 1020 Sun Valley Drive #149 Roswell, GA 30076 copy1999 Postell Associates, Inc... Roswell Alien Autopsy proof of fakery (this IS a clue) The Roswell Alien Autopsy is a FAKE ! And I can PROVE it beyond even your doubt. Follow this link for details The Philpot Organisation ROSWELL Place in New Mexico Aliens were claimed to be found There were pictures of the autopsy The government said that they were just dummies. The people in Roswell said they all saw it. The town has no proof They found a piece of strange material with weird writing on it Their Spaceship Was... = 0 n htmltag += US Airforce Says They Have the Truth About Roswell In July 1997 the United States AirForce released the Roswell Report: Case Closed to clear up the mystery surrounding the Roswell Incident. Detailed in the report were official explanations of the Roswell Incident... Get Sponsored Hangar 18 The Roswell Incident July 4, 1947 About July 4, 1947, a UFO reportedly crashed near Roswell, a farming and ranching community in southeastern New Mexico. According to some reports, the bodies of four aliens were found near the ship. In other reports, one or more of the... Snapshot of the package of Bible Decoder CD. Is Rabin's Assassination scripted in Bible ? Did a UFO crash land in Roswell, USA ? Is Kennedy's assasination a conspiracy ? Special offers! Join as Reseller Millennium Offer... Free Coupons -- Follow This Link -- Just Click! Roswell In 1947 a UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Is this where the UFO coverup began? With the 50th anniversary of the crash arriving this year maybe the time is right for the truth to be revealed. Hanger 18... ROSWELL AND MIDWAY, NEW MEXICO Midway is a small community located nine miles southeast of Roswell, New Mexico. The former Walker Air Force base is located three miles from the property where we had our UFO experiences. Our first encounter and videotaping of a UFO... The Strange Case of At 9:45 PM on July 2, 1947, residents in Roswell, New Mexico, observed a big glowing object, race out of the Southeast and head northwest. Witnesses described it as oval shaped like two inverted saucers faced mouth to mouth. The a few days later, on July 8th, the Army Air... Roswell, New Mexico Pix - Page Two Go to : Page 1 | Page 2 | Mecha.Net | Absolute Zero Roswell, New Mexico, 1998. Click on a thumbnail to see the full-sized image. I couldn't get to this wreckage bit, outside Roswell. I find strange, alien technology near Roswell! Outside... The only thing you have proof of at Roswell is that something DID crash, but it's not from aliens, it's from our own well-heeled engineers. Impossible, you say? Then read the book! According to the 1994 Air Force report on the Roswell incident, the only thing that could have possibly crashed near... Home Rooms Mall Guidance Administration Reunited, Inc. PRESENTS THE THINKING PARANOID'S GUIDE TONBC'S NEW UFO SERIAL THRILLER Dark Links to the Conspiracies Behind the Series Roswell and Beyond: A 60GCAT book excerpt Majestic 12 Document: UFO cover-up smoking gun? Area 51: Insider's guide to ET's cover-up headquarters Hangar Umpteen: All the UFO... [ Home | News | Careers | Library | Sites | Images | Search ] Video footage from the Roswell report Video plug-in or player required. File is 11 megs in size. Start video Video plug-in or player required. File is 11 megs in size. The Roswell Report... Robert Todd Carroll Roswell On or around Independence Day, 1947, during a severe thunderstorm near Roswell, New Mexico, an Air Force experiment using high altitude balloons blew apart and fell to the earth. This minor event... 50 years ago...SOMETHING crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. The government said it was a weather balloon but there are those who wonder. This area is dedicated to exploring aspects of the mystery of Roswell. Within, you will find games, articles, a schedule of Sci-Fi's special Roswell... Roswell: The whole story Time for the truth about Roswell By Kent Jeffrey Forty-seven years ago, an incident occurred in the southwestern desert of the United States that could have significant implications for all mankind. The incident was announced by the U.S... The Roswell Incident The Greatest Story That Could Never Be Told... DATE: Mon 07-Jul-1997 FULL TEXT: Conspiracies spice up life in Roswell Roahn Wynar TEXAN COLUMNIST Most of us wish Austin was more like Roswell, N.M. Each year Roswell remembers several space aliens who crashed nearby in a shiny metal... The Day After Roswell A Former Pentagon Official Reveals the U.S. Government's Shocking UFO Cover-Up by Colonel Philip Corso To say this is a significant book, if not the most significant book to appear on a UFO subject in decades can hardly be considered an exageration. If even a portion... The Strange Case of At 9:45 PM on July 2, 1947, residents in Roswell, New Mexico, observed a big glowing object, race out of the Southeast and head northwest. Witnesses described it as oval shaped like two inverted saucers faced mouth to mouth. The a few days later, on July 8th, the Army Air... Roswell Case Summary Is it true a UFO with aliens on board crashed and was recovered by the United States military? Stories about crashed UFOs have circulated for many years, but until recently they were dismissed as nonsense by most people, including... EBE Online Links: Government Conspiracies : Roswell Top : Government Conspiracies : Roswell | Home | Add a Link | Modify a Link | What's New | What's Popular | | Recommended Sites | Random Link | Search | Categories: Alien Autopsy (5... SIGHTINGS Roswell 1999: What Now? By Thomas J. Carey Donald R. Schmitt 1-28-99 As the millennium draws inexorably closer, we can look back and see that the 50th Anniversary Year of 1997 witnessed unprecedented national if not world-wide interest in... amended March 11, 1999 amended again on May 31, 1999 Note: it has come to the attention of the COURT OF ARCHITECTURE that the magazine known as ARCHITECTURAL RECORD has published in its April 1999 and May 1999 issues a short notice regarding ROSWELL. This is... Accessing The Roswell Incident... * * * M A J I C C L E A R A N C E - - E Y E S O N L Y * * * CASEFILES OF THE ROSWELL INCIDENT -- NOT FOR DISSEMINATION For some time, humankind has suspected that they are not alone in the universe. Scattered happenings, incidents, if you will, have all added fuel to the flames of debate... Welcome to the CNI News 1997 In Review Roswell Mars Top Very Big Year By Michael Lindemann CNI News Editor Looking back on the year 1997, we find a huge array of stories that together form a kind of pattern. Headed by the multi-faceted, ongoing stories from Roswell, New Mexico and the planet... Roswell, New Mexico This year marks the 50th anniversary of the alleged UFO crash in Roswell. The controversial incident, and the popular, government conspiracy-oriented The X-Files television show have enabled Roswell to enter national and international folklore. Roswell UFO Encounter '97: The... Home Welcome Enigma The Bookcase Feedback Roswell: Links [ General ] GeneralThe Roswell Declarationan online petition to end the U.S. Government's secrecy surrounding the Roswell incident. The petition is being sponsored by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), and the... Colonel Philip J. Corso, a high-level military figure is about to tell all he knows about the famed 1947 Roswell incident, and that could be a lot. Colonel Corso reportedly served on President Eisenhower#146s National Security Council and also headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the... Roswell An Air Force major investigates strange debris found on a Roswell, New Mexico, ranch in 1947. His superiors insist it's nothing more than a weather balloon, but evidence tells him otherwise. Directed by: Jeremy Kagan Starring: Dwight YoakamYear of Release: 1994 UFO Crash at Roswell... The Roswell Incident An excerpt from a talk between JHWH Ptaah and Billy Meier about the Roswell Incident 256th contact of Mai 13,1996: Billy: ... Another question: Florena told me that I shall ask you about the name of the illness the 16-years old girl, who... Beyond Roswell The Alien Autopsy Film, Area 51, and the U.S. Government Coverup of UFO's by Michael Hesemann A look beyond the simple story of a crash A revealing comparative study of two of the most renowned UFO incidents in history -- the Roswell crash and the Alien Autopsy film... Roswell in the Bible Codes This page presents a few matrices based around the theme of Roswell and the famous UFO crash. These are all taken from the King James Authorised Version of the New Testament. This matrix presents the 'ABSOLUTE MINIMUM SKIP' occurences for ROSWELL and... Roswell Declaration The Roswell Incident--July,1947 The Truth about Roswell Roswell Glyph Deciphered 1947 Roswell UFO Encounter The Roswell Story July 1947 Crash Site The Roswell Centre The International UFO Museum and Research Center UFO Enigma... Here's an interesting debate on Roswell between the Producer of the recent Roswell movie and a Mr. Adams. Fact or Fiction ? You decide ! Dear Mr. Adams: Regarding your column on the Roswell UFO Incident, May 31, 1996, I was Executive Producer and Co-writer of the movie mentioned in the letter to... This site is about ufos, aliens area51 roswell ancient aliens ancient ufos aliens at area51 ufos in germany ufos in the sky ufos from revers engineering alien autopsy ufos from mars cydonia pyramids on mars seti nasa cover-up hybird aliens ufos at area51 area 51 roswell crash government owned ufos... Postscript Commemorations, July 1997 Roswell, New Mexico #9Taking pictures of my silver gray alien backpack at the site of the alleged crash of an alien craft in July 1947, I started to think that I was participating in the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of nothing at all... World News: More Symbols Discovered on Roswell Crash Photos Famous Roswell crash photograph with Brigadier General Roger M. Ramey reveals a fascinating 50 year old secret of never before noticed symbols. General Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Air Force which included the units at Roswell... ROSWELL UFO CRASH EX-FIGHTER PILOT REVEALS DETAILS OF 1976 BRIEFING THAT BLOWS LID OFF COVERUP Gentlemen, if any of you happen to be flying saucer buffs, I have something that might be of interest. . Intelligence officer, 1976 Twenty years ago a young Air Force intelligence officer began his...!.TXT From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-11-1986 Subject: 1947 CRASHED DISK ROSWELL SOURCE: NEWS, SAN FRANCISCO, CA DATE: 8 JULY 1947 PLACE: ROSWELL, NM BULLETIN: ROSWELL, N.M., JULY 8 - Possession of a flying disk was disclosed today by the intelligence office of... Click on the image for full description. The entity in front view. Wreckage from the Santilli film. The Flying Saucer The opening of the chest of the entity. Picture from the archives of the late Pro. Felix Zigel of the Roswell Extraterrestrials. Our investigation... RE: Roswell Trip My story is strange but true and I have the pictures to prove it! On August 27, 1998... ZetaTalk: Roswell Revisited Concurrent with the 50 year anniversary of the Roswell episode there have been dramatic sightings world wide. The most notable, due to its media coverage by CNN, was the Phoenix sighting, but this was not the only dramatic sighting. The others suffered the usual media... Roswell UFO CrashRoswell New Mexico. . .1947. . .a UFO crashed . . .or was shot down. . . causing more controversy as to what really happened than most other events in current history. We do know that something happened...that there were alien bodies (whether the autopsy film was authentic ornot... Mars Invasion - 50 years after Roswell Riley G's sheds his insights into the Cover-up Here we are 50 years after the Roswell UFO crash. There was a large Roswell party going on in the desert area, and at the same time the US Government claimed the UFO crash did not happen. The... UFO's, Mysteries Phenomena Possible Roswell UFO Crash Debris Received by Talk Show Host Art Bell The discovery of microscopic layers of the rare element Bismuth in pieces of theshell of the... Roswell Army Airbase Roswell Army Airbase is now a municipal air field, but is famous for being associated with a legendary UFO crash. It was here, in 1947, that material from an alleged crashed alien craft was brought and examined by several people before the incident was hushed-up and the... From The Post Encounter '97, a sort of Super Bowl of the paranormal. Air Force issued a report on the Roswell Incident, trying to debunk one of the central tenets of UFO mythology. UFO or not, Roswell has long drawn curious crowds of tourists. On Get an insider's view of... ROSWELL WRECKAGE UPDATE August 1, 1998. Two years have passed since the original publication of the Roswell Glyphics Deciphered. Since thattime, anew perspective on the translation has come to light and confirms the original translation... ROSWELLRoswell was settled in 1869 by Van C. Smith. Van Smith opened a trading post at the junction of two major trails that crossed southern New Mexico. Roswell, New Mexico...July 1947Something crashed ...or was shot down....causing more controversy as to what really happened than most other... 50th Anniversary Commemorative This handcrafted commemorative is a licensed reproduction of the controversial alien spaceship crash, which allegedly occurred just outside of roswell, New Mexico, in July of 1947. Limited to an initial production run... Roswell Revelation An interview with Larry Rogers and Curt Robinson, authors of the book Ice Man Down: Will it blow the lid off of the Roswell mystery? The interview takes place in the third-floor suite of an office complex in Blue Ash, Ohio on October 8... Roswell Witnesses Recall UFO Crash 50 Years Later ROSWELL, N.M. (Reuter) - Frank Kaufmann has never been abducted by extraterrestrials or buzzed by a UFO, but he insists he saw dead aliens put into body bags after their spacecraft crashed near this New Mexico town 50 years ago. Kaufmann, now 81, is... INCIDENT AT ROSWELL Now available at Starvector Software! INCIDENT AT ROSWELL - Contains possibly the most important UFO material ever discovered! This CD contains NEVER BEFORE SEEN alien autopsy footage, which may be found disturbing to some viewers. Also includes additional footage of debris... I moved to Roswell in June of 1994. And now that I, Jim Suttle, am a Roswellite I get a lot of questions about UFO's in Roswell. Every time I leave town the questions come: What about this Alien thing in Roswell?... THE ROSWELL MESSAGE by Reneacute Coudris What Really Happened after the UFO Crash on Independence Day 1947? Fifty years on - THE ALIENS SPEAK - Download a sample from the book formatted for the PC in Word 6 .doc format. We are your Future With these... 1947: Discovery and BetrayalBy 1947, UFO sightings had become more frequent. The U. S. government and military decided to institute new programs to discretely investigate these strange phenomenon. Monitoring these investigations, unseen, was The Watch.The Roswell IncidentMarch 17, Cascade Mountain... Roswell, New Mexico Pix - Page One Go to : Page 1 | Page 2 | Mecha.Net | Absolute Zero Roswell, New Mexico, 1998. Click on a thumbnail to see the full-sized image. Titus and I at the Intergalactic Crossroads Hugh and I at the Cosmic Convergence Hugh Titus at the... Stalking the Elusive Crash-Retrieval Aircraft Accident Sites and Their Implications for Roswell: page #3 by Curtis Peebles© Copyright 1997 | Orion| MUFON| UFO Links| Meteorological Astronomical| Cartoons| ZEL| This is the first implication for Roswell - based on my... Excerpts from The Day After Roswell. A Former Pentagon Official Reveals the U.S. Government's Shocking UFO Cover- Up Colonel Corso's background: Military officer during World War II and Army intelligence officer on General Douglas MacArthur's staff during the Korean War member of the... Roswell Daily Record This is a very large scan of the front page of The Roswell Daily Rocord dated July 8th 1947. By clicking on the image below you will be able to read almost every word that was printed on the front page, it will take a few moments to load as the picture is a 451kb GIF file. I'm... If its Highlighted it goes some were document.write(Date()) After you read this page click on the Buttons below to learn all about Roswell Incident. The Roswell Story ,... Roswell Links | Orion| MUFON| UFO Links| Meteorological Astronomical| Cartoons| Curtis Peebles| SDUFOI links Before Roswell Curtis Peebles on Stalking the Elusive Crash-Retrieval Aircraft Accident Sites and Their Implications for Roswell © Copyright 1997... Roswell NM Ruidoso NM Portales NM Hobbs NM Las Cruces NM Lubbock TX El Paso TX Midland TX ... The Roswell Incident - the greatest mystery in UFO-logy? By Kjetil Kjernsmo The article here is the 2nd revision. I have just posted a third revision, available at: Welcome to the FTD-WP: Real Roswell Alien Evidence? In September 1995, CNI News editor Michael Lindemann was contacted by Robert M. Collins, a man known to have military and intelligence-agency connections, who wanted to post on this web site a number of illustrations and background text... LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities THE UFO PHENOMENON   THE ROSWELL INCIDENT   U.S. government allegedly orchestrates a cover-up through the use of misinformation and intimidation to conceal the truth of what occurred at Roswell, New... Roswell, NM Hosts Alien Festival September 3, 1997 Roswell New Mexico hosted the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Roswell Incident July 1-6. It commemorated the alleged UFO crash and attracted thousands, from the serious UFOlogists to the merely curious. Promoting an event... Roswell Incident The world's most investigated UFO crash site. In 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, William Mac Brazel, heard a crash in the night and then went outside to investigate, and then discovered some wreckage scattered all over his farm. He then straight away, reported this to the sheriff in a... Even the critics disagree.. Brilliant! Finally someone has the guts to tell us what really happened at Roswell. A monumental jounalistic achievement - The Bay Bridge Skeptic What a load of crap even worse than that UFO article he did... - The Boston Mirror The following is a paid... Following are the autopsy photographs taken by an official military photographer sometime in 1947, supposedly of space aliens found at a crash site near Roswell, New Mexico (USA). The US Government does not acknowledge these photos as being authentic, HOWEVER these photos were acquired from the... WAV FILES! Boss.wav (21 sec.) - an interview with Walt Whitmore's (KGFL radio) about the government's order that he keep quiet about what happened in Roswell. Dame.wav (51 sec.) - one of the witnesses tells how she was threatened to not tell what she had seen at the crash site. Gen.wav (30 sec... Roswell Daily Record for Tuesday, July 8, 1947. RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region No Details of Flying Disk Are Revealed Roswell Hardware Man and Wife Report Disk Seen The intelligence office of the 509th Bombardment group at Roswell Army Field announced at noon today... Roswell 47 Translated by Jeff Brubaker, Jesse Haff, Steve Langerholc, and others The breeder was taken away as they crashed (to be a project of search) The experiment will make sure it won't last All expect starlight once The ascent (alien ship?) was shot at because national security was... [ EARTH ] : Roswell Crash Photo? CLICK ON THE ABOVE IMAGE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION. NOTE THAT THIS IS A SCAN OF A PHOTO OF A PHOTO (i.e. POOR QUALITY!) Letter that came with this photo (probably a hoax): Dear Mr.Mercieca, I had the unique opportunity to take pictures of this old black white... What is RoswellIn July 1947 Mac Brazel discovered strange metal objects across a wide area of land he tended. The wierd shape of the objects looked funny to him, he took them to the Air Force Base in Roswell, New Mexico. Intrigued by the debris, Colonel Blanchard, commanding officer at Roswell... GAO REPORT ON THE ROSWELL INCIDENT Contents The following is the complete text of the GAO Report to Congressman Steve Schiff having to do with the Roswell incident. It also includes related documents, though some have not been included here. Other than reformatting the text to fit this layout, no... Roswell Reading Material Report of Air Force Research Regarding the Roswell Incident Roswell Report: Case Closed The GAO Roswell Report Thomas, Dave, The Roswell Incident and Project Mogul Links Roswell Reporter Resources UFO Enigma Museum, 6108 S Main, Roswell, NM 88201: Also sells books, tapes... Deep in the woods of Puerto Rico we found. The Roswell Alien! This figure is so COOL that I had to make a space in my web for it! ... ROSWELL BACK NEXT Fifty years ago something happened near the town of Roswell, New Mexico. The event known as the Roswell Incident, has become associated with flying saucers, alien visitation and government cover-up. Some people may go as far as to say that there was a distortion of... CHRONOLOGY OF THE ROSWELL EVENT Chronology Analysis and conclusions This chronology of the Roswell event is a revised and greatly expanded version of one originally posted on 9/26/94 to alt.paranet.ufo by Steven Kaeser. The following symbols are used as guides to sources of information for... Roswell Incident date: July 8, 1947 (165k) Major Jesse A. Marcel of Houma, La. Any further reproduction of this material is prohibited without written permission from the Special Collections Division of the University of Texas at Arlington Libraries Publication or other public use... Roswell 1999: What Now? By Thomas J. Carey Donald R. Schmitt 1-28-99 As the millennium draws inexorably closer, we can look back and see that the 50th Anniversary Year of 1997 witnessed unprecedented national if not world-wide interest in the most famous and most thoroughly investigated UFO case... ROSWELL AUTOPSY SHOWING IN ITALY by Edoardo Russo Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici This is a report on the showing of the so-called Roswell autopsy at the Third International Symposium on UFOs and Related Phenomena, held by Centro Ufologico Nazionale (CUN) in San Marino (Italy) on May 20th and... Source: The Herald-Sun Duram, N.C. Date : June 16, 1996 The Roswell Incident Almost 50 Years After the Government Dismissed a UFO Sighting, Residents Are Still Checking the Sky for Flying Saucers by Mark Schultz ROSWELL, N. M. - The tires of the rented Nissan spit dirt and gravel as we pull off... ALIEN CONTACT/UFO's ***ARE THOSE BEINGS THAT COME TO THIS PLANET IN SPACE CRAFT, SIMPLY MEMBERS OF AN ADVANCED ALIEN RACE? ***NO!!! THEY ARE FALLEN ANGELS!!! ***{1}HAS THERE BEEN ANY CAPTURE OF DOWNED UFO'S BY GOVERNMENTS (or secret organizations) UPON EARTH? ***YES! ***{2}IF HAS THERE BEEN ANY... Alleged Alien Autopsy at ROSWELL According to eye-witness reports, a UFO crashed near the town Roswell, New Mexico (USA) in 1947. Bodies of dead aliens wore reported to have been found near the wreckage. The U.S. Air Force carried out on investigation under the strictest conditions of secrecy. A... CURRENT STATUS OF THE ALIEN AUTOPSY FILM Look here for ALL the latest developments on the AA film. All of the opinions, discussions, and challenges on it's authenticity since it was first shown publicly by the Fox Network in August 1995, have been collected and are available below. If... The Roswell Report: Case Closed Files are in Adobe Acrobat 3.0 format. Download the newest version from Adobe. Contents Cover Foreword Guide For Readers Introduction Section One Flying Saucer Crashes and Alien Bodies 1.1 The Crash Sites, Scenarios, and Research Methods 1.2 High Altitude... Roswell Crash Photographer James Bond Johnson, Ph.D. Fort Worth, Texas July, 1947 As our readers know, we have a strong interest in the Roswell case, and I am always looking for new evidence or stories told by people involved in this dramatic episode of UFO history. One day I received the... Interview with Ray Santilli, conducted by Philip Mantle Q: What are the chances of the other, so far un-released autopsy film actually being released either to private researchers or in to the public domain? A: It will not be released but a viewing for private researchers is possible. Q: Who is in... Roswell ! Return to UFO Folklore . . . . . . Websites for Pictures ! The Roswell Autopsy Film Return to UFO Folklore ! Background of the Roswell Folklore ! In July of 1947, a UFO crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. According to reports, the bodies of several aliens were... In 1996 supposed pieces of the UFO that crashed near Roswell were sent autonomously to Art Bell, a popular late night radio talk show host. These have been, and are still being studied by various labs around the country. Like so many other issues surrounding the entire Roswell Case, the results are... Back To: Great Cover-Ups Index ROSWELL THE BASIC STORY, ACCORDING TO UFO ENTHUSIASTS/RESEARCHERS THE ROSWELL INCIDENT, 1947 On the evening of July 2, 1947, a bright, disk-shaped object was seen flying over... Back To: Great Cover-Ups Index ROSWELL THE FOUR FACES OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT The government has made four chief statements over the years concerning what was found at Roswell. 1. On July 6, Lieutenant Walter Haut... Back To: Great Cover-Ups Index ROSWELL OTHER THEORIES FOR WHAT CRASHED AT ROSWELL In addition to the two primary theories/stories of the Roswell crash (alien flying saucer weather balloon), some other theories... Back To: Great Cover-Ups Index ROSWELL PLUSES MINUSES OF ALIEN CRASH THEORY PLUSES AND MINUSES OF ALIEN CRASH THEORY: PLUSES: 1. There were many so-called witnesses to the event... The Bactra Review: Occasional and eclectic book reviews by Cosma Shalizi UFO Crash at Roswell The Genesis of a Modern Myth by Benson Saler, Charles A. Ziegler, and Charles B. Moore Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997 The Folk Narrative Is Out There This is, almost without question... Home gtgt Documentary Movies gtgt Roswell: Declassified Evidence UFO's? Crash test dummies? Cover-up? You decide. Never before has the United States Air Force addressed the question of alien... Rep. Steven Schiff asked the GAO to prepare a report on the status of documents related to the Roswell Incident. The GAO Roswell Report by Jon Elliston Dossier... HOME|DISINFO ARTICLES|GZ FORUM Laying Face Down in the Sand at Roswellby Clyde Lewis Roswell New Mexico 1947, was Pleasantville USA. Much like the movie something came in and made an impact on the small town. While the possibility of an alien craft and extra terrestrials was... Roswell UFO CrashRoswell New Mexico. . .1947. . .a UFO crashed . . .or was shot down. . . causing more controversy as to what really happened than most other events in current history. We do know that something happened...that there were alien bodies (whether the autopsy film was authentic ornot... THE ROSWELL ENCOUNTER In July of 1998, we took our airships to the UFO Encounter Tradeshow in Roswell, NM. We flew everything from our 38 Flying Disc to our 6 foot High Performance Saucer and created so much excitement that television stations such as NBC and CBS broadcast... Roswell 47 Their freedom was taken away as they crashed (to be a project of search) The experiment will make sure it won't last All expect starlight once The ascent (alien ship?) was shot at because national security was in jeopardy They say a weather balloon crashed, so we know it's bullshit We... Roswell: Clashing Visions of the Possible By Michael Swords Roswell is obviously a highly divisive topic in ufology. People accept or reject it, often emotionally, for reasons which seem to the listener unclear, even after patient attention. The possibility of a crashed disk... Roswell, New Mexico Pix - Page Two Go to : Page 1 | Page 2 | Mecha.Net | Absolute Zero Roswell, New Mexico, 1998. Click on a thumbnail to see the full-sized image. I couldn't get to this wreckage bit, outside Roswell. I find strange, alien technology near Roswell! Outside... Home Roswell Case summary The whole story Rebuttal to the Air Force's Roswell Report: Case Close Roswell: Clashing Visions of the Possible The Glue Explanation Just Won't Stick An Engineer Looks at the Project Mogul Hypothesis A Conversation with Jesse Marcel Jr. (PDF) SOM 1-01 MANUAL: Alleged MJ... Roswell UFO Crash ALIEN AUTOPSY Ref: 4425/DS Display re-creating alleged autopsy of a dead alien, using models, in UFO Museum at Roswell, New Mexico. This photograph is copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without permission. [ Fortean Picture Library shy Subject Index shy... The Roswell Incident! The Roswell Inceident was one of the most talked about unsolved mysteries of the 20th century... ...On the 2nd July 1947, an extraordianary wrecked was found scattered over a remote ranch in New Mexico, USA. What was it? Will we ever find out! was it.. A crashed spyplane? An... Roswell Incident Pictures... IN SEARCH OF THE TRUTH ABOUT ROSWELL Did an alien spacecraft crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and were alien bodies recovered? Has the US government covered up the truth for over half a century? Or is Roswell just a lot of hooey? On May 29, 1997, astronomers Michael West (Saint Mary's... By Paul McCarthyIt was July 5, 1947. A day seemingly like any other in the sleepy, desert town of Roswell, New Mexico. A nurse who worked at the Roswell Army Air Field hospital, a base with about 5,000 military personnel, was going about her usual routine over the long July Fourth weekend, when she... The Roswell Aliens There are some discrepancies between which alien photos are the actual alien bodies recovered at the Roswell crash site. The Alien Autopsy video is one of the most famous. The alien in the video is believed to be one of the Roswell aliens because it is during the same... A history virtual paper on the Roswell Incident. Pictures of the crashed spacecraft. Pictures of the alleged aliens. Downloadable wav files of testimony from witnesses Text of the Roswell Testimony (divided into sections) Cartoons of the Roswell incident. ...still under consruction... Alternate Realities:The Roswell Crash Site(s)by Dennis StacyAlien Epitaph: The stone greeting visitors to the Corn site.Tourists passing through Roswell may think the crash site presented at the Hub Corn Ranch is the one and only. But that's hardly the case. Ufologists (who cannot even agree as to... ROSWELL AUTOPSY SHOWING IN ITALY by Edoardo Russo Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici This is a report on the showing of the so-called Roswell autopsy at the Third International Symposium on UFOs and Related Phenomena, held by Centro Ufologico Nazionale... The Roswell Resource Centre Over the past year or so, the air has been thick with speculation about the purported Roswell footage. To assist with discussions about the subject we at AAES have tried to compile the best evidence and debate on the web, both about the film footage, and the... Here is a photograph I found not long ago, located on the Malta UFO Research page, which says that this is a photo of the crashed UFO found in Roswell. The authenticity of this photograph can be debated but you can actually see people in front of the craft looking at it. As for the craft, it looks... Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell Mailing Information Institution: Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell Address: Po Box 6000 City: Roswell State: NM Zip: 88202 Telecommunications Information Telephone: 505 624 7000Fax: 505 624 7119URL: Why Roswell Won't Go Away Kevin Randle won't let Roswell die. And he's just the man to keep it alive -- although some may view him as a desperate paramedic who won't give up on a patient already gone cold. Find out why this veteran ufologist still believes an alien craft crashed in New Mexico. The... Air Force Roswell Report An excerpt from the 1995 Air Force publication The Roswell Report: Fact Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert. The report makes the case... Our first look at the alien remains from the 1954 crash site. Prof. Schombert, dressed in medical gown, is so stunned by the physical evidence that he is frozen in an almost mannequin appearance. The white rectangles hovering over the alien body are ethereal emissions from the decomposing remains... ContentZone FOR TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1947 RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region No Details of Flying Disk Are Revealed Roswell Hardware Man and Wife Report Disk Seen The intelligence office of the 509th Bombardment group at Roswell Army Field announced at noon today, that the... This section takes a look at the UFO Crash at Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. Not included in this section is the purported film about the alien autopsy by Ray Santilli. To know more about it, just have a look at other sites throughout the Web... The Roswell Daily Record for Tuesday, July 8... SECRET REPORT Following man's first use of atomic weaponry, UFO sightings around US military establishments became a common occurrence. This cumulated in the summer of 1947 with the crash of an object in the New Mexico Desert less than a few miles from the 509th bomb group stationed at Roswell, the... Roswell ! Return to UFO Folklore . . . . . . Websites for Pictures ! The Roswell Autopsy Film Return to UFO Folklore ! Background of the Roswell Folklore ! In July of 1947, a UFO crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. According to reports, the bodies of several aliens were... [ ROSWELL CRASH ] Roswell N.M. UFO Crash Related Information Alien Autopsy Photos Roswell / Alien Autopsy Related Web Sites... Alien Autopsy Film In 1997 Ray Santilli stunned the world with an autopsy film taken of an extra terrestrial. The film allegedly portrays an extra terrestrial autopsy conducted in Roswell New Mexico during July 1947. The extra terrestrial was allegedly one of the... Roswell? What are we talking about? If you've somehow missed out on all the media speculation surrounding the film footage - Here's the basics One of the most famous stories in 'UFO history' is that in 1947 an alien craft crashed in the New Mexico desert near... Air Force says of Roswell: 'Case Closed' Skeptics critical, despite military reportIn this story:Aliens or dummies?Skeptics challenge Pentagon versionWitness insists he saw dead aliensRelated stories and sites June 24, 1997 Web posted at: 4:48 p.m. EDT (2048 GMT) WASHINGTON (CNN) -- So-called space... The Roswell Story Story of the Footage by Ray Santilli Magazine articles Order your Copy News And Views B.U.F.O.R.A. Information Paragon ONLINE Home Page... Copyright 1997, Fund for UFO Research, Inc. All rights reserved. STATEMENT: ON ROSWELL, THE AIR FORCE, AND CRASH TEST DUMMIES Richard H. Hall Chairman, Fund for UFO Research Richard Hall is retired from the Congressional Information Service, Bethesda, Maryland, where he was an... UFOLOGY-ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO Are we alone? The late 1940's herolded the beginning of the era of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) with large numbers of UFOs were reported near our high security research labs, military bases, and Nation's Capitol. This era climaxed with the reports of the discovery... Back To: Great Cover-Ups Index ROSWELL THE ROSWELL/UFO COVER-UP: WHY? For years people have asked why would the U.S. government have become actively involved in a cover-up of the Roswell 1947 UFO crash (and... Back To: Roswell UFO overview VISITOR THEORIES (newest at bottom) From Shane Demetrius of New Rochelle, NY: WHO = I think that people from a planet from the star vega from the star system lyra ,has aliens that are traveling to earth because we... In July 1947, something fell to earth outside Roswell, New Mexico. For a few days the world wondered if visitors from outer space had come to grief there, then the U.S. military announced it was all a misunderstanding. Only a balloon and radar target crashed, they said. Fifty years later, people... INCIDENT AT ROSWELL Now available at Starvector Software! INCIDENT AT ROSWELL - Contains possibly the most important UFO material ever discovered! This CD contains NEVER BEFORE SEEN alien autopsy footage, which may be found disturbing to some viewers. Also includes additional footage of debris... Roswell Alien Autopsy Reportby George Wingfield(13th May 1995) As reported last issue (Enigma 5), it seems that some old film canisters have been found which pertain to show an autopsy being performed on an alien body recovered at... UFO Secret: The Roswell Crash Explanatory text goes here. ... News: Step 3 -- Enlarging Symbol 1 on Roswell Crash Photo Step 3: Symbol 1 was enlarged... Aliens Editorial: Was There a Roswell in 1865?, asks Parascope: AN EXTRAORDINARY STORY A METEORIC SHOWER CROCKERY FALLING FROM THE SKY Note: (Crockery generally refers to cups and sacers, this may be the very first reference to (saucers) in the sky. Mr... Re: Roswell/FBI Memo Commonwealth Network Re: Roswell/FBI Memo [The following is a teletype message from the Dallas, TX, FBI office to the Cincinati, OH, FBI office regarding the event at Roswell. The xx means it was scratched out, ?? means I couldn't read it. The following material is from...


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