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The D.A.R.E. program is a joint project of the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles Unified School District to prevent drug abuse in children and youth. The emphasis of D.A.R.E. is to help students recognize and resist the many pressures that influence them to experiment with alcohol and drugs. In addition, the program focuses on feelings related to self-esteem, interpersonal and communication skils, decision making, and positive alternatives to drug abuse behavior. D.A.R.E. offers a variety of activity-oriented techniques which are designed to encourage student-generated responses to problem-solving situation. The focus of drug abuse prevention for the primary and middle grades is that of drug safety. The particular emphasis of this instruction is on helping students become aware of the potential dangers in the misuse of any drug, medicine, or other substance. Also, there is recognition of the need at this level to help students develop awareness that alcohol and tobacco are drugs.

The St. Johnsbury Drug Abuse Resistance Program was established in 1987. Retired Police Sargent Mike Petrow was in charge of the D.A.R.E. program after the death of Officer Wilfred Bougerious.

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