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Thank you so much for taking the time to visit this web site.  Each person is appreciated, even though I may not know you personally.

At the bottom of every page there are links to each individual page located within this web site.  When you are located at a certain page, that page does not have an active link, but instead is just plain text.  This, in my opinion, makes it easier for the person browsing to locate which page they are on without having to guess by reading some nonsense words in the title bar which don't help you at all.

I have designed this web site to make it easy on everyone who visits, so if you have a problem, please complete the feedback form in detail so that the problem may be reviewed.  Keep in mind that not everything you want you're going to get, but remember that I will try to make everyone happy.

If any of you who visit this site have some suggestions about a new background image or any new pages you would like to see posted here, please post a message in the guest book or fill out the feedback form.  Thanks.



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Revised: April 04, 2002