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A Responsible, Reputable Breeder will take into consideration many factors during the initial stage of planning a litter. A Responsible, Reputable Breeder (I call them R+R Breeders) will be concerned with temperament, genetic health, and soundness of each puppy that they bring into this world. All breeding dogs should be tested for the health of the hips, eyes, thyroid, and also vWD (a bleeding disorder).

A "R + R" Breeder sell their puppies only to approved homes and puppies being sold into non-breeding/show homes are sold on a Spay/Neuter Contract and Limited AKC Registration. All puppies Pet/Show/Obedience/Brood/Stud should be sold with a Health Guarantee. If a Breeder is not willing to sell a puppy on a health guarantee and is not testing their dogs for genetic problems (at least hips + eyes): use caution with your dealings with such a Breeder. Responsible and Reputable Breeders stand behind their dogs/ pups; and Breeders that are not willing to sell their dogs/puppies on a sales contract that include a health guarantee, spay/neuter agreement for pet quality puppies and a return policy; than maybe they should not be breeding dogs.

I can not stress enough that you (as the buyer) need to do your research and investigate any Breeder that you are considering buying a puppy from. Buying a puppy from a Responsible Breeder could save you money and LOTS of heartache. Do not buy from pet stores, backyard breeders or irresponsible Breeders you are just supporting their business and therefore creating a demand for these type of people to breed again and again!! It is a vicious circle that needs to be broken and the only way to stop this is for EVERYONE to not buy from them. And one more thing; do not be fooled into thinking a Breeder is a Responsible, Reputable Breeder just because they have a nice website, pretty dogs, show in conformation or obedience and/or are members of such and such clubs; this means very little; investigate the Breeder you are planning to buy a puppy/ dog from, ask questions, and request a written sales contract.



"The American Kennel Club believes that breeding programs should be undertaken responsibly for the purpose of improving the breed and that puppies should be placed only in homes where owners are committed to responsible dog ownership.

We are opposed to the production of dogs by those who do so without regard to the welfare of the dogs they produce and without accepting responsibility for placing puppies in homes where owners understand and are prepared to undertake their commitment to responsible dog ownership.

The American Kennel Club believes that the majority of unwanted dogs in the United States are the result of irresponsible breeding, irresponsible marketing, and owners who are unwilling to make a commitment to the care and training of their dog. We commend breeders and dog fanciers who are educating the public and breeders about their long term commitments and responsibilities."
