Courage Quotes

Here are quotes all revolving around the idea of "Courage".

1.The truly fearless think of themselves as normal.
=Margaret Atwood

2.We are very much what others think of us. The reception our observations meet with gives us courage to proceed, or damps our efforts.
=William Hazlitt

3.Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.
=Florence Scovel Shinn

4.The best protection any woman can have . . . is courage.
=Elizabeth Cady Stanton

5.Courage is being scared to death -- and saddling up anyway.
=John Wayne

6.The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
=Robert G. Ingersoll

7.It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
(No Name)

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