VCAndrews Casteel Quotes

Here are meaningful quotes all revolving around the books written by VCAndrews for the Casteel Series.

Luke Casteel Jr.

1."Tall mountains may be hard to climb, but the view from the top's worth it."
-Luke Casteel Jr. (Gates of Paradice)

Heaven Leigh Casteel

1."Like a leaf in the wind, I felt myself being swept along, carried away by forces far strounger than I was."
-Heaven Leigh Stonewall (Fallen Hearts)

2."Guilt is one of the most diffivult weights for the mind to endure."
-Heaven Leigh Stonewall (Fallen Hearts)

3."Finding the courage was part of the cost, but it was well worth the expense."
-Heaven Leigh Stonewall (Fallen Hearts)

4."Vanity was a heavy burden, chaining us to a world constructed of falsity where people exchang a currency of lies..."
-Heaven Leigh Stonewall (Fallen Hearts)

5."Why doesn't the Good book say honor the children,Grandpa,why doesn't it?"
-Heaven Leigh Casteel (Heaven)

Leigh VanVoreen Casteel

1."Let me tell you something, Jillian Tatterton, the game is OVER! you're going to be a GRANDMOTHER! Does that make you feel young?"
-Leigh VanVoreen (Web of Dreams)

2."Luke Casteel! How dare you come hom elike this? First, you could have driven the truck off a cliff or something, and now you look so foolish I could cry."
-Leigh VanVoreen (Web of Dreams) If you would like to comment on this page or have other quotes please e-mail me

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