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Teens Against Pop Music

Hello welcome to Teens Against Pop Music. I can do anything I want and I'm sick of pop music. Teenyboppers are not welcome except if they take a joke. I hope you like my page and sign the guestbook and slambook before ya leave, damn it! So be a good girl like you're supposed to and dominate your fears. If you appreciate my page, go ahead. If not, get the fuck out of here! Blaah blaaah blaaah!!!!!!! I don't want to talk to you no more. You better go back before it's too late!

Updated: 09/29/01

Note:Please check out the 2.0 version of Teens Against Pop Music

The Porno Midget
Who is the the porno midget behind all of this?
Signs Of A Teenybopper
The section where it tells you how to tell if a person is a teenybopper.
Facts and Questions
Questions about my site and about me.
Why I Hate Boy Bands
The section of why I hate boy bands.
Why Duran Duran is better than any boy bands
If you think Duran Duran is better than BSB, come on in.
Why I Hate Christina Aguilera
The section tells why I hate that skanky ho.
Why I Hate Britney Spears
Another skanky ho.
Why I Hate Fred Durst/Limp Bizkit
Limp bizkit sucks and Fred is an asshole!
Why I Hate TRL
I hate that show and we need rock on the countdown!
Why Craig Croskery Sucks
Why that future pop prince sucks.
NickNames of pop bands and pop singers.
Awards I've Won
Yeepee! I Feel so loved! =)
The cliques I joined.
Let's enjoy the songs written by me and other people.
Celebrity Deathmatch
The scripts I made.
Webrings that I joined.
Sent In The Clowns
People say the darnest things.
Link Me
Click here to link me.=)
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Add your link in here if you have a website. :)

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Leaving? Well visit the sites here.
Message Board
Talk about anti pop and other stuff, you have to register first.
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Michelle's Other Pages
I'm So Blind: A Korn Page
Charlotte Doll: A Kittie Page
Knife Party - A Deftones Site
It's An Ordinary World: My personal site
How to Be a Rock Star in less than 48 Hours

Email me. I dare ya!

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