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Workforce Development & Education

Web Master:Chan Lee@The Ohio State University *

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Human Resource Development

Academy of Human Resource Development
American Society for Training & Development
Academy of Management
Human Resource Development Quarterly
Industrial-Organizational Online Forums
International Personnel Management Association
International Society for Performance Improvement
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Management Information Systems
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Leadership and Organizational Development Journal
Performance Improvement Quarterly
Public Personnel Management (PPM)
Personnel Psychology
R&D Management Training
* Other Web Sites *

Vocational Education

Educational Insights
ERIC Clearinghouse on Vocational Education
Federal Resources for Education Excellence
National Center on Education and the Economy
National Center for Research in Vocational Education
National STW Learning and Information Center
Omicron Tau Theta (OTT)
Electronic Training Village
The National Bureau of Economic Research
The Technology Source
UNESCO's International Project
* Other Web Sites *

Adult Education & etc.

After School
American Association for Adult Education
Quality Assessment & Accountability Systems
Education Review (ER)
Educational Technology & Society
e School News Communications Group
Higher Education
Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference
State and Local Government Information
Teaching & Learning to Standards Teachers
UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization
The Foundation for Cuntinuing Education
White House Virtual Library
* Other Web Sites *