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ThE PrAcTiCe SiTe.. !

DoNNeLL, YoUnG, DoLe & FrUtt.

HeLLo!! AnD WeLcOmE 2 My ThE PrAcTiCE SiTe! DeDiCaTed 2 ThE NuMbEr OnE ShOw On TeLeViSiOn As We KnOw ToDay.
The Practice is a legal drama show which proves it is more that just a show put together to fill in a 1 hour slot in the television time table. It is one of the most brain teasing shows on television that never ceases to provide us our weekly dose of satisfaction. One night each and every week, every single house hold is silent in the fear that they may cease to hear a word spoken from the mouths of their favourite characters. The Practice is an insight into the lives of 8 people who just like us yearn to do what they believe is right, and go to the same struggle in finding hapiness in both their proffessional and personal lives. So come and join us in this navagational journey through this site to find out more about The Practice and the actors who make the characters seem so real that we often find ourselves breathless at their every word.

NOTE: For those people who have been here before you would have noticed that my index page, which is this one is new, this is because for some reason my old one was deleted. So please be patient while I try and get back my site to the way it was. THANKZ

For those people curious about why Eugene Young chose the path of being a Defense Lawyer go here: EUGENE to read all about it. Thanks goes to Liz for putting this together :) THANKS BUDDI!!!

News: Well it's official....our favourite couple...BOBBY & LINDSAY.. will be tying the knot on the fourth season finale :)

BeLow R ThE LiNkz 4 ThE ReSt Of ThE SiTe


KeLLi WiLLiAmS On ThE MaRtIn ShOrT ShOw

SeAsOn 1 GuIdE


My YaHoo cLuB On ThE PrAcTiCe..pLz jOiN

IF you would like to comment on my site or ask me anything about The Practice and the stars in the show, email be here at:

DISCLAIMER: The Practice belongs to DAVID E KELLEY and 20th Century FOX.