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John Finneran's Nepotism Promotion Web Site

Last Updated: 5/13/2001: Created and added a link to Finneran Family Calender (with births, deaths, and marriages).

Previous Update: 4/21/ , Nancy's artwork selling site, is now up live. Added links to my new page on my new page on Westbrook Pegler and Sandra Short's New Zealand pictures. Most of the money making website previously noted are now defunct, so I've taken them out. I've also taken out the link to Raytheon's website since Eileen is no longer there.

This web site was set up to promote the important cause of Finneran Family Nepotism. If you have a web site, it helps you in such things as search engine rankings to have as many sites as possible link to your site.

I’m trying to include links to all family web sites here, and I’m accepting a broad definition of nepotism to also include associates, cronies, compadres, hanger-ons, and fellow travelers.

If you have a web site you want listed here, send an e-mail to:

My web pages:

  • Pile of a web site on high school sports in Massachusetts. The world's greatest web site.

  • O'Pinions & O'Bservations O' O'Bscure O'Briania: a web site I maintain on the short stories and some of the other obscure works of writer Patrick O'Brian.

  • Westbrook Pegler: a web site on American journalist Westbrook Pegler (1894-1969).

    Other Finneran family web pages:

  • Finneran and Short Family History: a great site on the Finneran and Short families, with family trees, pictures, etc. Maintained by Eileen Finneran O'Sullivan.

  • Maureen Haley School of Irish Dancing: Maureen Haley has taught many Irish dancers over the years, most notably Ellen, Eileen, and Nancy Finneran. This site is maintained by Eileen.

  • Ellen's Family Pictures: Family pictures from Ellen (Finneran) Chun using flash technology. This site is best viewed using Internet Explorer.

  • Homepage of Raen Fionn-Inish: alias Nancy Finneran.

  • : Nancy's website for selling artwork.

  • Neo-Images Gallery: Includes paintings by Kate Finneran, as well as an interview with Kate. This site is a bit difficult to navigate. The set-up is very, like, artsy (Bah! Easy site navigation is so bourgeois! We are far too tres importante to make things easy! We are artistes!) The easiest way to find Kate’s stuff is to click on the “e” on the left to get to the list of exhibitions.

  • "Tomorrow" art exhibit at The Blue Has paintings by Kate and some other people we don't care about. I don't know about that date of birth on Kate's resume: How can she be born the same year I was and still be two years older than me? Hmmmmm.....

  • Sandra's New Zealand pictures Sandra Short's album of her trip to New Zealand.

  • Finneran Family Club: Yahoo discussion club founded and maintained by Carol Finneran.

  • Bio of Senator Mike Finneran: Biography of Senator Mike Finneran from Fianna Fail (Irish political party) web site.

  • John Finneran's Ear, a short story by Isak Romun: A very strange, but entertaining, story. I don't know anything about Isak Romun, except that he wrote this story. The "John Finneran" in the story is a fictitious character (not me! or Dad!), and Mr. Romun no doubt chose the name Finneran because it sounded very exotic and ethnic.

    Web Sites by Almost Finnerans

  • Kara Somerville exhibition at Salon 300: There's also a link to her resume (not quite up to date)

    Various Money Making Schemes:

    Most of the good money-making web sites are now out of business, but here are a few of some interest:You make small amounts of money at these sites for doing various things. You generally make more if others sign up under you using your referral ID (this often goes for a few levels), so if any of you want to sign up for any of these, use my ID or one of the others noted here (and send me your ID so I can list it).

  • Epinions: Write short reviews on various products and make 1-3 cents every time another registered user of the site reads one of your reviews. One big disadvantage: you give up all Internet rights to your reviews (although you keep the other rights).

    My user ID is John_F. See all my Epinions reviews.

    Other noteworthy members are:

    Mark_O (Mark O’Sullivan) See all his reviews (Nancy Finneran) See all her reviews
    catfood (Adam Conn) See all his reviews

    Epinions is also a great place to go if you are researching a product. The reviews really give you a good overview of each products pros and cons.

  • Themestream: Similar to Epinions. It’s not as nice looking or easy to use as Epinions, but Themestream has several advantages: (1) you get 10 cents per registered page view (for now. The amount will probably go down in the future.); (2) you can write on anything, not just reviews; and (3) (most importantly) you retain all rights to your work, so you can submit the same writing to Themestream and other places on the net. You can submit previously published works if you like, just as long as you own the rights.

    See all my Themestream articles.

  • Word Archive: Similar to Themestream, except that you don’t get a fixed amount per view; rather you get a percentage of the ad revenue from ads on pages with your article (which isn’t likely to be much); but since you have all rights to your articles, you can just post your Themestream articles here again and potentially make a little bit more money.

    See all my Word Archive articles (Same as my Themestream articles).


  • Radio Free Cash: The idea is you get paid to listen to music. I wouldn't recommend using it to try to make money (it's unlikely ever to pay), but the music selection is good. There are over 200 music channels to choose from. I usually listen to the Celtic channel, which is very good. My referral ID is Old_Mzab
    Do-Gooder Click Sites:

    You go to these sites and click on a button and some ads come up. The advertisers then donate a few cents to whatever the cause is. It doesn't cost you anything. You can only click once a day (that will count). These are worth doing if you're on-line and have a few extra minutes.

  • End Cancer Now

  • The Hunger Site

  • Free Donation: Choose from a variety of causes.

    Other Links:

  • Marshfield home page

  • Get free voice mail (one e-mail/voice mail box where you can receive e-mail, voice mail, or faxes). You get a local number with an extension. If you sign up, there’s also an offer to get 100 free business cards.

  • Like Onebox, except that Ureach gives you an 800 number (but you only get 30 minutes free per month).

    This site maintained by John Finneran