Me and Dana's conversation

°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
that email you sent me that had "me" as the subject...what was that? cause I accidentally deleted it
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
i didnt send you an email
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
your emoticons suck.
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
well...yes you did
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!
÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
yeah I know
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
no i didnt
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
I have !
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
g r a ss
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:

°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:

°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
chees e
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:

°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
mine's blue
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:

÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:

°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:

°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
hey...why didn't you come out to justine's last night?
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
didn't brandon invite you?
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
hold on
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
i didnt come out lastnight b/c i wanted to see what was gonna happen on riverside
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
and shit happened
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says: were gonna go up and down
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:

°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says: you care about being my friend anymore?
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
just answer it please
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
because it doesn't seem like's like you make no effort to ever do anything with me anymore
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
or try and talk to me and stuff...
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
we used to talk on the phone and play around on here all the time...
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
and we don't do any of that stuff anymore
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
and it makes me a sad panda " "
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
because you're always at brandon's house or he's at your house and you're too busy to do other things than brandon
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
well why dont you ask me or something? plan things with me...
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
and you're not allergic to him or anything so why can't we all do stuff again?
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
this is gonna sound really bad, but when you two get together you have the whole one-mind thing going on. i mean like you used to eat seafood.... or at least i thought you did..... and then when you found out that he was allergic to it you decided not to eat anymore. i mean there are other things and its not just you changing.... you've both changed.... and its not like it used to be
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
that's bullshit...I haven't eaten seafood since my grandma was alive b/c we had a fish fry and there were eggs in one of the fish
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
and the little veins in the shrimp freak me out now
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
ummm ok
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
you're not around me enough anymore to know whether I've changed...and if I'm around different people then I'm gonna be a bit I'm sure you probably know from experience
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
so...definite answer here...
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
are we gonna be friends anymore or not?
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
dana i dont know. i mean yeah i'd like to be your friend and all.... but you're always busy doing something. i've called before. i've asked if y'all wanna do something. sometimes you do. most of the time you don't. you're always watching a movie or sleeping or watching wrestling.... and its like you're the only things that matter to each other anymore... if you'd actually come out once in awhile
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
maybe it wouldn't be like this
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
what do you mean by "come out"?
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
somewhere that's not a house.... lol
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
I don't remember you trying to get us to do very much
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
so why do you think its gotten like this? in your honest opinion
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
because ever since that thing about going out to the car with me you haven't really acted like you did before....
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
well that was a group effort argument against me... and how i was wrong
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
it was not
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
you knew how important it was to me...and we planned it...and you just left...and ryan told me that you realized all that stuff one day...
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
so dont act like you dont know what I'm talking about
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
yeah we planned it. and when i went to leave, you had already left. so don't blame that on me. you could have come down there and we could have gone out.... but you had to leave i guess.
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
but it was the last time I'd ever be in mr. dodson's class....I wasn't just gonna give that up
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
we planned to leave from there
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
i dont remember that part
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
well..just forget about that past stuff...let's worry about now and the future
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
so do YOU want to be MY friend anymore?
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
yes I do..obviously...or I wouldn't keep trying like this
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
well i mean it's been like this for a while. you get online..... we talk..... and then you ask if i wanna be your friend. i tell you yes, and then i don't hear from you for about 2 weeks. and then its the same stuff all over again
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
because I wait for you to act on what you me and tell me to come with you to ruben's or something like that...but it never happens...
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
but it wont be like that this time
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says: but it wont be like that this time
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
mean it's been like this for a while. you get online..... we talk..... and then you ask if i wanna be your friend. i tell you yes, and then i don't hear from you for about 2 weeks. and then its the same stuff all over again
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
nd then its the same stuff all over again
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
how is it going to change? i haven't talked to you in forever..... i mean like REALLY talked..... every time i try talking to you you leave MSN on and leave or something.... so i dont know what's happening with you..... i mean i know you went to that place a couple of days ago or whatever..... but that's about all i know
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
I never leave it on
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:

°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says: you wanna do something tomorrow then?
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
when you're at brandon's you do
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
so we can talk....and catch up and stuff...
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
oh that..
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
me and justine were supposed to be hanging out tomorrow...come with us
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
if my mom's not being a bitch ok
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
but today has been a really bad day
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
im sowwie
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says: day we should all go to brandon'
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
im talking to maggie about it right now..... its kinda good to have the perspective of someone who's not caught up in my drama
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
s new place and hang out and stuff
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
yeah...always is
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
well me and justine went by there thursday and nobody was there
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
he didn't start moving in until friday
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:

÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
i wish i could find a place like that to move in to.... because i would if i had the $$ lol
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
me too!
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
i hate it here
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
its gotten so bad
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
you just dont know
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
well..brandon will let anyone live with him that can pay half his bills
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
well...maybe I will know by tomorrow
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
if we have a computer place to check email i can show you what all i've said
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
and i'd move in... but i have no job
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
that's always the problem... at McDonald's
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
mcdonalds at mcdonalds?
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
the thing for that emoticon is
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
I forgot
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
the thing for that emoticon is......?

type in caps
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:

÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
well that happens when i type
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
anywhere i type , shows up
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
ential, s, ting soil, ato
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
harry ter
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
you're a pothead
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
so yeah. family life no so much fun.
÷Ooh! He got two quarters in the back of his truck!÷ im sick of living here says:
and no i'm not.
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
°Hõkîè~Vêt~2ß° says:
I know