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Welcome to my homepage!
There's nothing out of the ordinary here, except this is my page and no one else's *l*
I'll admit I'm not very quick with the updates...
Actually...I'm pretty slow...
but I do occasionally add a little something here and there!
Anyway, there might be something here you find interesting,
so stick around!

Oh yeah, I put a guestbook on here again, so if you feel like it, sign it, okay? *s*

Update: Dec. 8, 1998 *s*

Human Beings

It is only love I feel
That will give us peace of heart

In my hour of desperate need
I feel closer to the one

Oh but why?

Please human being
If you plead
They will say it was

They'll be punchin' tickets
For the minute if you
Fall out of line


Tell me is it death you feel
That will bring you peace of life

The one

Tell me you want this
Tell me you want
Tell me you want this
Tell me you want

When you lose your self esteem
That's when love dies
Oh please human being
If you plead
They will say that
It's destined

They'll be punchin' tickets
For the minute if you
Fall out of line

We're mere
Human beings
We die

So desperate

Well I feel
We've reached number one
You look like you're bluffing
But really only
Blocking the sun
Blocking the sun
Blocking the sun
Blocking the sun
Blocking the sun

We're mere
Human beings
We die

It's destined

They'll be punchin' tickets
For the minute you
Fall out of life

We're mere
Human beings
We die

We're mere
Human beings
We die


It's destined

We're mere
Human beings
We die



We're mere
Human beings
We die


View My guestbook Sign my guestbook

I'm Sensitive

I was thinking that I might fly today
just to disprove all the things that you say
it doesn't take a talent to be mean
your words can crush things that are unseen

so please be careful with me, I'm sensitive
and I'd like to stay that way

you always tell me that it's impossible
to be respected and be a girl
why's it gotta be so complicated?
Why you gotta tell me if I'm hated?

So please be careful with me, I'm sensitive
and I'd like to stay that way

I was thinking that it might do some good
if we robbed the cynics and took all their food
that way what they believe will have taken place
and we can give it to the people who have some faith

so please be careful with me, I'm sensitive
and I'd like to stay that way

I have this theory that if we're told we're bad
then that's the only idea we'll ever have
but maybe if we are surrounded in beauty
someday we will become what we see
cause anyone can start a conflict
it's harder yet to disregard it
I'd rather see the world from another angle
we are everyday angels
be careful with me cause I'd like to stay that way


Where you can go from here...

Something to do with me...sort of...well...maybe...
Some amazing song lyrics...
My cats...
And the irony of it all...
Some places you may want to visit...

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