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Joachim Meyer Fechtbuch of 1600
Translation Project

Transcription Instructions

  1. Please place your name at the top of each page.
  2. Please indicate the number of the page you are transcribing. Use the numbers I have written in the lower right hand corner of each page.
  3. Place your line breaks where they appear in Meyer's book (i.e., one line of transcribed text for one line of Meyer text). This will make proofing easier!
  4. The publisher has used slashes ( / ) as punctuation marks. Please include them in your transcription.
  5. Capitalization is important! German words which are capitalized often have different meanings from their lower-case counterparts. Use your best judgement.
  6. Please leave a blank line between paragraphs.
  7. If you are uncertain of a character, use a question mark (?). If you are uncertain of an entire word, use a question mark for each letter of the word. We'll fill it in later!
  8. Save your transcription as either a Microsoft Word document or as a Rich Text Format (RTF) document.
  9. Attach your transcription document to an email and send it to the Project mailbox at If you cannot attach the document to an email, place it on a PC-compatible disk and mail it to Mark Rector at 2657 W. Medill, Chicago, IL 60647.
  10. Keep your pages! When they have been placed on the web site, you can proof your own work.


Tips on German Type

There are several characters in the German alphabet which may be unfamiliar to some of you, and the type used in Meyer's book can be difficult for the modern reader. With a little practice, though, it becomes easy to understand. If you are ever in doubt about a letter, please remember to insert a question mark (?) in its place. We'll proof each other's work and fill in the gaps later.

There are four particular German characters I would like to see included in all transcriptions. They are:

ß, ö, ä, ü

These characters may be found in "Insert/symbols/normal text" in Microsoft Word. They each have a shortcut key, so you don't have to keep "inserting" them each time (i.e., ö may be typed: ctrl + : + o on my device). If you do not have these characters on your computer, you may make the following substitutions:

ß = sz (or "ss"), ö = o:, ä = a:, ü = u:

Just as in English documents of this period, the printer often uses the symbol ſ for the letter "s". Since this is typographical and not related to language, we can all use "s". 
