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ThA PaGe Of LoVe
This is my page to show and express the meaning of love when it comes to being in love or loving someone special. So have fun with the poems for now aight.


Love is just an
image in your mind,
That moves in
unknown ways,
All that you feel is
an illusion
You hope its not
Love is like a piece
of gold,
Hard to get and hard
to hold,
If you have it hold
real tight,
Then you know what
love is like.


A kiss is not to be
passed around,
Like a present at
A kiss is a sacred
sign of True Love,
Not to be

Your kisses are like
An ocean spray,
Grabbing me
And whisking away,
All traces of

Heaven is a place that is mysterious.
You only know what it is like when you get there.
You are the closest thing to heaven.
You are my heaven.


When it hurts so bad, why does it feel so good? I wish this all made sense. I wish I understood. Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside but I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try. You know how I feel about you and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But its so hard to do when I can't even be next to you. Why does it gotta be so complicated? Loving you feels so right but at the same time knowing I can't have you keeps me awake at night. I just want this to be simple. I just want you here with me to look in to your eyes, be held in your arms, then I'd truely be happy. Right now this distance between us is out of our control but I'm still hoping one day soon I'll get what I'm wishing for.

Five Different Poems

Thu ve^` nhuo^.m tha('m ne't hoa`ng hoa
Su*o*ng dda^~m tra(ng lo^`ng bo'ng thu*o*'t tha,
Ve? ma('t kha'c chi ngu*o*`i quo^'c sa('c
Trong ddo*`i tri ky? chi? rie^ng ta.

Thi'ch tro^`ng hoa cu'c dde^? xem cho*i
Cu'c ngo' ddo*n so* la('m ma(.n mo`i
DDe^m va('ng ga^`n ke^` say che'n nguye^.t
Vu*o*`n thu va('ng ve? ddu? mua vui.

Em co' cho^`ng ro^`i. Ta va('ng nhau
Mo^.t ho^m cho*.t ga(.p giu*~a vu*o*`n nga^u
Em ddi go't nhe. ho*n nga^u
So*. cha.nh lo`ng ai nhu*~ng no^~i ddau.

Cha('c gi` anh dde^'n ho^m nay
Ma` em cu*' ddo*.i, ta`n nga`y, tra('ng dde^m
He^'t ddi ra cu*?a ngo'ng nhi`n
Va`o nha` ngo^`i xuo^'ng ddu*'ng le^n tha^~n tho*`
Cha('c gi` anh dde^'n ba^y gio*`
Tra` pha dde^? nguo^.i, nha.t mo*` vi. hu*o*ng
Cha('c gi`? Ma` da. cu*' thu*o*ng
Cu*' day du*'t no^~i va^'n vu*o*ng trong lo`ng ...

DDa~ ye^u, ye^u dde^'n vo^ cu`ng
DDa~ thu*o*ng, thu*o*ng dde^'n na't lo`ng vi` nhau
Cha('c gi` ? DDa~ cha('c gi` dda^u ?
Ho^m nay, ca? nhu*~ng nga`y sau em cho*` ...

Nga`y ve^` tha(m la.i tru*o*`ng xu*a
Ma'i re^u nga(n nga('t ha`ng du*`a lao xao
Ti`m em, em o*? phu*o*ng na`o ?
Ba^ng khua^ng go*?i la.i vo*'i bao mo^.ng dda^`u
Chie^`u nghie^ng ra`o ra.t ve sa^`u
Chu`m hoa phu*o*.ng tha('m nhuo^'m ma`u chia xa .
La^.t trang lu*u bu't chu*~ nho`a
Lang thang ma^y tra('ng, la dda` tru'c xinh .

"Memories of a Past Love"

I used 2 kiss ur lips it was a sweet and wonderful bliss
THe moment we shared our first kiss i was addicted 2 ur lips the soft caress of ur hands
Exploring my body over and over again
was lik a dream in the nite
dat i didn't want 2 end
u used 2 hold me in ur arms
keep me safe from all harms
but in an instant i was alarmed
2 discover u were gone
u went away from me out on ur own n carefree u didn't stick around 2 see how much deeper our luv could b u left me lik a dove flying aimlessly up above searching for some1 something that truly cares 4 me

"Nam Ddem"

Na(`m dde^m anh cu*' thu*o*ng em Ro*i nghie^ng nu*o*'c ma('t mo^.t be^n go^'i na(`m . The^' na`y cho he^'t tra(m na(m DDe^'n muo^'n na(m va^~n a^m tha^`m thu*o*ng em .

"Co Mot Tinh Yeu"

Anh chi? co' mo^.t ti`nh ye^u thu*' nha^'t, Anh cho em, ke`m vo*'i mo^.t la' thu* . Em kho^ng la^'y, va` ti`nh anh dda~ ma^'t . Ti`nh dda~ cho kho^ng la^'y la.i bao gio*` . Thu* thi` mo?ng nhu* suo^'t ddo*`i mo^.ng a?o . Ti`nh thi` buo^`n nhu* ta^'t ca? chia ly . Gia^'y phong ky~ mang tha^`m trong tu'i ao' . Ma~i tra(m la^`n vie^'t la.i mo*'i ddu*a ddi .
Lo`ng e the.n cu~ng theo to*` da.i To*'i be^n em, cho*` ddo*.i ma~i kho^ng ve^` . Em dda~ xe' lo`ng non cu`ng gia^'y mo*'i, - Ma^y dda^`y tro*`i ho^m a^'y phu? so*n khe^ .
Cu~ng may ma('n, lo`ng anh co`n tre? qua', Ma'u mu`a xua^n chu*a no*? he^'t bo^ng hoa; Vu*o*`n mu*a gio' co`n nghe chim ro^.n ra~ . Ai la.i co`n ye^u, bo^ng lu*.u, bo^ng tra` .
Nhu*ng gia^y phu't da^`u say hoa bu*o*'m tha('m . DDa~ nghi`n la^`n anh ba('t ddu*o*.c anh mo* DDo^i ma('t so*. cha(?ng bao gio*` da'm nga('m . DDo^i tay ye^u kho^ng ddu*o*.c na('m bao gio*` .
Anh va^~n tu*o*?ng chuye^.n ddu`a khi tuo^?i nho? . Co' ai ngo*~ lo`ng vo*~ dda~ tu*` bao ! Ma('t kho^ng u*o*'t, nhu*ng bao ha`ng le^. ro? . Len ti? te^ tha^`m tro^.m cha?y quay va`o .
Hoa thu*' nha^'t co' mo^.t mu`i trinh, Xua^n dda^`u mu`a trong ve? ddo*n so* . Hu*o*ng mo*'i tha^'m be^`n ghi nhu* thie^'t; Su*o*ng nguye^n tie^u, tro*`i dda^'t cu~ng chung mo*`.
To*` la' tha('m dda~ la.c do`ng u ua^'t, A'nh mai soi cu~ng pha nha.t ma`u o^i . Anh chi? co' mo^.t ti`nh ye^u thu*' nha^'t, Anh cho em, ne^n anh dda~ ma^'t ro^`i.
