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Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Jason Gilman, the NAI's equipment specialist.

Although I am proficient with most forms of natural anomalies, ghosts are my expertise. My primary goal in the paranormal field is to establish firm scientific proof of ghosts. On a personal note, I find ghosts to be exceptionally annoying, especially because being in the presence of a ghost tends to have adverse effects on my sympathetic nervous system. Accordingly, I display tendencies to view all ghosts in a negative light; therefore, I am forced to understand them only because of my intent to raze them. I’ve acquired the knowledge and the means, now all I need are targets. (to study of course)

Tips And Strategies For Dealing With Ghosts

For those who are having supernatural encounters (and who would rather not be) there is finally hope. I can't promise to solve your problems, but I can give advice that you may find immensely valuable. If what I say here does not solve your specific problem please feel free to contact me for more specific information on your particular problem. Regardless of what type of ghost you are dealing with there are a few things that they all have in common.

First, all ghosts prefer dark and cool places.

Secondly, all ghosts show tendencies to haunt specific places, items or people.

Finally, and most undisputedly, all ghost are illusive.

A ghost can handle a dark warm place or even a dim warm place but not a hot bright place. For example, have you ever herd of a ghost encounter in a wide-open field in the middle of a hot summer day? No chance, ghosts don't work that way. You may find a ghost in the woods, a cave, a house, or any dim place but never in a bright open place. From this simple fact we can deduce that ghosts and light don't mix. Therefore, if you can keep a place well lit, this will inhibit a ghost's ability to haunt. The correlation of ghosts and photons is still unclear, but undisputedly there is one, and it appears to be a negative one. If you can't keep a place brightly lit the next best thing is to light it with blue light. This serves a duel prepuce.

Now let's consider the general negative effect of light on supernatural activity. Blue light has a calming effect on people. This is important when dealing with ghosts. It seems that ghosts feed off of the psychic energy of people (which you produce when frightened or stressed.) It is a vicious cycle, the ghost makes you nervous then it feeds and becomes stronger and makes you more nervous. It is crucial to break this cycle. Light (especially blue light) is an excellent way to do it. If you can figure out where the haunting is emanating from, there is a good chance you can completely eliminate it (not just suppress it) with light. This approach is based off of the energy impression theory, although the details are too complicated to state here.

I will reiterate that simply locating the haunted item and destroying it, although not always practical (like in the case of your house), is highly effective. Another alternative (if it is a haunted bedroom you are dealing with ) is to switch bedrooms with another member of your family. This can be very effective because some people emit more energy than others, and the person you switch with may not have the power or inclination to feed the ghost, therefore suppressing it. This approach works extremely well if an adolescent is being troubled and switches with an adult. Adolescents, especially around the age of puberty, tend to produce more psychic energy then those after puberty.

Now we come to the sheer illusiveness of ghosts, which makes them so hard to study, and therefore hard to predict. This also makes it hard for people to talk about them, even to their own family, so any cooperation in this area is extremely hard to get. If you are having negative supernatural encounters, try to at least enlist the help of the household, but if they refuse to assist, remember to try to remain relaxed. The more relaxed you are the less power the ghost has. By the way, there is no hard proof of anyone ever being killed by a ghost. (Magickal ritual is another story. See this story.-Josh)

One more thing, try to avoid exorcisms. This seldom works and just seems to anger and increase the activity of a ghost. Oh, and NEVER try to get along with a fire ghost. The results will always be bad. Leave at once, and do what ever it takes to leave the ghost behind.

Tips and stragegies by Jason Gilman

Note* This is Josh the Team Leader. I would like to add here that Gilman's ideas on ghosthunting are not fully endorsed by the entire team. We do, however, try to encourage the members of our team to express their own personal views and theories. The above information was typed by him; you would have to know Gilman to truly appreciate his outlooks. -Josh

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