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Q: Are you guys for real?

A: Yes, although we are way more scientifically restrictive of our research than most of our fellow ghosthunters. As stated before, our real goal is to be (and help others become) aware of the possibility that ghosts may exist. Our main reason for this is that we are curious as to what will happen when we die ourselves. While many are more than content with taking things on faith (namely religion) we want to see udeniable proof of life after death.

Q: Do ghosts exist?

A: Well, that is the very question we aim to answer. From what I've seen personally, no, they don't. What I can say is that there are some really weird things going on either mentally or through energies we do not understand yet.

Q: What kind of equipment do you use?

A: Right now our most important piece of equipment is our ability to remain objective! Time and time again we see those who are quick to "believe," rather than those who want empirical evidence. Now that I have given that little soap-box lecture, I will go on to more important equipment facts.

We tend to use the standard pieces of equipment when in the field, Polaroid instant cameras, parabolic microphones, electromagnetic field distortion detectors (EFDD), and occasionally, infrared and night-sight optics. While these are fun tools to use, we start with a thorough foundation of research and questioning. I might add a page to our website to illustrate these finer points.

Q: Does it really get colder when a ghost is nearby?

A: Cold spots are not as common (in our experience) as most would have you believe. I don't really agree with this as being a phenomenon relating to ghosts, and I'll tell you why. First of all, imagine you have a cold spot. Now, how much energy do you think it takes to remove or prevent heat from entering/exiting a small area? A lot! Think of an air conditioner. Have any of you ever run an air conditioner in the summer? Of course you have. Now, how many of you actually pay that bill? Ever seen what it takes in kilowatts to maintain even a small house or apt at a relatively comfortable temperature? I'll leave this for more questioning.

Q: Is there really a Chupacabra?

A: In the case of the Chupacabra, we have a number of details that should point us away from accepting the existence of this animal. Here are the major points that are agreed upon when witnesses recall what they have seen.

1. Glowing red eyes.

2. Fur, scales, fangs, and claws.

The first one should be a dead giveaway! There has never been a bioluminescent animal in higher vertebrates above fish. What that means is, we have never seen any mammals or reptiles form any kind of bioluminescence. Biologists don't even know what reason an animal of such size would form luminescence. You have to consider that when an animal has such a characteristic, it must serve a purpose. What would the purpose be for an creature like the Chupacabra? From all of the reports, we see that its glowing red eyes have hindered it more than anything!

The second one is interesting, but not likely either. A hairy, human sized, reptilian animal with claws and fangs, is just silly. This is a classic case of people not knowing what they saw exactly and suffering from constructive memory. Apparently these constructive memories delve into the childish side of their imagination and pull out some recognizably unbelievable descriptions that resemble a child's fears.

Q: Do you charge for investigations?

A: No. The most we would do is ask for directions, and we might ask "where's a good place to eat around here?" Of course we would let you pay for dinner! :)

Q: Is it really possible to catch a ghost?

A: Yes. All you have to do is get it to go past the event horizon of a black hole! No seriously, we would have to understand what form of energy or matter they are composed of first. Since it is so hard to make contact with them, it makes it very hard to study them.

Q: What are your favorite movies about ghost hunting?

A: Well, we all agree that the first Ghostbusters is the best. You'd be surprised how much is actually true in that movie! Apart from that, I (Josh) enjoy The Entity, The Unnamable (because of its H.P. Lovecraft connection, not its accuracy), Event Horizon (just because it's interesting), Scarecrow, and Pumpkinhead. There are quite a few more. Most of these are just horror movies. If you are interested in more serious ghosthunting videos, you can find Sightings videos for rent just about anywhere. I recommend those.

Q: How do I become a member of your group?

A: Sorry, the NAI does not accept membership applications. We are more than capable of handling our current work, and from what we've seen, creating a membership program is more work than benefit.

Q: What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?

A: Check out the fuzzyball story.

Q: Was the exorcist a true story?

A: It is true that the exorcist was inspired by a real event, although the child in the true story was a little boy. I have to warn everyone that Hollywood was extremely liberal in their interpretation of most of the events portrayed in the movie!

Q: Do demons really exist?

A: I have to admit that there is quite a bit of evidence that they do. I don't believe in them as "demons," since that would mean that I would have to believe in God, which I do not. I think they are some form of sentient spirit that feeds off of fear and the energies released when someone thinks they are having a religious experience.

Q: Why does my dog stare at my closet door and growl strangely sometimes?

A: Because his toy is in there and he wants you to get it for him. Doesn't he have you trained yet?

Q: What really happened in Tunguska?

A: This is a specific question and most people don't know what it pertains to. Tunguska is a small region of Russia that had a mysterious explosion in the air immediately above the ground, which flattened miles of trees. The explosion was never explained. I read an article in Discover Magazine recently that referred to it as a meteor explosion. I found that very interesting because it has never been satisfactorily explained! I'm seriously considering adding a page about this subject. I find it to be one of the more interesting unsolved mysteries.

Q: Is there life on other planets?

A: Yes. In fact there is an algebraic equation that was developed by Frank Drake in 1961 as a way to focus on the factors which determine how many intelligent, communicating civilizations there are in our galaxy. To find out more go to this page and read further.

Q: Are there really UFOs?

A: Scientists do not deny that there is life on other planets (anymore). What they deny is that any life could get to ours! The nearest solar system to ours is over 4 light-years from our sun! Let's put that into perspective, that would be 186,000 miles multiplied by 126144000 (the number of seconds in a year). This is such a mind-boggling distance that today's physicists agree that there is no physical way to travel it within a reasonable amount of time. Oh, and Star Trek physics does not count!



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