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In this page you will find the history of the Joseph and Anna Vitali Family of Chisholm, MN.

Photographs and Stories provide a look into the past and present lives of this family.

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The Vitali Family

Joseph and Anna Vitali Family, circa 1938.

Back: Elvira, Catherine, Domenica, Alex, Righetta, Zelinda, Atillia, Mary

Front: Anita, Rudolph, Joseph, Anna, Julio, Josephine

 Click on a name to find out more about the people.

Here are a few more pictures of the relatives.

Grandma and Grandpa Gallinati, Aunt Frances and Angelo Corradi


 This is Grandma and Grandpa Gallinati

 With Aunt Fances and Angelo Corradi.






This is Grandpa Vitali

At Pillsbury Location.


A Family Picnic - the late 20's?

This is a Family Picnic - 


Looks like the time frame 

Could be in the late 20's.

More Pics

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