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people have actually come to this site, and probably enjoyed it. So you better, too. This site is best seen at 800 x 600 pixels, so you better adjust your stupid screen.
**This page is updated almost daily.**
I want to thank you for coming to my site and not being offended by anything. This is half way an anti-pop site, and the other stuff is just retarded stuff I decided to put up. If you're FOR pop (You say this at least once a day: "Oooh Britney Spears, oooh NSYNC and Backstreet Boys, yay, yay, yay!", "Someday, I'm going to be Mrs. Justin Timberlake", or you watch TRL, click here, you damn teenybopper. No one likes you, and no one ever will. Deal with it, 'k? Oh yeah, and if you're a Valley Girl, no one likes you.
Please, use internet explorer, and minimize the ads so they're not annoying pop ups
Maximize for best viewing pleasure (or don't, whatever, it's not like I give a rat's ass). Yeah, and um, wait for this page to load before continuing, cause I have 1x1 pictures that take a long time to load in their regular size, and it's just easier to preload them.

Well, I don't care if you are or you're not.
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