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Psychic Healer Home Page




".......Changing things you can touch and see and perceive with the senses, but the unchanging things you can only perceive with the mind......."

                              - Plato (Phaedo,79 A)

All disease is caused by lack of harmony.

This lack of harmony runs through all the four kingdoms in nature and causes those conditions which produce pain, corruption and death.

The aim here then, is to try and correct this disharmony and work towards liberation from disease.

Ninety percent  of the causes of disease are to be found in the astral and etheric bodies. The wrong use of mental energy and misapplied desire are paramount factors.

The Astral body, sometimes called the emotional body, is the effect of the interplay of desire and of sentient response upon the self at the center and the resultant effect, in that body, is experienced as emotion and as pain and pleasure and the other pairs of opposites.

The Etheric body revitalizes and energizes the physical body and thus integrates it into the energy body of the Earth and of the solar system. It is a web of energy streams, of lines of force and of light .

It constitutes part of the vast network of energies which underlines all forms whether great or small - macrocosmic  or microcosmic. Along these lines of energy the cosmic force flows, as the blood flows through the veins and arteries. 

It is in these two bodies (Astral and Etheric), that ninety percent of the causes of physical disease and troubles is to be found.

This percent varies with the development of race and its evolution. Disease is therefore the working out into manifestation of undesirable, subjective conditions - vital, emotional and mental.

I have worked as a Psychic Healer for many years with great success. Results which have left orthodox medical science completely baffled.

Recently, I healed a patient in Scotland, the other side of the world from me, who was dying from a very serious disease, almost completely blind. He was left without hope. His nurse contacted me. After a short period of healing energy,  his sight has been restored and he is up and walking.

I've also had great success with animals, especially horses! I seem to have a special rapport with horses and they have responded extremely well to my healing energies, resulting in some so-called miraculous cures. Once again "Regardless of Distance"

Without getting too involved with the philosophic complexities of  esoteric healing, very well documented accounts abound on the subject, in libraries and  book stores around the globe, speaking of extraordinary cures.

Psychic Healing  steps into another realm of healing, higher dimensions of subtle energy fields, of the unknown, the paranormal,  of  the so-called Miraculous....Where ALL things are possible. An energy that knows no boundaries.


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