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Gorean Shores Anniversary Festival

Friday December 1  and Saturday December 2


During the festival all of Gorean Shores will be a No Kill / No Capture and FW won't be restricted from any of the rooms. Slaves will not have to beg to enter or leave.

All times are North American Central Time Zone (GS room time)


Slaves will be serving drinks and food from platters. 


The girls will be required to e mail their dance by
midnight Thursday November 30th to . The dances will then be forwarded to the judges with the names of the slave replaced with a number designation. The girls name should not be used in the dance. This is to make the judging fair and it gives the judges Friday and part of Saturday to review the dances. The slaves should perform their dance publicly some time during the festival.  This is open to slaves from outside of GS.

Three categories to be judged are:

best first dance: Won by:- rya{GS}

best yellow silk dance: Won by:- roni{MDK}

best red silk dance: Won by:- paris{Rm}
best open dance: Won by:- ariel
(Open dance is a free form dance to be judged on humor, imagination and entertainment).

FW dance contest: Won by:- Laroona
(The FW are free to be imaginative in their dance and dress for the dance with out repercussions.)


Poem and song contest

Submit a poem or a song you have written.   E mail to by midnight Thursday November 30th.  All entries will be forwarded to the judge with their names removed. 

Won by emerald{Orion} .

Friday night Sparring with short swords
Bouts will be 3 posts. Standard three/two actions, 10 minute time limit per post. The sparring will take place in the training yard.

This will be run by Kyoto. Men interested in participating send an e mail with your availability to

Friday: 4:00PM

Senior Captain Rollo will open the Festival

More slave and FW dancing also poems and songs recited.

7:00PM Name that slave
4 or 5 slaves are chosen to enter the Tavern using the names Slave A, Slave B, Slave C, Slave D, Slave E. They each serve a drink to someone. When they are done the Free try and guess who each slave was.

Marcus Aurelius guessed all entrants correctly

Followed by more slave and FW dancing.


8:30PM Slave Meat Toss Contest Run by Zoran
The bosk will be soaked in paga and kalana.
The most creative players, with at least three posts each.

It will be played out as done in the below quotes from the books by John Norman:

"Lana, Ute and I knelt in a line, facing the players. Our hands were bound behind our backs with binding fiber.
The men, wagering, tossed us pieces of meat.
We caught them, in the firelight. A catch was two points. A piece which was dropped was fair game for any. We fought for the dropped pieces. The retrieval of such a piece was one point. Ute dropped a piece and Lana and I fought, each holding to a part of the fallen prize, rolling and tearing. I struggled back to my knees, tearing my head to one side. "Mine!" I cried, swallowing the meat, almost choking, laughing.
"Mine!" cried Lana, gorging the other half of the meat.
"Point for each," adjudicated one of the guards.
We were excited, and wanted to play further."
(CAPTIVE OF GOR-, Page 112)

"I saw a line of five slave girls, kneeling, abreast, their hands tied behind their back. Bits of meat were thrown to them, one after the other. A catch scored two points for the master. A missed piece might be sought by any of the girls, scrambling about, on their bellies. She who managed to obtain it received one point for her master. The girls were encouraged from the sidelines, not only by their masters but by the crowd as well, some of whom placed bets on the outcome."


tied by aniah and silken pleasure{Kuurus)   


12:00PM – 4:30PM:- Dancing

for anyone that was unable to perform their dance on Friday night


4:30PM:- Gorean Trivia - Run by Rollo
Prepared questions will be asked from the 26 Gorean books by John Norman. The first right answer posted wins a point.

Won by paris{Rm}

5:30PM:- Improvised group slave dance
A girl is chosen to start and writes about 4 or 5 lines of a dance. Then another girl is chosen and picks up where the last girl left off and so on.

6:30PM:- Dance contest winners announced

Poem /song contest winner announced

7:00PM:- Oar Dancing contest in the training yard  - Run by Sandman

It is addressed as any athletic activity for men, similar to a judged spar. In the training yard a mock set of twelve oars running from a false ship side, complete with rail, running to the ground below at a proper angle. Also a mud pit added at the bottom.

The men will have five posts to do their best to jump from oar to oar (which even if not moving would be difficult due to their narrowness) in an entertaining manner. The men, from the start must leap from the rail to the oar and not touch ground or rail till they
are finished.

The winner gets a copy of Book #9 Marauders of Gor (Used and in fair condition)

"Then the Forkbeard himself drained the remains of the tankard,
threw it to the foot of the mast, and then, to my astonishment,
leapt from the ship, onto the moving oars. Then men sang. The
Forkbeard then, to the delight of those on the bank, who cheered
him, as the serpent edged into the dock, addressed himself
delightedly to the oar-dance of the rover of Torvaldsland. It is not
actually a dance, of course, but it is an athletic feat of no little
stature requiring a superb eye, fantastic balance and incredible
coordination. Ivar Forkbeard, crying out, leaped from moving oar to
moving oar, proceeding from the oars nearest the stem on the port
side to the stern, then leaping back onto the deck at the stern
quarter and leaping again on the oars this time on the starboard
side, and proceeding from the oar nearest the stern to that nearest
the stem, and then, lifting his arms, he leaped again into the ship,
almost thrown into it as the oar lifted. He then stood on the prow,
near me, sweating and grinning. I saw cups of ale, on the bank,
being lifted to him. Men cheered. I heard the cries of bond-maids."
(Marauders of Gor, pages 82-83)



The oars won!!!