Network Security Risk Assessment Modeling (NSRAM) Software Requirements
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Software Requirements


lTo introduce the concepts of user and system requirements

lTo describe functional and non-functional requirements

lTo explain how software requirements may be organised in a requirements document

Topics covered

lFunctional and non-functional requirements

lUser requirements

lSystem requirements

lInterface specification

lThe software requirements document

Requirements engineering

lThe process of establishing the services that the customer requires from a system and the constraints under which it operates and is developed.

lThe requirements themselves are the descriptions of the system services and constraints that are generated during the requirements engineering process.

What is a requirement?

lIt may range from a high-level abstract statement of a service or of a system constraint to a detailed mathematical functional specification.

lThis is inevitable as requirements may serve a dual function

May be the basis for a bid for a contract - therefore must be open to interpretation;

May be the basis for the contract itself - therefore must be defined in detail;

Both these statements may be called requirements.

Requirements abstraction (Davis)

Types of requirement

lUser requirements

Statements in natural language plus diagrams of the services the system provides and its operational constraints. Written for customers.

lSystem requirements

A structured document setting out detailed descriptions of the system’s functions, services and operational constraints. Defines what should be implemented so may be part of a contract between client and contractor.

Definitions and specifications

Requirements readers

Functional and non-functional requirements

lFunctional requirements

Statements of services the system should provide, how the system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular situations.

lNon-functional requirements

constraints on the services or functions offered by the system such as timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards, etc.

lDomain requirements

Requirements that come from the application domain of the system and that reflect characteristics of that domain.


Functional requirements

lDescribe functionality or system services.

lDepend on the type of software, expected users and the type of system where the software is used.

lFunctional user requirements may be high-level statements of what the system should do but functional system requirements should describe the system services in detail.

The LIBSYS system

lA library system that provides a single interface to a number of databases of articles in different libraries.

lUsers can search for, download and print these articles for personal study.

Examples of functional requirements

lThe user shall be able to search either all of the initial set of databases or select a subset from it.

lThe system shall provide appropriate viewers for the user to read documents in the document store.

lEvery order shall be allocated a unique identifier (ORDER_ID) which the user shall be able to copy to the account’s permanent storage area.

Requirements imprecision

lProblems arise when requirements are not precisely stated.

lAmbiguous requirements may be interpreted in different ways by developers and users.

lConsider the term ‘appropriate viewers’

User intention - special purpose viewer for each different document type;

Developer interpretation - Provide a text viewer that shows the contents of the document.

Requirements completeness and consistency

lIn principle, requirements should be both complete and consistent.


They should include descriptions of all facilities required.


There should be no conflicts or contradictions in the descriptions of the system facilities.

lIn practice, it is impossible to produce a complete and consistent requirements document.

Non-functional requirements

lThese define system properties and constraints e.g. reliability, response time and storage requirements. Constraints are I/O device capability, system representations, etc.

lProcess requirements may also be specified mandating a particular CASE system, programming language or development method.

lNon-functional requirements may be more critical than functional requirements. If these are not met, the system is useless.

Non-functional classifications

lProduct requirements

Requirements which specify that the delivered product must behave in a particular way e.g. execution speed, reliability, etc.

lOrganisational requirements

Requirements which are a consequence of organisational policies and procedures e.g. process standards used, implementation requirements, etc.

lExternal requirements

Requirements which arise from factors which are external to the system and its development process e.g. interoperability requirements, legislative requirements, etc.

Non-functional requirement types

Non-functional requirements examples

lProduct requirement

8.1       The user interface for LIBSYS shall be implemented as simple HTML without frames or Java applets.

lOrganisational requirement

9.3.2  The system development process and deliverable documents shall conform to the process and deliverables defined in XYZCo-SP-STAN-95.

lExternal requirement

7.6.5  The system shall not disclose any personal information about customers apart from their name and reference number to the operators of the system.

Goals and requirements

lNon-functional requirements may be very difficult to state precisely and imprecise requirements may be difficult to verify.


A general intention of the user such as ease of use.

lVerifiable non-functional requirement

A statement using some measure that can be objectively tested.

lGoals are helpful to developers as they convey the intentions of the system users.


lA system goal

The system should be easy to use by experienced controllers and should be organised in such a way that user errors are minimised.

lA verifiable non-functional requirement

Experienced controllers shall be able to use all the system functions after a total of two hours training. After this training, the average number of errors made by experienced users shall not exceed two per day.


Requirements measures

Requirements interaction

lConflicts between different non-functional requirements are common in complex systems.

lSpacecraft system

To minimise weight, the number of separate chips in the system should be minimised.

To minimise power consumption, lower power chips should be used.

However, using low power chips may mean that more chips have to be used. Which is the most critical requirement?

Domain requirements

lDerived from the application domain and describe system characteristics and features that reflect the domain.

lDomain requirements be new functional requirements, constraints on existing requirements or define specific computations.

lIf domain requirements are not satisfied, the system may be unworkable.

Library system domain requirements

lThere shall be a standard user interface to all databases which shall be based on the Z39.50 standard.

lBecause of copyright restrictions, some documents must be deleted immediately on arrival. Depending on the user’s requirements, these documents will either be printed locally on the system server for manually forwarding to the user or routed to a network printer.


Train protection system

lThe deceleration of the train shall be computed as:

Dtrain = Dcontrol + Dgradient

            where Dgradient is 9.81ms2 * compensated gradient/alpha and where the values of 9.81ms2 /alpha are known for different types of train.

Domain requirements problems


Requirements are expressed in the language of the application domain;

This is often not understood by software engineers developing the system.


Domain specialists understand the area so well that they do not think of making the domain requirements explicit.

User requirements

lShould describe functional and non-functional requirements in such a way that they are understandable by system users who don’t have detailed technical knowledge.

lUser requirements are defined using natural language, tables and diagrams as these can be understood by all users.

Problems with natural language

lLack of clarity

Precision is difficult without making the document difficult to read.

lRequirements confusion

Functional and non-functional requirements tend to be mixed-up.

lRequirements amalgamation

Several different requirements may be expressed together.

LIBSYS requirement

Editor grid requirement

Requirement problems

lDatabase requirements includes both conceptual and detailed information

Describes the concept of a financial accounting system that is to be included in LIBSYS;

However, it also includes the detail that managers can configure this system - this is unnecessary at this level.

lGrid requirement mixes three different kinds of requirement

Conceptual functional requirement (the need for a grid);

Non-functional requirement (grid units);

Non-functional UI requirement (grid switching).


Structured presentation

Guidelines for writing requirements

lInvent a standard format and use it for all requirements.

lUse language in a consistent way. Use shall for mandatory requirements, should for desirable requirements.

lUse text highlighting to identify key parts of the requirement.

lAvoid the use of computer jargon.

System requirements

lMore detailed specifications of system functions, services and constraints than user requirements.

lThey are intended to be a basis for designing the system.

lThey may be incorporated into the system contract.

lSystem requirements may be defined or illustrated using system models discussed in Chapter 8.

Requirements and design

lIn principle, requirements should state what the system should do and the design should describe how it does this.

lIn practice, requirements and design are inseparable

A system architecture may be designed to structure the requirements;

The system may inter-operate with other systems that generate design requirements;

The use of a specific design may be a domain requirement.

Problems with NL specification


The readers and writers of the requirement must interpret the same words in the same way. NL is naturally ambiguous so this is very difficult.


The same thing may be said in a number of different ways in the specification.

lLack of modularisation

NL structures are inadequate to structure system requirements.

Alternatives to NL specification

Structured language specifications

lThe freedom of the requirements writer is limited by a predefined template for requirements.

lAll requirements are written in a standard way.

lThe terminology used in the description may be limited.

lThe advantage is that the most of the expressiveness of natural language is maintained but a degree of uniformity is imposed on the specification.

Form-based specifications

lDefinition of the function or entity.

lDescription of inputs and where they come from.

lDescription of outputs and where they go to.

lIndication of other entities required.

lPre and post conditions (if appropriate).

lThe side effects (if any) of the function.

Form-based node specification

Tabular specification

lUsed to supplement natural language.

lParticularly useful when you have to define a number of possible alternative courses of action.

Tabular specification

Graphical models

lGraphical models are most useful when you need to show how state changes or where you need to describe a sequence of actions.

lDifferent graphical models are explained in Chapter 8.

Sequence diagrams

lThese show the sequence of events that take place during some user interaction with a system.

lYou read them from top to bottom to see the order of the actions that take place.

lCash withdrawal from an ATM

Validate card;

Handle request;

Complete transaction.

Sequence diagram of ATM withdrawal

Interface specification

lMost systems must operate with other systems and the operating interfaces must be specified as part of the requirements.

lThree types of interface may have to be defined

Procedural interfaces;

Data structures that are exchanged;

Data representations.

lFormal notations are an effective technique for interface specification.

PDL interface description

The requirements document

lThe requirements document is the official statement of what is required of the system developers.

lShould include both a definition of user requirements and a specification of the system requirements.

lIt is NOT a design document. As far as possible, it should set of WHAT the system should do rather than HOW it should do it

Users of a requirements document

IEEE requirements standard

lDefines a generic structure for a requirements document that must be instantiated for each specific system.


General description.

Specific requirements.




Requirements document structure




lUser requirements definition

lSystem architecture

lSystem requirements specification

lSystem models

lSystem evolution



Key points

lRequirements set out what the system should do and define constraints on its operation and implementation.

lFunctional requirements set out services the system should provide.

lNon-functional requirements constrain the system being developed or the development process.

lUser requirements are high-level statements of what the system should do. User requirements should be written using natural language, tables and diagrams.

Key points


lSystem requirements are intended to communicate the functions that the system should provide.

lA software requirements document is an agreed statement of the system requirements.

lThe IEEE standard is a useful starting point for defining more detailed specific requirements standards.


Requirements Engineering Processes


lTo describe the principal requirements engineering activities and their relationships

lTo introduce techniques for requirements elicitation and analysis

lTo describe requirements validation and the role of requirements reviews

lTo discuss the role of requirements management in support of other requirements engineering processes

Topics covered

lFeasibility studies

lRequirements elicitation and analysis

lRequirements validation

lRequirements management

Requirements engineering processes

lThe processes used for RE vary widely depending on the application domain, the people involved and the organisation developing the requirements.

lHowever, there are a number of generic activities common to all processes

Requirements elicitation;

Requirements analysis;

Requirements validation;

Requirements management.

The requirements engineering process

Requirements engineering

Feasibility studies

lA feasibility study decides whether or not the proposed system is worthwhile.

lA short focused study that checks

If the system contributes to organisational objectives;

If the system can be engineered using current technology and within budget;

If the system can be integrated with other systems that are used.

Feasibility study implementation

lBased on information assessment (what is required), information collection and report writing.

lQuestions for people in the organisation

What if the system wasn’t implemented?

What are current process problems?

How will the proposed system help?

What will be the integration problems?

Is new technology needed? What skills?

What facilities must be supported by the proposed system?

Elicitation and analysis

lSometimes called requirements elicitation or requirements discovery.

lInvolves technical staff working with customers to find out about the application domain, the services that the system should provide and the system’s operational constraints.

lMay involve end-users, managers, engineers involved in maintenance, domain experts, trade unions, etc. These are called stakeholders.

Problems of requirements analysis

lStakeholders don’t know what they really want.

lStakeholders express requirements in their own terms.

lDifferent stakeholders may have conflicting requirements.

lOrganisational and political factors may influence the system requirements.

lThe requirements change during the analysis process. New stakeholders may emerge and the business environment change.

The requirements spiral

Process activities

lRequirements discovery

Interacting with stakeholders to discover their requirements. Domain requirements are also discovered at this stage.

lRequirements classification and organisation

Groups related requirements and organises them into coherent clusters.

lPrioritisation and negotiation

Prioritising requirements and resolving requirements conflicts.

lRequirements documentation

Requirements are documented and input into the next round of the spiral.

Requirements discovery

lThe process of gathering information about the proposed and existing systems and distilling the user and system requirements from this information.

lSources of information include documentation, system stakeholders and the specifications of similar systems.

ATM stakeholders

lBank customers

lRepresentatives of other banks

lBank managers

lCounter staff

lDatabase administrators

lSecurity managers

lMarketing department

lHardware and software maintenance engineers

lBanking regulators



lViewpoints are a way of structuring the requirements to represent the perspectives of different stakeholders. Stakeholders may be classified under different viewpoints.

lThis multi-perspective analysis is important as there is no single correct way to analyse system requirements.

Types of viewpoint

lInteractor viewpoints

People or other systems that interact directly with the system. In an ATM, the customer’s and the account database are interactor VPs.

lIndirect viewpoints

Stakeholders who do not use the system themselves but who influence the requirements. In an ATM, management and security staff are indirect viewpoints.

lDomain viewpoints

Domain characteristics and constraints that influence the requirements. In an ATM, an example would be standards for inter-bank communications.

Viewpoint identification

lIdentify viewpoints using

Providers and receivers of system services;

Systems that interact directly with the system being specified;

Regulations and standards;

Sources of business and non-functional requirements.

Engineers who have to develop and maintain the system;

Marketing and other business viewpoints.

LIBSYS viewpoint hierarchy


lIn formal or informal interviewing, the RE team puts questions to stakeholders about the system that they use and the system to be developed.

lThere are two types of interview

Closed interviews where a pre-defined set of questions are answered.

Open interviews where there is no pre-defined agenda and a range of issues are explored with stakeholders.

Interviews in practice

lNormally a mix of closed and open-ended interviewing.

lInterviews are good for getting an overall understanding of what stakeholders do and how they might interact with the system.

lInterviews are not good for understanding domain requirements

Requirements engineers cannot understand specific domain terminology;

Some domain knowledge is so familiar that people find it hard to articulate or think that it isn’t worth articulating.

Effective interviewers

lInterviewers should be open-minded, willing to listen to stakeholders and should not have pre-conceived ideas about the requirements.

lThey should prompt the interviewee with a question or a proposal and should not simply expect them to respond to a question such as ‘what do you want’.


lScenarios are real-life examples of how a system can be used.

lThey should include

A description of the starting situation;

A description of the normal flow of events;

A description of what can go wrong;

Information about other concurrent activities;

A description of the state when the scenario finishes.

LIBSYS scenario (1)

LIBSYS scenario (2)

Use cases

lUse-cases are a scenario based technique in the UML which identify the actors in an interaction and which describe the interaction itself.

lA set of use cases should describe all possible interactions with the system.

lSequence diagrams may be used to add detail to use-cases by showing the sequence of event processing in the system.

Article printing use-case

LIBSYS use cases

Article printing

Print article sequence

Social and organisational factors

lSoftware systems are used in a social and organisational context. This can influence or even dominate the system requirements.

lSocial and organisational factors are not a single viewpoint but are influences on all viewpoints.

lGood analysts must be sensitive to these factors but currently no systematic way to tackle their analysis.


lA social scientists spends a considerable time observing and analysing how people actually work.

lPeople do not have to explain or articulate their work.

lSocial and organisational factors of importance may be observed.

lEthnographic studies have shown that work is usually richer and more complex than suggested by simple system models.

Focused ethnography

lDeveloped in a project studying the air traffic control process

lCombines ethnography with prototyping

lPrototype development results in unanswered questions which focus the ethnographic analysis.

lThe problem with ethnography is that it studies existing practices which may have some historical basis which is no longer relevant.

Ethnography and prototyping

Scope of ethnography

lRequirements that are derived from the way that people actually work rather than the way I which process definitions suggest that they ought to work.

lRequirements that are derived from cooperation and awareness of other people’s activities.

Requirements validation

lConcerned with demonstrating that the requirements define the system that the customer really wants.

lRequirements error costs are high so validation is very important

Fixing a requirements error after delivery may cost up to 100 times the cost of fixing an implementation error.

Requirements checking

lValidity. Does the system provide the functions which best support the customer’s needs?

lConsistency. Are there any requirements conflicts?

lCompleteness. Are all functions required by the customer included?

lRealism. Can the requirements be implemented given available budget and technology

lVerifiability. Can the requirements be checked?

Requirements validation techniques

lRequirements reviews

Systematic manual analysis of the requirements.


Using an executable model of the system to check requirements. Covered in Chapter 17.

lTest-case generation

Developing tests for requirements to check testability.


Requirements reviews

lRegular reviews should be held while the requirements definition is being formulated.

lBoth client and contractor staff should be involved in reviews.

lReviews may be formal (with completed documents) or informal. Good communications between developers, customers and users can resolve problems at an early stage.

Review checks

lVerifiability. Is the requirement realistically testable?

lComprehensibility. Is the requirement properly understood?

lTraceability. Is the origin of the requirement clearly stated?

lAdaptability. Can the requirement be changed without a large impact on other requirements?

Requirements management

lRequirements management is the process of managing changing requirements during the requirements engineering process and system development.

lRequirements are inevitably incomplete and inconsistent

New requirements emerge during the process as business needs change and a better understanding of the system is developed;

Different viewpoints have different requirements and these are often contradictory.

Requirements change

lThe priority of requirements from different viewpoints changes during the development process.

lSystem customers may specify requirements from a business perspective that conflict with end-user requirements.

lThe business and technical environment of the system changes during its development.

Requirements evolution

Enduring and volatile requirements

lEnduring requirements. Stable requirements derived from the core activity of the customer organisation. E.g. a hospital will always have doctors, nurses, etc. May be derived from domain models

lVolatile requirements. Requirements which change during development or when the system is in use. In a hospital, requirements derived from health-care policy

Requirements classification

Requirements management planning

lDuring the requirements engineering process, you have to plan:

Requirements identification

How requirements are individually identified;

A change management process

The process followed when analysing a requirements change;

Traceability policies

The amount of information about requirements relationships that is maintained;

CASE tool support

The tool support required to help manage requirements change;


lTraceability is concerned with the relationships between requirements, their sources and the system design

lSource traceability

Links from requirements to stakeholders who proposed these requirements;

lRequirements traceability

Links between dependent requirements;

lDesign traceability

Links from the requirements to the design;

A traceability matrix

CASE tool support

lRequirements storage

Requirements should be managed in a secure, managed data store.

lChange management

The process of change management is a workflow process whose stages can be defined and information flow between these stages partially automated.

lTraceability management

Automated retrieval of the links between requirements.

Requirements change management

lShould apply to all proposed changes to the requirements.

lPrincipal stages

Problem analysis. Discuss requirements problem and propose change;

Change analysis and costing. Assess effects of change on other requirements;

Change implementation. Modify requirements document and other documents to reflect change.

Change management

Key points

lThe requirements engineering process includes a feasibility study, requirements elicitation and analysis, requirements specification and requirements management.

lRequirements elicitation and analysis is iterative involving domain understanding, requirements collection, classification, structuring,  prioritisation and validation.

lSystems have multiple stakeholders with different requirements.

Key points

lSocial and organisation factors influence system requirements.

lRequirements validation is concerned with checks for validity, consistency, completeness, realism and verifiability.

lBusiness changes inevitably lead to changing requirements.

lRequirements management includes planning and change management.


System models


lTo explain why the context of a system should be modelled as part of the RE process

lTo describe behavioural modelling, data modelling and object modelling

lTo introduce some of the notations used in the Unified Modeling Language (UML)

lTo show how CASE workbenches support system modelling

Topics covered

lContext models

lBehavioural models

lData models

lObject models

lCASE workbenches

System modelling

lSystem modelling helps the analyst to understand the functionality of the system and models are used to communicate with customers.

lDifferent models present the system from different perspectives

External perspective showing the system’s context or environment;

Behavioural perspective showing the behaviour of the system;

Structural perspective showing the system or data architecture.

Model types

lData processing model showing how the data is processed at different stages.

lComposition model showing how entities are composed of other entities.

lArchitectural model showing principal sub-systems.

lClassification model showing how entities have common characteristics.

lStimulus/response model showing the system’s reaction to events.

Context models

lContext models are used to illustrate the operational context of a system - they show what lies outside the system boundaries.

lSocial and organisational concerns may affect the decision on where to position system boundaries.

lArchitectural models show the system and its relationship with other systems.

The context of an ATM system

Process models

lProcess models show the overall process and the processes that are supported by the system.

lData flow models may be used to show the processes and the flow of information from one process to another.

Equipment procurement process

Behavioural models

lBehavioural models are used to describe the overall behaviour of a system.

lTwo types of behavioural model are:

Data processing models that show how data is processed as it moves through the system;

State machine models that show the systems response to events.

lThese models show different perspectives so both of them are required to describe the system’s behaviour.

Data-processing models

lData flow diagrams (DFDs) may be used to model the system’s data processing.

lThese show the processing steps as data flows through a system.

lDFDs are an intrinsic part of many analysis methods.

lSimple and intuitive notation that customers can understand.

lShow end-to-end processing of data.

Order processing DFD

Data flow diagrams

lDFDs model the system from a functional perspective.

lTracking and documenting how the data associated with a process is helpful to develop an overall understanding of the system.

lData flow diagrams may also be used in showing the data exchange between a system and other systems in its environment.

Insulin pump DFD

State machine models

lThese model the behaviour of the system in response to external and internal events.

lThey show the system’s responses to stimuli so are often used for modelling real-time systems.

lState machine models show system states as nodes and events as arcs between these nodes. When an event occurs, the system moves from one state to another.

lStatecharts are an integral part of the UML and are used to represent state machine models.


lAllow the decomposition of a model into sub-models (see following slide).

lA brief description of the actions is included following the ‘do’ in each state.

lCan be complemented by tables describing the states and the stimuli.

Microwave oven model

Microwave oven state description

Microwave oven stimuli

Microwave oven operation

Semantic data models

lUsed to describe the logical structure of data processed by the system.

lAn entity-relation-attribute  model sets out the entities in the system, the relationships between these entities and the entity attributes

lWidely used in database design. Can readily be implemented using relational databases.

lNo specific notation provided in the UML but objects and associations can be used.

Library semantic model

Data dictionaries

lData dictionaries are lists of all of the names used in the system models. Descriptions of the entities, relationships and attributes are also included.


Support name management and avoid duplication;

Store of organisational knowledge linking analysis, design and implementation;

lMany CASE workbenches support data dictionaries.

Data dictionary entries

Object models

lObject models describe the system in terms of object classes and their associations.

lAn object class is an abstraction over a set of objects with common attributes and the services (operations) provided by each object.

lVarious object models may be produced

Inheritance models;

Aggregation models;

Interaction models.

Object models

lNatural ways of reflecting the real-world entities manipulated by the system

lMore abstract entities are more difficult to model using this approach

lObject class identification is recognised as a difficult process requiring a deep understanding of the application domain

lObject classes reflecting domain entities are reusable across systems

Inheritance models

lOrganise the domain object classes into a hierarchy.

lClasses at the top of the hierarchy reflect the common features of all classes.

lObject classes inherit their attributes and services from one or more super-classes. these may then be specialised as necessary.

lClass hierarchy design can be a difficult process if duplication in different branches is to be avoided.

Object models and the UML

lThe UML is a standard representation devised by the developers of widely used object-oriented analysis and design methods.

lIt has become an effective standard for object-oriented modelling.


Object classes are rectangles with the name at the top, attributes in the middle section and operations in the bottom section;

Relationships between object classes (known as associations) are shown as lines linking objects;

Inheritance is referred to as generalisation and is shown ‘upwards’ rather than ‘downwards’ in a hierarchy.

Library class hierarchy

User class hierarchy

Multiple inheritance

lRather than inheriting the attributes and services from a single parent class, a system which supports multiple inheritance allows object classes to inherit from several super-classes.

lThis can lead to semantic conflicts where attributes/services with the same name in different super-classes have different semantics.

lMultiple inheritance makes class hierarchy reorganisation more complex.

Multiple inheritance

Object aggregation

lAn aggregation model shows how classes that are collections are composed of other classes.

lAggregation models are similar to the part-of relationship in semantic data models.

Object aggregation

Object behaviour modelling

lA behavioural model shows the interactions between objects to produce some particular system behaviour that is specified as a use-case.

lSequence diagrams (or collaboration diagrams) in the UML are used to model interaction between objects.

Issue of electronic items

Structured methods

lStructured methods incorporate system modelling as an inherent part of the method.

lMethods define a set of models, a process for deriving these models and rules and guidelines that should apply to the models.

lCASE tools support system modelling as part of a structured method.

Method weaknesses

lThey do not model non-functional system requirements.

lThey do not usually include information about whether a method is appropriate for a given problem.

lThe may produce too much documentation.

lThe system models are sometimes too detailed and difficult for users to understand.

CASE workbenches

lA coherent set of tools that is designed to support related software process activities such as analysis, design or testing.

lAnalysis and design workbenches support system modelling during both requirements engineering and system design.

lThese workbenches may support a specific design method or may provide support for a creating several different types of system model.

An analysis and design workbench

Analysis workbench components

lDiagram editors

lModel analysis and checking tools

lRepository and associated query language

lData dictionary

lReport definition and generation tools

lForms definition tools

lImport/export translators

lCode generation tools

Key points

lA model is an abstract system view. Complementary types of model provide different system information.

lContext models show the position of a system in its environment with other systems and processes.

lData flow models may be used to model the data processing in a system.

lState machine models model the system’s behaviour in response to internal or external events

Key points

lSemantic data models describe the logical structure of data which is imported to or exported by the systems.

lObject models describe logical system entities, their classification and aggregation.

lSequence models show the interactions between actors and the system objects that they use.

lStructured methods provide a framework for developing system models.