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Vast Market Opportunities
Companies are increasingly becoming aware of the Internet and the vast market opportunities it offers. Of course you can only be a part of this marketplace if you have a web site. Increasing numbers are arranging for web sites to be developed. Unfortunately, they are starting with little knowledge of the net and the factors which make a first class site. All too often nowadays web sites are being produced with poor design, structure and little consideration of their content. You may have the best service or product in the world but what is the point if you cannot make people aware of it.
Your DomName is Paramount
Perhaps the greatest charism that a web site possesses is its DomName. This is the initial draw to obtaining clicks and the thing that people most remember. Its importance is paramount and cannot be overemphasized. It is essential to select the right name, for it is not just a name it is a major asset. Furthermore, obtaining visitors is not good enough for your DomName needs to attract the right people to maintain a bandwidth to revenue ratio.
  The launch of a new web site, service or product needs special attention. Using additional DomNames can certainly raise the profile of your site. If these names have masking available it is possible to have search specific information in addition the criteria which are additional to those presented on the home site. The effect is a more focused click through and a larger market response to your site, service or product.
More than a Web Site
Having a great DomName is clearly not enough. Having attracted a visitor it is essential to convert a high proportion into customers. Success is achieved by having a well designed site which takes full advantage of its content. This does not mean a site full of animation, bulky graphics and gimmicks. A fast, simple to navigate site, which contains what you are looking for still remains the simple goal.
The Marketplace
It is essential that your Internet site recognizes its marketplace. They can be accessed locally, nationally and internationally. Each market has its own demands. Locally focused sites must explicitly know their customers and how to reach them. National sites must recognize preferences and trends. International sites need to consider different language versions and indeed review the whole content and its presentation to recognize the cultural differences and preferences of different areas.
Successful Promotion
Having a brilliant site with a great name does not mean that you do not need promotion and marketing. Clearly throwing money at it will have a great affect on visitors. However, it is bandwidth to revenue ratio that counts.
Using New Advancements
The advent of new technologies such as WAP and 3g means that we must review our Internet sites in terms of these. If they allow us to reach a new customer profile that will add to market penetration and success, then we need to adopt it.

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