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Pink Floyd - The Wall

By the obvious title of this page, you can pretty much tell that this site is dedicated to The Wall by Pink Floyd. All the information I had on it was too much for my Pink Floyd page so I had to create a site totally dedicated to the album. Anyway, here we go and I hope you enjoy it!

And now for one of my favorite cd's of all time, The Wall. This album totally changed my interest in music because this was the album that got me so interested in Pink Floyd. It was my first album by them that I owned. The reason I had bought it was because I had seen the movie, Pink Floyd's The Wall and thought the music was excellent. At that point I had no idea who or what Pink Floyd was. Anyway, I bought it and was totally blown away. There is so much good stuff on that album that it's ridiculous. Now for the songs but first a little explanation to this album.

The Explanation

First, to let you know where I'm coming from, I'm using the basic storyline of the movie "The Wall". It all takes place in a hotel room where, Pink, a rock star, is thinking about the past and how all the people's he's known have conditioned him to think and feel in certain ways. Slowly but surely, The Wall of conditioning and intolerance builds to the point where he can no longer relate or communicate to anyone and he descends into madness. In his course to madness, he only finds comfort in groupies and drugs, and in the final stages he transforms into this Neo-Fascist leader/rocker who manipulates people at a rally/concert. In the end, he is put on trial and the wall is torn down to expose who he really is, in all his vulnerability.

The Songs - Disc 1

Anyway, now the songs: "In The Flesh?" is the opener and we find Pink speaking to the audience. Next is "The Thin Ice" which recounts how much his parents loved him and how while "skating on the thin ice of modern life" the ice or his sanity cracks and he falls through. "Another Brick In The Wall, Pt.1" recounts how his father went off to World War II and never came back and his feelings of emptiness because his father didn't leave behind anything for him. "The Happiest Days of Our Lives" begins to recount his school days and how the teachers exposed the faults and shortcomings of the students and made fun of them openly. "Another Brick in the Wall, Pt.2", one of the best on the album, is about the students fighting back because they don't want any sort of order or thought control. This song has an excellent guitar solo at the end that is so awesome I can't even begin to describe it. "Mother" tells how he looked up to his mother and how she conditioned him in his relationships, fears, and in the fact that she'll always be watching his every move. "Goodbye Blue Sky" recounts his fears during the bombing of England and his farewell and lament to the happy days before the war when he still had a father figure. "Empty Spaces" is a kick-ass little ditty and decribes his wantoness to fill the empty places in his life i.e. The Wall. "Young Lust" is the answer. He fills his life with groupies. "One of My Turns" describes his relationship with his wife and how everything there is dead. He then goes crazy with the groupie, begins smashing things, and threatens to jump out of the window. This his the first hint that he becoming insane and out-of-touch with reality. "Don't Leave Me Now" recounts his efforts to win his wife back, who is having sex with someone else, and why he needs her back, for all the wrongs reasons, only so he can use her as an emotional punching bag. In "Another Brick in the Wall, Pt.3" he exclaims he exclaims he doesn't need any help and exclaims "you were all just bricks in the wall". And the end to cd 1 is "Goodbye Cruel World", which clearly illustrates he's insane and that there is no turning back.

Look for cd 2...coming soon!! Also look for a report on the movie and other cool stuff!!

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