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The principle article of faith of the politically correct is the idea of change. Over the last twenty years there has just been this huge amount of ‘change’. "Why, just look at the position of women, blacks, homosexuals!" It is as if change, in and of itself, is inevitably a good thing. What about the social changes that have taken place in regard to increased drug-taking, crime, venereal diseases, rampant bullying in schools which has accompanied the complete collapse of discipline in the class-room, and every other indicia of social breakdown? None of this rates a mention when we look at all these wonderful fundamental ‘changes’ that have taken place over the last thirty five years. The basic idea seems to be that the exact reverse of an existing state of affairs which reflects traditional values, on the face of it, signifies social progress. The barely concealed subtext is that the more dull, plodding and provincial among us are just really fearful of all these profound changes that have been wrought by our brave political activists. Lacking social consciousness in the past, we were all just too stupid to come up with all these wonderful progressive ideas, until the beautiful people of the sixties came along. Any disagreement with PC ideology is met with the accusation that one just can’t deal with ‘change’. The word itself is repeated like a mantra, and its constant invocation seems designed to have a stupefying effect upon the brain, thus lowering the resistance of the hearer to PC rhetoric.

This principle is carried so far that the process could justifiably be termed not so much ‘change’, but what I call ‘reversism’. Twenty years ago homosexuality was a crime. Now it is a crime to ‘vilify’ homosexuals. Patriotism which was once a genuine virtue has been turned into the sin, more recently - via the institution of so-called ‘hate’ offences - the crime, of racism. Of course, this only applies to white people. Any assertion of white racial identity is immediately suspect. If I say ‘I am white’, ‘white people are being disadvantaged’, white this, white that, one is an ugly, racist, type person, etc. But when you talk about being black it is a totally different story. You can talk gaily, I mean from now until the cows come home, about being black. You can talk about ‘black identity’, ‘black pride’ and all the rest ad nauseum. This is not only OK, it is positively desirable. A few years back, Presidential candidate Ross Perot, addressing a gathering of black people, dared to use the expression ‘you people’ (Aghast!). For this indiscretion he was hounded mercilessly by the left-leaning media! How dare a white person identify anyone by their race in other than glowingly positive terms! The politically correct don't really care about black people as such, they're just a convenient political cause. They just want, through black people, to prove that they can fundamentally change the world through political means and ideologically sound reasoning. They take an obvious disparity in life - in this case the socio-economic disparity between white people and black people - which they rationalize as consciously perpetrated injustice, so that they can portray themselves as crusaders for all that is right and good. This is a self-serving ego trip!

Like any false belief system, political correctness is riven by fundamental contradictions. If our society knows one thing, it is that white people are not allowed to cultivate their own racial heritage or sense of racial pride. There is a significant exception to this rule however, and that is the Jews. I have seen quite positive accounts in the media of Jewish marriage agencies. No big deal, you say! Just think about it for a moment. We have here a racial group which is saying ‘we want to marry within our own race, if you’re not Jewish, forget it! We don’t want to be contaminated by racial interbreeding’ (very un-PC!). If you’re a Jew, all this is just fine. Imagine a white Anglo-Saxon even vaguely hinting at these ideas! And what about the state of Israel? This is a country founded on ideas of being especially reserved for occupation by members of a particular race. (Yet, Australians dare not invoke the ‘White Australia policy’). Now a nation set aside for settlement by a particular race is out! We can’t have this! And of course, no right thinking PC person is going to go over to some small country in South-East Asia and say something like ‘I really think you need to get a few million Europeans into this country. I mean, your country, and its cuisine, is really so boring!’ They might be met by the protest that ‘Hey, we would like to preserve our racial and cultural heritage thank you very much!’ You might just find yourself tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail - and rightly so! The charge of so-called ‘racism’ is readily hurled at those who oppose Australia’s open slather immigration policies. But Australia is only one of about three countries in the world which people want to migrate to en masse. No-one wants to migrate to Third World countries. We never hear about these countries wanting to preserve their established way of life. How many multiculturalists know that Japan does not have an immigration policy? You can not decide to just go and live in Japan. It doesn’t happen! The Japanese and Israelis can work to preserve their racially homogenous society, but an Australian wanting to do exactly the same thing is automatically an evil racist!



Just as it is OK for black people to glory in their racial origins - but totally outlawed for white people - it is also commendable for immigrant groups to cultivate their ethnic origins at the expense of the white Anglo-Saxon majority. This is the sacrosanct principle of multiculturalism, which amounts to ideological war against Anglo-Saxon culture. There is a fundamental and obvious contradiction at work here, over and above the reverse racism directed towards white people. On the one hand blacks can feel wronged by the white people who ‘invaded’ this country, but the Anglo-Saxon majority are supposed to just fall over themselves with adoration for the army of people who have migrated here over the decades, and who are just as foreign to them as whites are to Aborigines. Fortunately, for the sake of social stability, many migrants since World war 2 came here from ethnic backgrounds compatible with the domestic population in terms of shared Christian values and a European cultural heritage. But this is not what multiculturalism is all about. It is the non-white, non-Christian groups which are of greatest interest to the multiculturalists. So is immigration of foreigners good or bad? As usual the principle of reversism dictates that immigration of Anglo-Saxons is bad; immigration of non-Anglo-Saxons is good. The influx of Anglo-Saxons foreign to Aborigines is bad; the influx of non-whites foreign to Anglo-Saxons is good. What about the influx of Indochinese immigrants foreign to the Aborigines? Since there are no evil white people involved in this transaction, that is something we do not have to worry about.

Large scale immigration to this country is defended on the grounds of an old adage: ‘Populate or perish’. Like so many other PC slogans it collapses like a pack of cards on closer inspection. Not that it was always a PC slogan. The original sense of this principle was the commendable view that Australia was seriously underpopulated and if we did not build up our numbers we could lose our established, essentially European way of life, to populous Asian nations to our north. Try as I may, I can think of no essential meaning for the word ‘perish’ than actual foreign invasion and conquest. It is intriguing to me that multiculturalists can exploit such emotive language and yet so outrageously avoid the logical consequences of their argument. If the Japanese had militarily conquered this country in World War 2 they would no doubt have transplanted native Japanese here as colonists. As good multiculturalists should this have been a problem for us? If, as a good multicultural society, we are supposed to welcome any and every foreign culture to our bosom, then what do we have to fear from Asianization, or any other kind of -ization for that matter. If we are entitled to try and preserve some kind of established way of life from foreign predation, just what ‘established way of life are we talking about? What is ‘foreign’? How are we defining these terms? We used to talk about our British heritage, our Christian culture. What now? And of course in furtherance of all that is right and good in their own social philosophy, no-one will speak more fulsomely of traditional Australian characteristics than our ‘political progressives’. They will speak with apparent conviction about the tolerance, openness and sense of fair play of Australians. Am I to assume that this is In contrast to other less tolerant, less fairminded foreign nationalities? Are we Australians somehow superior! Surely not! This cannot be! Yet these people are talking about something real. Where did these wonderful Australian qualities come from? Surely not from the character of the people who established this country two hundred years ago? Of course, the fact that qualities of tolerance, inclination towards democracy and the like are qualities shared by people as geographically dispersed as English, Canadians, New Zealanders and white South Africans could not possibly have some racial basis. Such a thing is unthinkable, and yet the multiculturalists and progressive thinkers by logical extension are attesting to this very truth. They are hoist on their own petard!

Of course, in conformity with reversism, the principle of limitless tolerance for all never seems to extend to people with more traditional, conservative, social values. Take religious belief for example. If you are an Aborigine you can go on the ABC and talk at length about how the great snake god created the world. The presenter will listen quietly and respectfully. If you are a born-again Christian, however, and start talking about the Bible, the situation will be totally different. The presenter will go red in the face, frantically press the panic button, take you by the scruff of the neck and kick you out of the studio so fast it would make your head spin!

The justification for these double standards will be that a person with conservative traditional social values has ‘narrow-minded intolerance’ built into his belief system. It is OK to not extend tolerance to those who are themselves intolerant. Of course, this so-called ‘intolerance’ is measured against highly rationalized, intellectualized standards of ‘right thinking’. Someone’s thinking will amount to narrow minded intolerance if it doesn’t contain the requisite language of political liberation, the mentality of activism, which is theoretically supposed to lead us all to a world of peace, justice and equality - no matter how off the planet the political goals may be. The rationalized language and theory is all that matters.



A classic piece of reversism involves modern attitudes to criminals. Our criminal justice system seems to be moving inexorably to a position where criminals no longer exist, but are themselves to be considered the innocent victims of our unjust, capitalistic, social system. This situation, together with the complete elimination of crime itself, one assumes, will eventuate once a new and updated, workable, Marxist/communist state has been finally established, or some such blather! Combined with an almost total lack of concern for real victims of crime, we have a bleeding heart, hand wringing approach in which the supposedly retrograde, arch conservative champions of our established social order are the real criminals. This is why left-wingers are constantly on the warpath against the police and other law enforcement bodies. They are likewise constantly warring against the military and security bodies (ASIO, CIA) as these are considered institutions of arch conservatism. Such authoritarian institutions are a constant irritant, in as much as they embody all the constraints that exist in the real world inhibiting human freedom. They are a constant reminder to ‘progressive thinkers’ of the inbuilt limits on loopy theorizing which the real world imposes upon them and their ideological fantasies. The existence of and operations of these bodies are not aimed at bringing about a wholesale change in the nature of society, so they must be denigrated. This attitude carries over into the interpretation of the nature of crime itself.

Clear evidence of increasing crime rates will inevitably be countered with the argument that most crime is property crime. Property crime is a function of an unjust social order of disadvantaged classes, unemployment, and the like. The idea is that poverty breeds crime. It is conveniently forgotten that in the early years of this century Chinese and Jewish immigrants to the U.S. lived in conditions of impoverishment but these communities had crime rates which were virtually non-existent by comparison with crime rates in present day black and Hispanic communities. Here, poverty did not cause crime because these social groups possessed a strong sense of community values. The spiritual state of the society is what determines crime rates not economic conditions. A peculiarly Australian slant on this issue arises from the fact that this country was settled by convicts. Self-serving rationalizations have been put forward to sanitize our country’s dubious origins in order to deflect charges that our forebears were just the scum of the earth. Australian schoolchildren were always taught that people were transported to New South Wales as convicts for "stealing a loaf of bread". The probability is that the person who ‘stole the loaf of bread’ had stolen many loaves of bread before being caught, and was just as likely to have been a professional thief. Over and above this is the fact that theft was taken very seriously, being as it is an offence against one of the Ten Commandments. The entirely reasonable attitude to a crime of this gravity - totally lost on our morally corrupt society - is that a person who will steal a loaf of bread is just as likely to rob a bank, if they can get away with it! Theft is theft!

But our political progressives want a rationalistic, ideologically based approach which will bring the problem within the orbit of intellectual theorizing. They definitely do not want an approach which will foreclose innovative thinking and in the process put the innovative thinker out of a job as well! As such the last thing these types want to know about is traditional attitudes to crime and criminals, because unlike the ‘progressive thinker’, proponents of this approach are not purporting to ‘change the world’ according to some loopy ideology. Traditional ideas of crime and criminals pursue an entirely pragmatic goal of deterring specific criminal activity with specific punishments. They are not using the criminal justice system to work a wholesale change in human nature.


During the Vietnam War everyone supported the underlying anti-communist philosophy behind this war. Then, following on from the ‘social revolution’ of the baby-boom era, fuddy-duddy anti-communism became unstylish and all of a sudden, among the cultural elite, no-one supported the war. (It is worth noting that governments were still being re-elected on strong pro-war platforms even into the seventies.) I clearly recall thinking at the time that all the writers, all the artists, all the intellectuals, all the rock stars and movie stars are against the war. Not 50%, not 70%, but all of them. This was too good to be true. There was obviously something going on here which had precious little to do with South East Asian politics, or international affairs. To say I smelt a rat would be the understatement of the millennium! I thought: "Sorry, things just do not change like this!" People were now falling over themselves to avoid being portrayed as old fashioned right-wingers. These days, the ‘old fogies’ of the Right have been replaced by the ‘new fogies’ of the Left. In the eyes of younger generations coming along, the old-time baby-boomers will increasingly take on this stigma because ideas they formerly espoused are so out of touch with the realities of contemporary life.

( "We’ve come a long way baby, but we’ve got a long way to go!")

The endlessly repeated catchcry of feminists is that "we have come a long way baby, but we’ve still got a long way to go". The same lament is raised in connection with related political struggles on behalf of blacks and homosexuals. And as with these other ‘social justice’ causes, feminism should never really have ‘gone’ anywhere in the first place. The idea is that vast changes have taken place in society as a result of aggressively pursued social justice activism in recent decades. These supposed ‘huge advances’ are really just so much window dressing which paper over a fundamental gulf which exists between political rhetoric and reality. In the 1970’s Ansett airlines was prosecuted by a woman who sought to overturn a ban on employing women pilots. The woman duly won her case and the airline was forced to employ her. How many women pilots now fly for Australian airlines? Few, if any, I daresay. Women make up a mere 1% of pilots in the Australian Air Force (Age 28.7.99). Whilst, probably none of these women fly state of the art combat aircraft, I am frankly amazed that the figure is so high! My question is: if women have not yet ‘made it’ in a whole host of vocations which they were supposedly unfairly excluded from, when are they going to? When is it all going to start happening? Next year? In twenty years time? In fifty years time? In the 22nd century? When the media and the ABC become a bit more left-wing and politically correct? When?? In the US, female representation in congress is around 10%. Not a particularly impressive figure in the home of strident feminism, a feminism which has been running rampant for the last thirty to forty years. If women have not made it in the US political system by now, how and when are they going to?

We now have women in their forties, and even fifties, who grew up in homes where the mother was a radical feminist and the father a left-wing feminist supporter. Why are these women not running for and getting elected to Congress? Are they being told by pre-selection committees ‘Sorry, you’re just a mere woman, we can’t possibly have you as our candidate’. Yeah, right! I’m sure that happens all the time! Twenty years ago - even ten years ago - feminists could assert that ‘we still have a long way to go to achieve equality, but this goal is wholly achievable'. But after what is now decades of aggressive, virtually unchallenged, feminist activism this argument is beginning to wear a little thin.

What has all the activism then proved? Well the argument is that at least women are free to choose. This is a rather limp argument given that the subtext is that it is only the vigorous oppression of women pursued by evil, prejudiced men which has kept women down. In fact, the overt discrimination practiced against women has been a ‘post-facto’ discrimination. Recognizing that women don’t want to enter, or have no aptitude for, certain vocations, in the past, rules have been laid down that women shall be excluded. This rule is itself not the reason why women have not ‘advanced up’ the social scale. Women have not dominated simply because it is not in the nature of women to aggressively take on a leadership role, and it is the nature of men to do so. But this of course does not lend itself to political activism!

Consider the following: A poll conducted by the magazine Cosmo found that 68% of 3000 young women said they would stop working if they could afford to. Now one might retort that 98% of young males might say exactly the same thing. [‘After feminism, it's back to the little woman’, Maureen Dowd, The Age, 9 June 2000]. But this finding amounts to a huge rebuke for feminism. Why?

Because the goal of women advancing up the corporate ladder out there in the world of industry and commerce is the very battleground which feminism has marked out for itself. The feminist fantasy is that all these newly liberated women, formerly imprisoned in the home, are now champing at the bit to achieve upward mobility This is what women really want, the story goes, but they have been pushed down by men. The desire of a significant number of women to simply remain homebodies hardly sounds like a recipe for a social revolution. So, except that many women in our society must work because in today's socio-economic climate families need two incomes to survive, what really has fundamentally changed? A statistic like that quoted above demonstrates that the whole thing is being driven by elitist women for elitist women, not women per se. This is my whole contrary thesis in a nutshell.

After decades of strident feminism men still, as they always have done, dominate even in areas of particular relevance to women such as fashion design and cheffing. During the 73 year history of the Soviet Union, state ideology dictated that women were equal to men, and there was official encouragement for women to participate in traditionally male domains. The Russians were the first to put a woman into space. Women were highly represented as engineers and doctors. (Doctors actually had a somewhat lowly status in the former USSR due to the fact that, according to principles of egalitarianism - which in Soviet parlance meant that everyone should suffer equally! - they only received the same pay as factory workers.) And yet for all that, women have played practically no role in political leadership of the country. There have been few if any women in high positions of power either in the former Soviet Union or post-Soviet Russia. This is where real equality between men and women would show itself if it had any valid basis.

This vast panorama of so-called ‘change’ is actually so much ideologically endorsed window-dressing. Advocates of this thinking confuse external appearances with reality. People will point to a vast array of machinery for bringing about social change and portray this as change itself. Accordingly, the argument is that there has been a huge improvement in the status of women, a tremendous increase in the participation of women in all areas of human achievement. The reality is a little different. Women are really no more in the position of controlling our society than they ever have been. What people are seeing is not a fantastic leap forward for women, but only a leap forward in the ways we have thought up to try to bring this result about - whatever those ‘results’ may be, and this is usually the stuff of waffly, nebulous rhetoric! This is all so much rationalization!

The rationalization consists of any half-baked scheme dreamt up on behalf of some supposedly put upon minority group. The rhetoric and intellectual theory are considered to be ends in themselves, since reality is always subservient to PC ideology. The actual advancement itself is not the issue. In the case of Aborigines, the approach has been that if you throw vast amounts of money in the general direction of Aborigines this will lead to their social advancement. What happens though is that the government builds a house for an Aboriginal extended family and they proceed to trash it. No matter though the money has been spent and that is taken to be the object of the exercise.

Likewise, a whole raft of racial and homosexual vilification laws are seen as the cutting edge of campaigns to end ‘racism’ and ‘homophobia’. These laws are not going to change anything, except freedom of expression. They are considered to be a huge leap forward because society is seen as an essentially rational organism which will inevitably conform to ‘right thinking’. Unfortunately, this ‘right thinking’ exists solely in the realms of abstract theorizing.

Imagine a society where you walk around and see factories all over the landscape, producing planes, boats and cars. You would consider this society to be awfully productive and forward moving. Now imagine a society where you are told that this factory makes the tools we will use to make the planes, and this factory is producing the tools we will use to make the boats, and that factory is making the tools we will use to make the cars. In fact the tools are no good, and they are not going to make anything at all, but they give the appearance of progress. All the paraphernalia of social engineering which political ‘progressives’ employ to achieve their much touted ‘outcomes’ - consciousness raising, political platforms, affirmative action programmes, government funding, think tanks, politically correct speech, and all the rest, is just so much machinery which stands in place of, and itself comes to signify, the actual achievement of real social change.



A left-wing friend of mine - yes, I have had one or two in the past, though I try to make sure I don't have any now - once tried to improve my mind (an impossibility!) by plying me with books by Rousseau, Voltaire and the like. Rousseau’s works are full of invocations of ‘the common good’ and the ‘general will’. One of the things Rousseau said was that ‘Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains’. His ideas about the Noble Savage were combined with the curious belief, completely confuted by history, that man is essentially good. This erroneous estimation of human character led him to formulate ideas of a ‘general will’ to which we all might be subject and, in his words, be ‘forced to be free’. Of course, it is all very convenient that the intellectual elitists who are the ones ‘forcing us to be free’ are also the ones who are defining for us what is the ‘common good’ and the ‘general will’ to which we should all be subjected. All this is typical of contemporary ideas of political activism and ‘progressive thinking’.

‘High-minded, idealistic concern for the oppressed’ was actually just another bauble of the baby-boom generation. This was the famous ‘Me-Generation’ whose chief characteristic was, and remains, total self-indulgence. They have a world view which reflects this self-centred attitude. Theirs was a philosophy of no constraints. Just as they had a philosophy of materialism and no constraints regarding morals and sexual conduct, so there would be no constraints in how they would choose to interpret reality. For the baby-boomers everything was always so easy. (It is a wonder Monty Python didn't do a skit on the 'ideological lolly shop'. "I'll have some peace please, and justice - I'll have two of those. Oh, and you'd better throw in some equality!". "That'll be two shillings and sixpence please.") The spiritual side of the baby-boomers consisted merely of the rhetoric of outward concern for humanity. The baby-boomer’s world view was both egocentric and egotistical. It was egocentric because the baby-boomers lacked a sense of personal meaning to their lives. It was egotistical because it all came down to pretensions to moral and intellectual superiority.

Our shallow materialistic society worships youth. The story during the sixties, and since, has been that young people have some ineffable wisdom not possessed by their elders. Now where this stemmed from is an intriguing question. It is apparent on the face of it that, given their limited experience of life, young people basically know nothing about anything (the sixties' era would seem to be a prime illustration of this). And why should they? They have had precious little exposure to the many and varied experiences of life and human relationships. What they have had in abundance is book learning. This education in political rhetoric and ‘brave idealism’ is casually and very superficially equated with wisdom.

This was the first generation of people in human history which had never had to struggle to survive. Even the parents of the baby-boomers had lived lives of struggle and deprivation. They had lived through world wars and depression. The pampered baby-boomers of the fifties and especially the sixties had all their basic needs for food, shelter and clothing met. The economic status of the fifties generation gave rise to the phenomenon of rock music, driven by the teenage dollar. The kindergarten revolutionaries of the sixties - the first generation of young people in history who had more or less complete economic freedom - were just spoiled brats expressing their angst at having no overarching purpose in their lives. When people are striving to survive - the natural state of affairs - the meaning of life comes down to where does the next meal come from. After all the material needs are met, then sets in the spiritual emptiness which manifests itself in a desperate quest for inner meaning, and not finding it, necessarily a deep-seated self-loathing. This was combined with contempt for the society which had failed so miserably to supply them with any real purpose in life. This included parents, institutions, the whole of western culture. The logical result - a complete and total rejection of authority. It follows that if you take a revolt against authority far enough you will end up with a quest for freedom from reality itself.

If progressive thinking cannot solve a problem it will simply be interpreted out of existence. ‘Juvenile delinquency’, for example, no longer exists. How was this achieved? The term is simply no longer used. Instead, we are now dealing with misunderstood ‘street kids’ whose quest for individual freedom is to be applauded and encouraged. They are in effect rebels against child abuse, which is to say parental discipline. Has this stopped kids throwing bricks through shop windows? No, but it has enabled us to reduce a social problem to intellectually understandable terms which allows us to chatter endlessly about supposed ‘solutions’.

Of course, sixties apologists deflect these charges by constantly bleating about the ‘selfless concern for others’ supposedly demonstrated by the protest generation. The basic line is: ‘Who are you to question my motives if I am doing good?’ But what good was done? The answer is a highly rationalized recitation of events. They were really working in their own interests. Marching down the street with a peace sign was just a lot of awfully good fun. It was straight out self-indulgence to be purporting to change the world, even if it involved character assassination of various people falsely demonised for one’s own purposes. One renegade from that era reflected that ‘we might not have changed the world but we got a few racists and right-wingers going’. Yes, that was it, wasn’t it? This was roughly equivalent to shooting twenty people dead on the basis that you are pretty sure that one of them was a child-molester. (Yes, I know, the politically correct don’t believe in capital punishment, least of all for the scum who especially deserve it!). Bob Santamaria used to accuse anti-war protesters of being paid by the Kremlin. Whilst I never believed that, in a funny sort of way what he said had a kernel of truth to it. Protesters got a buzz out of their activities which was better than mere monetary reward.

The ‘racist, right-wingers’ (so-called) were probably in the main entirely reasonable people labeled as such for reasons of convenience. So what that you have shot twenty innocent people dead! In Mao’s China many were killed on the grounds that they could be labeled so-called ‘right-wing, capitalist roaders’ - people who were otherwise committed communists. What this term actually meant, who knows, but for the victims it was a life and death issue. I call this the ‘broken window’ analogy. Which is easier: to put a brick through a shop window, or to be lumbered with the job of cleaning up the mess, and paying for it? The politically correct tirade against any and every traditional, moral value without regard to the justness of their assertions. Just so long as you can rationalize some half-arsed scenario of injustice and inequality no matter how whacky it might sound. This is like unjustly pointing the finger at someone and labeling them a child-molester. You walk away, and the innocent victim spends the rest of his life trying to clear his name.

Is all this selfish or selfless? Are you selfless if others have to pay the price for the edification of your ego? Take the biggest lefto-liberal cause of the postwar era - the Vietnam War. I recall ABC presenter Maxine McKew speaking of people who supported the Vietnam War as being on ‘the wrong side of history’. Now by what mental gymnastics do you arrive at the point where you can look at the outcome of this war and conclude that this country and its long-suffering people are on ‘the right side of history’? Of course Ms. McKew refers to the ‘glorious struggle of the people’ for national self-determination. The plain fact is these people are simply living in an oppressive communist totalitarian police state - a state of affairs chardonnay sipping, croissant nibbling, western liberals like Ms. McKew would not personally endure in a purple fit! Of course, the Vietnam War was supposed by communist sympathizing left-wing fellow-travelers of the sixties to have been all about ‘nationalism’, not communism. So, the millions who fled Indo-China in the wake of the communist victory there were fleeing from ‘nationalism’?? Apparently yes! Here we have one of the more flagrant contradictions of left liberalism. These types are forever obsessing about ‘racism’ and yet the subtext of anti war philosophy was basically that whilst no western middle class left-winger would tolerate living under communism - this was quite OK if you were one of these little yellow-skinned south-east Asians! In any other context this kind of thinking is supposed to amount to a racist mindset.

The story of the Vietnam War, in passing, conforms to the old story that victory has a thousand fathers, whilst defeat is an orphan. Anti-war philosophy in those days proceeded on the basis that communism was not the bogeyman that it was made out to be by more pedestrian thinkers. The fundamental argument against Vietnam was ostensibly a moral one, but it was basically founded on objections to the so-called Domino Theory. This was a geopolitical assessment of the situation - an entirely reasonable one, in view of the fact that practically every country in South East Asia had been under direct threat of a communist takeover at this time. There were five star generals in the Pentagon - not exactly heroes of the protest movement! - who might have agreed. But they would not necessarily have equated the rightness or otherwise of the Domino Theory with a moral assessment of the Vietnam War. Those who were out on the streets covered in sheep’s blood were making a fairly pointed moral statement which would ultimately stand or fall on the question of whether a war against communism was a war against evil - not just a judgment about geopolitics. The real reason why left-wingers took the moral view they did was because they shared the political philosophy of the communist side. They had the most benign view possible of communist ideology, especially if it was someone else but them who had to suffer under a marxist regime. Wherever possible, they downplayed any idea that communism was evil or dangerous. It would be gnawing at the vitals of their own world view to do otherwise. The philosophical tendency which says that you can bring about a world of peace, justice and equality through a workers’ (or peasants') revolution is the same mentality which says that you can bring about ‘women’s equality’ and ‘racial equality’ etc. through consciousness raising and political action.

It hardly need be said that had the Americans won a quick decisive victory in Vietnam before the protest movement of professional agitators got going, the war would have been remembered as a great triumph for western democracy. Who can seriously deny that a western orientated South Vietnam would today be a vibrant economically prosperous society, whose citizens would be able to live a half-decent life, if it had been kept out of communist hands. A point of crucial significance too is that subsequent history has revealed that the war was hatched and prosecuted by the Hanoi regime. The principal article of faith which drove the protest movement - which was manifest twaddle even back then - was that the war was all about a spontaneous uprising of the people of South Vietnam. The war was a conventional case of international aggression by the communist North against South Vietnam. (go to an article published in the Economist, February 26, 1983 'We lied to you') This alone justified American intervention. (By virtue of this being the official US government line on Vietnam, this essentially sound interpretation of the situation was simply ignored.)

Despite all the conventional wisdom about how we are supposed to remember the Vietnam War as a completely pointless exercise in keeping a people out of the grip of communism, commentators with a liberalistic political bent, routinely look at Vietnam today and look longingly for ‘economic reform’ ie. a movement towards creating a capitalist - a capitalist! - economy. They look hopefully for signs that the country is ‘moving forward’ towards economic liberalization, which is equated with prosperity and well-being for the people. In the meantime communism in the nineties has collapsed in a screaming heap. In the face of all this an ABC commentator looks at a world where capitalism is triumphant and communism is dead and smugly pontificates that friends of the latter are on the ‘right side of history’! Well the ‘glorious people’s revolution’ has landed a people under the heel of an oppressive political system when they might otherwise be free. If that is ‘the right side of history’ I give up!

And what was supposed to happen if Vietnam became a victim of so-called 'American imperialism' anyway? Would it become a colony of the U.S.? Would all its natural resources be hauled away by its American rulers? Would rich Americans move there and be pulled around in rickshaws by Vietnamese coolies? Would Vietnamese be shipped over to America to work as slaves on the cotton plantations? Did anything like that happen to the Germans or the Japanese after World War 2, to the South Koreans, the Taiwanese? Who? All those nations have remained independent prosperous countries as everyone knows.

In reality, the anti-Vietnam types knew all along that the people there would wind up living in a communist totalitarian police state. They were just crossing their fingers and hoping that it would only be mildly repressive - something like, the allegedly moderate communist regimes of Yugoslavia and yes, would you believe - Cuba! (despite evidence of mass killings by Castro and Che Guevara). This latter fact never seems to come into play when leftists rant about other Latin American leaders such as Pinochet! In fact, commensurate with the sublime conceit and self-absorption of these people, I really believe that the Indochinese communist leaders were expected to curb their worst political excesses when they came to power, in recognition of the support western 'college kids' and other 'brave idealists' had given them during the war.

The Vietnam War was a touchstone of the ideological war of our times. Just what ‘lessons’ are we supposed to have learned from that episode which have stood the test of time? Nothing at all really. I mean, being ‘right about Vietnam’ was supposed to give us all exactly what new perspective on life? To paraphrase the sixties line 'Oh, that you shouldn't stand in the way of the glorious struggle of the people for self-determination, Man!'. While white middle class kids in the western world back then are getting an education at university with everything in life handed to them on a platter, they entertain themselves with this stuff. And I'm thinking then as now, 'Hey Vietnam isn't some kind of theme park, it isn't a museum, it isn't Madame Tussauds, there are actually living breathing people there, people like you and me.' Comparing the sloganeering, then with the situation there now, with what one could predict to be the case in the future, one can foresee these people are just going to wind up living under a vicious communist dictatorship. A situation in which middle class leftos, would just roll over, curl up and die!

No, Communism is as evil as it was always thought to be. The argument that the U.S. was an evil ‘imperialist’ power sounds a bit limp when one considers that Reagan’s U.S. won the Cold War, defeated Soviet communism, became the world’s sole superpower, and yet did not immediately embark upon a course of worldwide imperialistic conquest, notwithstanding that no country in the world was militarily able to stand against it! My personal favourite is that in Vietnam ‘a small Third World country stood up to a superpower and won’. Well, sorry, this ‘small Third World country’ ie. the political / military communist elite controlled by the Hanoi regime never won a single battle in Vietnam. The communist victory was won on the streets of American cities during the protest era. Indeed, one could qualify this comment by observing that the South Vietnamese resistance to takeover by the communist North might well have succeeded had Richard Nixon survived the Watergate scandal (which itself grew out of the insane hatred of Nixon by the liberal/left-wing cultural elite) and remained in office.

It is intriguing that western intellectuals throughout the twentieth century consistently supported Marxist philosophy despite its demonstrable failures. They would support it openly still if it was possible to, following the collapse of communism in the 90’s. The self indulgent pursuit of personal freedom on the part of western intellectuals - the freedom to be progressive and stylish and intellectually superior - means misery for others a little more engaged with the real world!

An old political adage states that if you are under thirty and you are not a socialist, you have no heart; if you are over thirty and you are a socialist, you have no brain! Two Australian politicians who had plenty of heart back in the sixties and seventies were Bob Hawke and Paul Keating. Yet, when these men came to power in the eighties what did they do? They brought this country ‘economic rationalism’. Now unless I am mistaken, economic rationalism is just another name for untrammeled capitalism. But wait! Was not the preferred social philosophy of baby-boomers like Messrs Hawke and Keating socialism? Indeed, did not the hippies metamorphosize into the capitalistic yuppies of the eighties and nineties, with their unbridled consumerism and lust for material possessions? I thought all that stuff was a no-no for the bright young things of the sixties. If so, isn’t this a wonderful opportunity for ex-sixties activists to chant (collectively of course): ‘Hey, we were WROOOONG!!’ This is hardly likely. They think they have superior ideas, superior intellect, superior consciousness, superior this, superior that. But what they really have is just superior effrontery in promoting themselves.