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If you want to sell an item E-mail me at: You will sell it for half price.

These items will help you along your quest to become the gratest fighter in the world. Items can be sold back to any Item Shop for half price and to another player for three-quarters of the original price and under. If an item has a || symbol under it, it may be put into a capsule, so you can use it anytime.
Item Name   Item Description and Effect Cost (©)  
Senzu Bean   Restores 50 HP. 50  
Super Bean   Restores 100 HP. 100  
Hyper Bean   Restores 200 HP. 175  
Max Bean   Restores all HP. 300  
Power Potion   Restores 5 PP. 100  
Super Potion   Restores 10 PP. 200  
Hyper Potion   Restores 20 PP. 300  
Max Potion   Restores all PP. 600  
Body Armor Level 1   The armor that Vegeta wears when he first comes to Earth. Raisies DEF by 2 and lowes SPD by 1; can take up to 100 damage and then breaks apart. 200  
Body Armor Level 2   The armor that Vegeta gets on Namek. Raises DEF by 2 and SPD by 1; can take up to 150 damage and then breaks apart. 400  
Steroids   Must have an INT level below 5 in order to use. Multiplies STR by 5 and everything else by 0.1. 50  
Sword   Must have an INT level above 7 in order to use. Multiplies ATK by 4. 1000  
Grenade   When used, roll a 2-sided die. If it's a 1, this item does 200 damage to your opponent. If it's a 2, this item does 100 damage to each player currently on the battlefield. 750  
Phoenix Down   Revives a dead ally with half HP. 500  
Extra Attribute Point   Gives you one additional attribute point. 250  
HP up   Raises HP by 20. 1000  
PP up   Raises PP of one move by 2. 2000  
Potara Earrings   Allows one to fuse with another person of the same race. 10000  
Space Pod ||   Allows one to make interplanetary journies. 12000  
Scouter   Increases REF by one point. This Scouter is useless against Ki levels above 10,000. 500  
Super Scouter   Increases REF by two points. This Scouter is useless against Ki levels above 100,000. 2000  
Hyper Scouter   Increases REF by three points. This Scouter is useless against Ki levels above 1,000,000. 5000  
Max Scouter   Increases REF by four points. This Scouter is useless against Ki levels above 10,000,000. 7500  
Move Machine   Teaches user a new move of his or her choice. 2000 per move point  
Nun Chucks   Instead of attacking, you may roll a 2-sided die. If it's a 1, deal 60 damage to the defender. If it's a 2, deal 100 damage to the defender. 1000  
Steak Knife   Instead of attacking, you may choose to deal 90 damage to the defender. 1500  
Combat Knife   Instead of attacking, you may choose to deal 180 damage to the defender. 3000  
Capsule   Allows large items (the ones with a || symbol under them) to be carried along. 100  
Combat Jet
  Allows one to use bullets and missiles and travel faster. Can take damage equivalent to 500 HP. 50000  
Bullets (pack of 250)
  Bullets to load onto the Combat Jet. No matter what the opponent's ki level is, these deal 50 damage each. Limit of 1000 per Combat Jet. You may fire up to 10 Bullets every turn. Roll a 2-sided die for every Bullet fired. If it's a 1, the Bullet does nothing. 750  
  Missiles to load onto the Combat Jet. No matter what the opponent's ki level is, these deal 1000 damage each. Limit of 8 per Combat Jet. When you fire a Missile, roll a 15-sided die. Missiles only deal damage if the die lands on a 1. 2000  
Your character may be upgraded.
Upgrade Name   Description Cost (©)  
Android Conversion   Transforms character into android: Costs ©20000 more for ki manipulation ability.* 20000